I Don’t Give a Fuck What You Think About Israel and the Palestinians

Filed in International by on December 12, 2023

Seriously, I don’t give a flying fuck what you think, and if you’re honest with yourself – a heavy lift for a lot of people – you don’t give a flying fuck what I or anyone else thinks, either.

Simple acid test: Has a month-plus of nonstop discussion of this changed your mind about it? I’ll wager no, and I’ll win most if not all of those bets.

More importantly, nobody who has any power to do anything about it gives a fuck what any of us think. These decisions are being made by people who have access to information you and I never will – information such as, “What unwritten laws govern U.S. support of Israel?”

We have no NATO-like treaty binding us to Israel, but we behave as if we do. Why? Good luck finding an honest answer to that one, and without knowing that we have no way of knowing why the Biden administration supports this genocidal assault on Gaza.

So all this sturm und drang is doing nothing but setting liberals against each other. And if you don’t think that’s by design – thanks, Bibi! – you don’t understand how megalomaniacal autocrats behave. Netanyahu is trying to save his political skin, and he, like Putin, knows he stands a much better chance of surviving under Trump. As this “war” has shown, it’s quite easy to put Democrats in disarray.

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  1. Eric Blair says:

    Are Americans not suppose to have/share an opinion about the billions of dollars we send to Israel (when Israelis have social healthcare and free university).

    Are you suggesting we ignore it? Not sure what you’re getting at here.

    And many people, Jews and non-Jews, have recently come to the realization about what Zionism is today and what it is doing. So, yeah, people have changed their minds recently.

    • Alby says:

      You haven’t changed yours. You have no evidence of your contention.

      We don’t send “billions of dollars” to Israel. We send them weapons with a list price of billions of dollars.

      I’m suggesting we stop fighting about something we can’t influence – sorry, Pollyanna, you’re not influencing it, no matter how much you pat yourself on the back over it – because it gives aid and comfort to our actual enemies, who do not include Israelis or Palestinians.

      You can have all the opinions you want. You don’t get to air them on a private blog if we decide to cut this off. I’m not interested in refereeing squabbles like this, and if it goes on much longer we’ll just start spiking every comment about it.

      See, what it looks like from my perspective is that YOU ASSHOLES JUST WANT TO FIGHT.

  2. Eric Blair says:

    I can name five people (4 Jews and one non Jew) who have stated that they were “Zionists” for lack of a better term (or basically supported Israel without question), and now are vocally anti Zionist. I don’t know what to tell you.

    Do you really think this issue and the arguments around it haven’t changed one person’s mind?

    Do whatever you want that’s fine. I’m simply commenting on comments here. I actually do have a very deep knowledge of the conflict from the late 19th century till today. Maybe expressing this is off-putting. I don’t know. But watching the IDF blow up apartment blocks and refugee camps and UN schools and assassinate doctors and journalists with our fancy weapons makes me feel a certain type of way.

    • Alby says:

      Yeah, me too. But fighting with Israel-supporting progressives isn’t going to get you what you want.

      No, I don’t think the arguments have changed anyone’s mind. The people you cite probably didn’t think about it at all and so the default setting was “support Israel.” I don’t doubt that they now question that, but to think that it was the arguments about it rather than the facts that changed their minds is self-congratulatory and delusional.

      And I still believe that public pressure will not overcome whatever secret agreements lead all American governments, led by Democrats or Republicans, to embrace this blind support. It certainly won’t outweigh the damage being done to anti-Republican solidarity.

  3. Foreeal says:

    Well the Wilmington City Council thinks they can influence foreign policy with their ridiculous resolutions lol

    Hammas murdered 1200 people in one day, executing babies as well. But hey lets be “woke” and defend Palestine. It’s as good of a political call as “defund the police” turned out to be in 2020.


  4. OK, kids, you’ve had your say. We know where y’all stand.

    The permutations have been exhausted.

    Puck and EB: Any more of this back-and-forth will go into moderation.

    Al’s right: No minds are being changed on DL at this point.

  5. Benjamin Dover says:

    Can someone not come to a conclusion or have an opinion about this issue because they don’t know enough about what is currently happening and the complex history of the region?

    • John says:

      I have concluded that the only thing we should send to Israel and Palestine are Bibles. Those people need to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior if they ever want to find a lasting peace.

      • Alby says:

        It’s worth noting that Jesus Christ himself couldn’t bring peace to the Middle East.

        • John says:

          He came to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the world’s sin, not to drive out the Roman occupiers. It is the responsibility of His followers to make peace. Jewish Israelis must accept Christ as their true savior and Muslim Palestinians must turn away from their false prophet. Only then will there be peace

          • Alby says:

            Oh, grow up. He most likely never existed at all, and he certainly never wanted people like you putting his name in their mouths.

            If he existed, he was looking to reform Judaism, not establish another religion. That was done by Saul/Paul.

            Learn what you’re talking about and stop looking like a moron.