Bethany Beached: Day 35!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 23, 2023

It has been 35 days since John Carney hastily canceled his Bethany Hall-Long fundraiser, which happened mere days after he had hastily endorsed her.  With any luck, we won’t hear from him again until his annual State Of The State address.  Whether BHL will be on the podium as Lieutenant Governor is at best a 50-50 proposition.

It has been 26 days since BHL announced that all of her campaign finance records were being audited. Presumably by somebody.  She announced back on Sept. 28 that she was suspending fundraising and her campaign.  At some point, she resumed her campaign, but didn’t announce it.  Anyone know if she’s resumed raising money?

She has gone through her (corrupt) husband, a campaign finance compliance expert from Rhode Island, and an accounting clerk with the Insurance Department as her three official treasurers this year, after only having had her (corrupt) husband serving in that role dating back to at least 2015.  The accounting clerk is still taking classes at Del-Tech, and is not an accountant.

She has provided no update on the supposed audit, she has not responded to the Karl Baker story about the anonymous LLC that her husband and her former top aide formed while the top aide was still working for Bethany.  She has surfaced, at least briefly, at some campaign events, but, like the Go-Gos, her lips are sealed.

I intend for this to be a daily feature until/unless BHL comes clean with all of us.  Coming tomorrow:  Burning questions! (No, not talking about the possible illegal burning of stolen campaign signs, although…)

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  1. puck says:

    Props for the title!

  2. Shakemyhead says:

    This I am sure of…

    If BHL did respond to the Karl Baker’s story, it would sound just….like…this…

    “After much consultation with 3 State lawyers, and other well-healed Delawarean ‘experts,’ we have been advised that what my husband did was not technically illegal. There is no statue that says exactly that my husband can’t start a LLC to make money.”