Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023

The media news-scape is cluttered with war porn, but not so much that it pushed the Trump porn out of the picture. Horse-race stories about the House speakership round out the only news that fits.

The big Middle East news is that Joe Biden will travel to Israel and Jordan on Wednesday. He’ll probably find the warring factions there easier to deal with than the Republican fuckwads in Washington.

One of Trump’s judges – I forget which one, it’s hard to keep them straight – hit the cosmetically enhanced fatso with a partial gag order, which, in the most predictable event ever, he immediately violated.

By yesterday afternoon Ohio’s Jim Jordan looked to have bullied his way to the speakership by threatening retribution against anyone who voted against him (when this kind of shit happens in African or Asian nations we decry them as uncivilized brutes and warlords, and we aren’t wrong). But late last night word emerged of a dark horse candidate who can deny him the victory.

And people wonder why Jason 330 hung up his spikes. The floor’s yours. Try to avoid puking on it.

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