Delaware’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #1–RD 21

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 30, 2023

Frank Burns, who probably would have won in 2022 if Pete ‘n Val didn’t do everything they could to undercut him, returns for a rematch against Mike Ramone–if Ramone decides to run again.

Ramone has done himself no favors since the election, not only by voting against the Bond Bill while holding the House hostage so that corporations could vote in Seaford municipal elections, but by uttering the classic phrase:

“If you go to the birthday party, you’re watching those kids take all the cupcakes and all the candy and all this stuff and eat it, and you’re watching the other five kids be deprived of everything. Then, they finally are getting Skittles. And then suddenly the other kid runs and grabs the Skittles and says ‘I don’t want you to have that either.’

He was referencing Rethugs having to beg for crumbs because, well, they’re the minority.  He also said:

(T)here’s no motivation for us to have to pass a bond bill.”

“As a matter of fact,” Ramone said, “I kind of hope we don’t pass a bond bill so we can get that $1.4 billion back in tax reductions to all the people.”

Instead of, you know, money for schools, roads, infrastructure, parks in his district. Burns will make sure that voters know about this.

Oh, forgot to mention the reason why Ramone opined that D’s opposed corporate voting:

Seaford is being “singled out, apparently as a means of punishing the city for opposing the establishment of a Planned Parenthood clinic there.”  Well, that conforms with his anti-abortion obsession.

The district numbers are not Ramone’s friend:  8510 D; 5129 R; 5389 IHere is the map.

Ramone edged Burns by 35 votes in 2022, with Burns getting a relatively late start. I see no way he beats Burns this time.

Enter Our PAL Val.  She knows that a Burns win could pose an existential threat to her Speakership.  She has granted this guy named Michael Smith (not that guy named Michael Smith, who’s facing a strong challenge from Nicky Beard) a leave of absence from his House job to primary Burns.  Smith is the Staffer From Nowhere, appeared fully-formed on the House staff, and is now taking on Burns. Now, kids, keep in mind that Val has fired dozens of House staffers, but she’s gonna let this guy take a leave during an election year?  Puh-leeze.

Smith called me out of Nowhere a few months back.  You know, to introduce himself.  I had only previously known him as a lurker on WFP chats.  I asked him why he was primarying Burns.  He could not provide a cogent answer.  In prepping this piece, I stumbled on this comment that rings completely true to me:

Michael Smith is a faux-progressive house staffer who has openly been campaigning since before Pistol Pete gave him a job. This carpetbagger has zero shot of winning a general against Ramone, but caucus leadership has zero interest in beating him and love the idea of WFP and progressives having to waste their time on that primary instead of going after leadership allies.

Yep.  Once he loses, he’ll likely go back to Oklahoma (or is it Arkansas? or is it Illinois?) from whence he came.

Frank Burns is a true progressive.  Not only has he been endorsed by WFP, but he’s paid it forward by helping to train other progressive candidates.

Longhurst has good reason to fear a Burns victory.   Making this race the Most Intriguing Legislative Race Of 2024.

For now…who knows what the future might bring?

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  1. nunya says:

    I’m with Frank Burns. He showed his true mettle by getting involved big in the school board elections in Christina and Red Clay this past spring.

  2. Bill DM says:

    Look, I’m all for taking swipes at people engaged in fool’s errands, but if you’re going to provide analysis, at least be accurate.

    This guy is hardly the first staffer to be granted a leave of absence to run for office. Rae Moore, Dave Bentz and Jerry Grant all were staffers who took a leave to run. Pretty sure Jaci Hugg did the same thing in the Senate.

    Please drop the “Val took this extraordinary step” shtick. When you’re factually wrong about the process, it diminishes your arguments.

    • Bullshit. He’s being granted a leave to primary a Democrat who has already built a formidable candidacy. It’s because Val fears Burns winning.

      That wasn’t in any way what happened with Rae, Jerry and Dave Bentz. All three jumped in when an incumbent retired. All had solid Delaware roots.

      Plus, this ‘Val took this extraordinary step’ phrase was yours, not mine.

      Not to mention, just look at how many staffers Val has fired in the interim.

      Thank you, though, for your ‘concern trolling’. Duly noted.

      And dismissed.

    • responding to Michael Smith's Burner says:

      “Bill” you have no idea what you’re talking about. Rae Moore had quit the house and spent over a year as a teacher before she ran

  3. Kent says:

    Burns is a nut job i hope the michael smith cyborg wins the primary

    • Right. He’s about as level-headed a person that I’ve ever met.

    • Butterfly says:

      Well when pulling up to Franks kickoff as I was parking I locked eyes with Michael Smith backed into his spot in his minivan. He took off so fast, so who’s the nut job. Like don’t be stupid enough to go yourself and stalk your opponent, send someone. Plus it was a most beautiful day if you want to win a race you should be knocking doors.

      • That’s three separate independent witnesses who have told the same story, including one who shared it anonymously.

        I’m calling it: The stories are true.

  4. ProGrowShow says:

    Two progressives trying to out progressive one another, so it inevitably will come down to (cult of) personalities rather than issues. Burns is the better candidate because he has impeccable real world experience, a big brain, and hustled his tail off to give Ramone a run for his money in 2022. On the other hand, Mike Smith MA is just another hack political staffer who claims to be an economist but lacks a PhD and has little to no experience outside of Political Hackville.

  5. 21stfolks says:

    Someone I know saw Michael Smith (Frank’s opponent) was lurking in the parking lot at Frank’s campaign kick off a few weeks ago. Guy isn’t even smart enough to send a spy…not sure I’m comfortable with him representing me.

  6. Smith for Legislative Hall Janitor '24 says:

    This article hearkens back to the earlier one where Somnambulo mentioned that Smith had no answers for why he is primarying Burns (or anything else, for that matter).

    He cannot defeat Ramone, and he’s running on blind egotism. The faulty wiring in his cyborg circuitry propels him to see defeating Burns in the primary as a win, if only to lose by an even wider margin to Ramone than did Stephanie Barry. And of course Pete and Val would love that… and of course Sour-Grapes Stephanie is supporting Smith — because Burns’ solid performance against Ramone outshone her own and Smith’s won’t.

    None of this will stop the mock-blue automaton Smith from staying in the race against Burns and soaking up resources which could otherwise benefit Burns’ fight against Ramone in a timely fashion, however.

    Smith has yet to articulate a single stance he is running on or differentiate policy distinctions between himself and Burns. That tells you everything you need to know: Smith is an unprincipled hack who plans on morphing his so-called “campaign” into whatever will hurt Burns at the last minute. This Debate Club Dingleberry is holding his cards close to his chest and fantasizes about a last minute debate showdown against Burns where he can ambush him with specious rhetoric and carefully preened talking points.

    I wish the man who is as generic as his name luck. He will need it: Burns has him beat in the brains and authenticity departments.

    • Stephanie Barry is supporting Smith? Seriously?

      Y’know, she COULD have run again in 2022, but didn’t.

      Talking about ‘If I can’t have it, I don’t want you to have it either.’

      If true, that’s pathetic.

      • Smith for Legislative Hall Janitor '24 says:

        I can’t say with 100% certainty that Stephanie Barry supports Mike Smith but I see no other reason why she’s featured in his campaign kickoff photos (with her partner in tow) and didn’t show up at Burns’ kickoff. Sour Grapes Stephanie isn’t an intellectual giant but she’s not dumb enough to think Smith can defeat Ramone. Almost no one is.