Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2023

Voters in Ohio added abortion rights to the state constitution Tuesday, and it wasn’t particularly close – more than 56% voted “yes.” Abortion wasn’t on the ballot in Virginia but Democrats ran on the issue and took control of both houses of the legislature. The Democratic governor of Kentucky was re-elected, even as most down-ballot Democrats lost. Fascism, it seems, is not quite as popular as the media would like you to believe.

For this next story, I blame Hollywood. Every movie they make features some supernatural element – ghosts, demons, superheroes, people with magic powers – or gunplay. So I’m not surprised the GOP keeps attracting a bunch of fantasizing gun nuts as officeholders. Latest example: Ted Cruz says he expects to run for president again someday, and he’s not going to let his status as the most widely hated person in the Senate stop him. He didn’t say if his campaign HQ will be sited in Cancun.

I get why lots of people want Joe Biden to bow out, but they’re not exactly flocking to the Democrat who’s running to replace him. Apparently some of Dean Phillips’ donors want their money back. Meanwhile David Axelrod tried to walk back his call for Biden to drop out.

Outside the daily news cycle, here’s an interesting article on Russia, focused not on the Ukraine was but on the country’s longer-term relationship to the West. The upshot: No matter how things fall out in Ukraine, Russia’s not going anywhere.

The floor’s yours.

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