DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 25, 2023

Another day, another failed attempt to elect a Speaker of the House. Contestant No. 3 lasted just four hours, not even long enough to be doxxed by MAGA World, so Republicans are going to try again today with Mike Johnson – if that’s his real name – of Louisiana. Given their proclivities, I expect them to start suing each other over this any day now.

Does the level of Republican dysfunction in the House portend the final breakup of the party? One historian thinks so, detecting in the caucus’ irresolvable differences the kind of rancor that in the past has led to parties realigning. Maybe the Republicans could merge with a more moderating party – the National Socialists, perhaps.

I’ll say this for Nixon – Watergate was easier to follow than the unholy clusterfuck of lawsuits against Trump. Another of his F Troop of lawyers has copped a plea, and at this point we need to print them all on a deck of cards to keep them straight. I think this one was the seven of hearts.

As if you needed another reason to hate on Boomers, the news is they’re getting old and failing to die quickly. So as the Largest Generation slouches toward decrepitude, caregiving is falling to their already overworked and overstressed children. What the article doesn’t mention: Some of those Boomers are still caring for nonagenarian parents. Which brings up the question I saw an internet wag post the other day: What kind of world are we leaving for Keith Richards?

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Looks like Johnson might make it. He’s quite the right-wing asshole. From Politico:

    “But it turns out Johnson doesn’t have nearly as many enemies as some of his higher-profile colleagues. And, much to his benefit, Republicans decided — after the sudden, Donald Trump-assisted termination of Majority Whip Tom Emmer’s speaker candidacy yesterday — that they’re sick and tired of looking like total fools.

    Drawing on his experience in constitutional law, Johnson was the lead organizer of an amicus brief, ultimately signed by 125 other House Republicans, backing the Texas-led lawsuit asking the Supreme Court to intervene in the vote counting in key swing states Biden won. (The court declined to hear the case.)

    Johnson was pressed on the brief Tuesday night — and was promptly and angrily shouted down by other Republicans. “Next question,” Johnson said to ABC News’ Rachel Scott.”

  2. anon says:

    For me, this from a commenter on a blog, sums up current and future Trump team flipping stories:

    “Also, flipping on Trump is a complete no-brainer. Unlike all the mafia people Trump likes to emulate, Trump has never had anyone killed, and isn’t likely to. He has also never set anyone up for life carefree after they have taken the fall for him. He doesn’t do the two things you need to do if you want to prevent people from flipping on you. He is a coward, and he is stingy, and unloyal.

    I am amazed how far all the idiots did stick their necks out already for this gross idiot. But now that actual prison is a possibility, I can’t imagine any sane person not taking any plea deal they are offered. The only delay here is from lawyers negotiating the best terms possible for their clients. That’s it.”

  3. Clay says:

    “… the news is they’re getting old and failing to die quickly.”

    Where are those Obamacare death panels when you need them?

    On a serious note, the republican dysfunction is fun for now, but the we are approaching the fiscal cliff rapidly and without a clear path forward. A government shutdown will likely make the dysfunction worse. Dems taking the ideological stance and voting against a pliable McCarthy looks like a worse rescission every day

  4. Arthur says:

    Serious question – can some one please explain to me the rational behind the stay against trumps gag order. The judge issues the gag order, it is immediately violated and then the judge says “ah never mind, lets for get about it for a while”, which allows trump to be even more brazen with his attacks.

    is the just just a spineless coward?

  5. Andrew C says:

    Mike Johnson, the youngest and least experienced Speaker in over a century. This will go well.

    Doesn’t the choice of a no-name MAGA chud make it easy for Democrats to define him in the upcoming election? This seems like a bad play for the GOP to me. “MAGA Mike” is a nickname that works perfectly.

    • delacrat says:

      “MAGA Mike” isn’t going to dissuade Republican voters.

      Jim Crow Joe, Status Quo Joe, NATO Joe….now those dissuade Democrat voters.

    • Clay says:

      Dems who sat on the sidelines and refused to vote for McCarthy own this disaster. Full stop.

      • Alby says:

        It’s a disaster? Can I get you a Depends?

      • Clay says:

        Maybe you can explain why a rabid evangelical magat is a step up from a wounded republican who at least made some minimal compromises.

        • Alby says:

          Maybe you can explain how it will be different. And McCarthy didn’t make any compromises he actually kept, which is why Democrats didn’t do him any favors.

          Seriously, you’ll drive yourself crazy worrying about everything that might happen. You can save yourself a lot of mental anguish by ignoring any story that leans on the word “could.”

          The fact is that none of us, even this guy’s wife, knows what he’ll do in this office. He doesn’t know himself. So why should any of us piss our pants over it?

          • Clay says:

            I’m not pissing my pants, I’m assigning blame. Going from
            an known quantity to an unknown with a pretty awful track record is a step down by any reasonable measure

            • Alby says:

              Nobody’s measure but your own. And since you don’t know what will happen, it counts as pissing your pants.

              I don’t ascribe to the “let’s worry about every news event” philosophy. The news is designed to push those buttons. Try to resist the temptation. It’s not good for your health.

              What I find odd is your adoption of the Republican talking point, that this is somehow the fault of Democrats. Very odd.

              • delacrat says:

                “What I find odd is your” saying that calling Biden “Jim Crow Joe”, “Status Quo Joe” a “Republican message” when, in fact, the Republican message on Joe Biden is that he’s “woke,” “far left”, “socialist”, (however much he’s carried water for the GOP for decades.)

              • Alby says:

                They trumpet every negative Biden message.

                And you still, of course, avoid answering questions.

                Who’s a politician you support?