DL Open Thread Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2023

Filed in National by on November 8, 2023

Voters in Ohio added abortion rights to the state constitution Tuesday, and it wasn’t particularly close – more than 56% voted “yes.” Abortion wasn’t on the ballot in Virginia but Democrats ran on the issue and took control of both houses of the legislature. The Democratic governor of Kentucky was re-elected, even as most down-ballot Democrats lost. Fascism, it seems, is not quite as popular as the media would like you to believe.

For this next story, I blame Hollywood. Every movie they make features some supernatural element – ghosts, demons, superheroes, people with magic powers – or gunplay. So I’m not surprised the GOP keeps attracting a bunch of fantasizing gun nuts as officeholders. Latest example: Ted Cruz says he expects to run for president again someday, and he’s not going to let his status as the most widely hated person in the Senate stop him. He didn’t say if his campaign HQ will be sited in Cancun.

I get why lots of people want Joe Biden to bow out, but they’re not exactly flocking to the Democrat who’s running to replace him. Apparently some of Dean Phillips’ donors want their money back. Meanwhile David Axelrod tried to walk back his call for Biden to drop out.

Outside the daily news cycle, here’s an interesting article on Russia, focused not on the Ukraine was but on the country’s longer-term relationship to the West. The upshot: No matter how things fall out in Ukraine, Russia’s not going anywhere.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. delacrat says:

    22 “Democrats” voted with the GOP to censure Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

    The Republicans are hypocrites and always whining about “cancel culture” so that’s no surprise, but what’s with these “Dems”?

    It’s good to see LBR was not among the 22, maybe this is a baby step towards her co-signing Cori Bush’s “Cease-Fire Now Resolution”.


  2. paul says:

    David Axelrod is a corporatist flunky

  3. Joe Connor says:

    Well, the campaign that can’t spell my name and wouldn’t recognize transparency if it bit them in the ass claims an 11-point lead. Hopefully they report the purchase of this poll from “Polls R Us’ accurately:).

    Joseoh, we have an exciting campaign update for you – Bethany’s leading in the polls!

    Citizens for Judicial Fairness found that Bethany has an 11-point lead, with a year to go until Delawareans head to the polls. This means that many folks in the First State already know that Bethany has the statewide experience, dedication, and vision to be the next Governor.

    Having served as the Lieutenant Governor since 2017, Bethany has shown that her record of public service is unmatched and founded in a deep commitment to community care.

    • They’re the outshoot from that group that relentlessly sued in Chancery Court. Can’t think of the name…GOT IT–Citizens For A Pro-Business Delaware.

      That poll also showed that, when info about BHL’s ethical challenges were shared with respondents, her support plummeted.

  4. Alby says:

    Remember, conservatism can never fail, it can only be failed. Steve Bannon blames the RNC for Tuesday’s losses because they failed to motivate Trump voters.


  5. Jason330 says:

    You know, back when I was blogging I thought that Trump winning the GOP nomination would certainly destroy the GOP. Then when he won and even more surprisingly became President – I thought, OK. that’s the end of the GOP as a party, and yet it continued on…. or did it?

    Now I’m thinking Trump did destroy the GOP. He just instantly and sneakily replaced it with a different GOP. A GOP2.0. (Or Whigs3.0 if you are a real history buff).

    It was so quick and clean they kept on using all the letterhead and computer passwords. I don’t think we ever got a proper funeral for the old Grand Old Party. That’s a bit of a shame. I’d have liked to pour out a 40 for my homies.

    • delacrat says:

      Obama replaced (what was left of) the D-party. When he took more from Wall St. than John McCain and under his 1st administration lost over 1,000 state and local seats and then quipped about “a shellaquing”, it was obvious that the D-party had moved on; leaving a political vacuum for the Republicans and later Trump to fill.

      • Jason330 says:

        Similar but not the same. The movement away from labor and toward capital in the Democratic Party goes back to Carter. Trump overthrew the GOP overnight.