Delaware Political Weekly: November 10-16, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 17, 2023

1. Special Election In RD 37.  State Representative Ruth Briggs King has resigned her House seat effective immediately as she has just moved out of her district.  By current Rethug standards, King was pretty reasonable.  Definitely not a bomb-thrower.  BTW, the only female member of the House GOP Caucus.  She had previously given everyone a heads-up that this move was imminent.  So, what happens now?

The election will take place within 45 days from now.  The Speaker has ten days from the resignation to declare a ‘writ of election’, and the Delaware Department of Elections must set an election date that falls within 30-35 days of the filing of the writ.  Both the News-Journal and the Delaware State News report that “the chairperson of the county committee for each political party must name a candidate to run in the special election to fill the seat.”

While I guess that’s true, I thought that the local district committee had that obligation.  When Bud Freel was chosen to fill the term of Rep. Gerald Brady, it was the (then) 4th RD Committee that made the choice.  Who can help me here?

I guess the race could be competitive, but likely only if the R’s choose a real nutcase.  Current registration figures are 5565 D; 6189 R; and 4119 I.  The results here and elsewhere in the non-beach parts of Suxco have skewed even more R than the registration.

OK, kids, speculate away.  What names have surfaced amongst our Suxco Spies?

2. Who Is Liam Schofield?  Well, a ‘Declared Write-In Candidate’ For Wilmington Mayor.  Oh, and a litigant in a case where he was found guilty of ‘possessing a firearm by a person prohibited’ who then was found to have violated conditions of parole numerous times.  Guy keeps appealing.  And losing.  Wonder if he’s got Scott Walker on his Rolodex.

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. Bill DM says:

    While the local RD might tap someone, it’s the county committee that actually does the nominating: (Title 15, 7103a).

    Also, a minor quibble: the News Journal got the part about setting the date wrong. It’s the speaker who sets the date of the special election when they issue the writ. I’m sure they consult with the department, but the code is pretty clear there.

  2. The Momo says:

    I think the County committee certifies the RD’s nomination and submits it to DoE, or something along those lines. It’s interesting, I think we’ve all heard of RBK’s potential State Senate run for a year or two now, and certainly even more of late. And I do appreciate this ethical approach, if it is indeed by choice and not blackmail, but she’s also shot herself in the foot by indicating she cares more about her house than serving her constituents. Anyways, wonder if some less than liberal northern Dems are getting spooked that their residency changes will be found out…

    • That’s right. She was all set to run for Pettyjohn’s seat when it looked like he had a job wired with the Department of Elections.

      Uh, I THINK I got that right.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    There is technically no requirement for the local RD to have a say. But, believing in basic fairness, the Dems generally provide a process for selecting the candidate. Bud’s nomination, despite all of the “this isn’t fair” bullshit from Team-REV, it is a process that allows for timely selection while encouraging local involvement.

    I know that in NCC this was the case for the last 3 NCC Chairs, including the current state party chair, Betsy Maron. I am sure that she will be working with Jane and the local RD to make sure that they find a fair way to make the selection.

    The last December special election that I remember was when Diana McWilliams resigned the day after getting re-elected. Tom Kovach won that on the Dec 20 special election.

  4. BREAKING: Looks like the R’s have their candidate for the Special Election in RD 37. A committee for Valerie Jones Giltner was filed today with the Department of Elections.

    Here’s her press release:

    Seems like they could’ve done worse.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I don’t think that’s right. She has announced her candidacy, but says:

      Under state law, the chairperson of the Sussex County Republican Party will select the candidate to carry the party’s banner in the upcoming special election.

      “I’ve contacted the chairperson and stressed that I am motivated to run an aggressive campaign to represent all the people of the 37th District,” Valerie said. “Hopefully, I will be blessed with that opportunity.”

      • Maybe in theory. But, in practice, I don’t think so.

        This all looks choreographed, meaning that Valerie Jones Giltner is almost certainly RBK’s choice.

        Plus, there would be no need for her to file a committee unless she is reasonably sure of being the nominee. Were someone else to get the R nomination, her committee filing would have been pointless.

  5. Alby says:

    I for one am insulted by these campaign announcements. Not to pick on her specifically – I have the same gripe about BHL’s candidacy – but her positions include “improving healthcare for our communities,” “strengthening working families” and “maintaining safe and secure classrooms.”

    Yeah, I’ll bet she’s also in favor of puppies and babies, and against terrorism and cancer. That’s nice. Don’t tell me what you care about, tell me what you want to do about them.

    • A good point–in the sense that when someone deviates from the formulaic, you might just have a candidate worth following.

      No deviation from the formulaic here, though.

  6. wwrr says:

    This got missed in the shuffle of the week but the news journal editorial board is calling for bhl to release the audit. they only take a veiled swipe at the carney administration….

    “The state Department of Elections, too, which reports to the administration that Hall-Long serves in, should move to press her campaign to release the audit.

    Lieutenant Governor, do the right thing and release the audit of your campaign’s finances.”

    carney needs to call for some sort of inquiry otherwise this really looks like a coverup because it seems like he’s been aware of whats going on for a while – at least since he cancelled that fundraiser. when is that being rescheduled btw?

    but if he doesnt and he probably wont – common cause or another group should request a ruling from the elections commissioner LavelleSimpler.pdf

    given that bhl is also a current elected official, it seems like that there must be some avenue to ask for an iniquiry from the public integrity commission.

    matt meyer does your campaign plan on actually doing anything resembling politics or are you just sending on annoying emails?

    • Are you referring to annoying fundraising e-mails? While I haven’t gotten any from Meyer, man, I keep getting them from people who I support. Sometimes multiple e-mails a day.

      It is indeed an ongoing annoyance.

  7. Jab says:

    I was under the impression that RBK’s son, Justin King, wanted to run for her seat. There are many Justin Kings in the state. He works for Probation and Parole out of Georgetown.