Bethany Beached: Day 36!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 24, 2023


There is none.  I looked. I scoured.  But not my kitchen.

We’ll fill the gap with bon mots from the bethanyforde site.  Her last two–tweets?

I was excited to join Delaware State University today at their Homecoming Parade! Our HBCU has been a pillar of strength, education and empowerment in Delaware for generations. Let’s honor the legacy of HBCUs and the bright futures they continue to build. Go Hornets!!

I’m a mom and a nurse. And as our next Governor, I’ll never back down when it comes to keeping our communities safe and our rights protected.

That’s quite the relief.  I was terrified she’d back down.  I mean, everyone wants unsafe communities, right? She’s a veritable Profile In Courage.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who’s the Boldest Lieutenant Governor of All?”:

Answered, unbidden in her bio:

And for the last six years, Bethany has served boldly as the 26th Lieutenant Governor of Delaware.

And you just thought she was a vapid placeholder.  Why, I’d venture to say that she’s at least as bold as Dale Wolf.

What’s that? You’re right. I promised burning questions.   Here goes:

1. Is it possible that BHL’s radio silence could be due in part to investigations of illegalities? We know the AG can’t talk. Perhaps it’s why BHL won’t talk.  If true, kinda sucks to be running for governor while under investigation, doesn’t it?

2. Anyone seen Tanner Polce lately?  I mean, other than being Dana Long’s partner in that hinky LLC?  I got this tidbit from July of 2020:

Dover is gearing up for their special municipal election after a city councilman decided to step down. Councilman Tanner Polce represented the city’s first district and recently resigned. Polce says he wants to move away from Dover to expand his family.

What? Is he moving somewhere that doesn’t frown on plural marriages?  There’s a Tanner Polce with some kind of job with the Brandywine SPCA.  Any recent LLC filings for a puppy mill racket?

3.  Does Dana Long have a job? If not, couldn’t Valerie Longhurst hook him up with a no-show Police Athletic League gig?  You know, The Little Creek PAL?  Oh, it doesn’t exist? More’s the better.

Hey, man, can’t give it up all at once.  Don’t know how long this Bethany Beached thing will last.  Back tomorrow with the latest news and the slimiest innuendo on L’Affaire Bethany.


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  1. *Coming tomorrow- a deep dive into Delaware Way insiderism.

    *-Unless BHL finally goes public.

    BTW, keep up the tips. I read ’em all and, when they bear fruit, I incorporate them, though not in the LLC sense. Except for the secrecy part.

  2. BLT says:

    She told her supporters and donors the other week that she was going to release the “audit” that week. Then she apparently told them she would do it this week. She obviously has something to cover up.

    • Who is ‘conducting the audit’? Do you know?

      • BLT says:

        This Roshan Patel guy from DC who is also her political consultant/senior campaign advisor. So much for impartiality, but also she evidently lied in her statement when she talked about hiring forensic accountants. This woman isn’t fit to lead the government of an entire state let alone a one car funeral procession.

  3. mediawatch says:

    Starting to think she’ll hire one of Trump’s accountants to finish up the audit.

  4. Disgusted says:

    It is repugnant that you would defame Tanner Polce like this.

    Hes a great guy and this is completely disgusting.

    • This ‘great’ guy formed a secret LLC with Bethany Hall-Long’s husband. For about three years, he was BHL’s top assistant while engaged in this LLC, which enabled Dana Long to use insider connections to acquire Section 8 housing. BHL reported nothing about it, although she benefited from it, and was required to put it on her financial statements.

      He got a DUI while a Dover City Councilman, then suddenly resigned.

      You’ll be even MORE pissed off tomorrow when you see how the Delaware Way sprung into action to get him his current job.

      Oh, almost forgot, please point to where I defamed him. You know, just so we’re on the same page.

      • Disgusted says:

        WTF is a “secret” LLC?

        He bought real estate with a mortgage. A PRIVATE MORTGAGE. USING HIS OWN MONEY. How is that criminal, unethical or even shady???

        What “insider connections” were used to buy real estate that was for sale?

        You are so desperate for this transaction to be illegal or unethical that youve completely sacrificed your own reputaiton and credibility. What you are saying is either purposefully misleading or delusional.

        Why is it a problem for this guy to buy real estate with someone AND PAY FOR IT OUT OF HIS OWN POCKET? And why do you think its a problem to buy real estate with your boss’s family member? Please point to ANYTHING that says that is unethical or illegal. People become friends ya know. It happens.

        You said he was a bigamist above, remember the whole plural marriage thing. You dont think thats defamatory? Let me give you a hint – accusing someone of committing a crime is defamatory unless its true.

        § 1001. Bigamy; class G felony. A person is guilty of bigamy when the person contracts or purports to contract a marriage with another person knowing the person has a living spouse, or knowing the other person has a living
        spouse. Bigamy is a class G felony.

        Mr. Polce isnt a public figure either.

        You are so hung up on this issue that youve lost all insight and objectivity on the topic. Youre being petulant and childish.

        • Hmmm, your rantings look familiar.

          If you’re new to the blog, what disgusts me a whole lot, is the casual corruption at the core of the Delaware Way.

          Mr. Polce took advantage of his position to engage in a partnership with Dana Long, who took advantage of his position to make money off of this hinky LLC.

          At the time, Mr. Polce was BHL’s top aide, and was in business with Mr. Long away from the prying eyes of the public. A business where Dana Long could trade on his public, I mean, GOVERNMENT, position, to gain an advantage unavailable to others.

          In addition to being a public figure by dint of his work with BHL, he was also a Dover city councilman. Until that very public DUI. That is, by definition, a public figure.

          Neither Polce, Dana Long, or Bethany Hall-Long were open or, for that matter, have yet to be open, about the LLC and whether BHL profited from it.

          I said he was a bigamist? Really? Just pointed out the sheer ridiculousness of the following statement:

          “Dover is gearing up for their special municipal election after a city councilman decided to step down. Councilman Tanner Polce represented the city’s first district and recently resigned. Polce says he wants to move away from Dover to expand his family.”

          As if he couldn’t expand his family in Dover. You get the point yet, Bueller?

          You people are touchy as fuck. You’ve made your point as best you can. You’re not gonna make it twice.


          • I THOUGHT your rantings looked familiar.

            Same person who has used multiple nom de plumes, including ‘nom de plume’, which we warned you was against Board rules.

            Your last comment was your LAST comment.

        • Al Catraz says:

          Fine. Why not explain what precipitated the “audit” and why BHL lied about hiring forensic accountants to conduct it.

          Simple, no?

          Because in the absence of anyone standing up and telling the truth, people will speculate.

      • Luther says:

        The Delaware Way? Does this also apply to the Biden secret LLC’s? You seem informed so just asking.