Song of the Day 1/12: The J.B.’s, “Pass the Peas”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 12, 2024

Okay, I get why Southern states want to starve their schoolchildren over the summer months, when school’s out of session and they can’t get free lunch. Those states are governed by assholes. But Vermont? WTF? Oh, that’s right, those frozen hippies elected a Republican governor. Well, you get what you vote for, maple syrup-breath.

At least in those Southern states the kids might be able to scrounge up some soul food. Those northwoods kids will have to make do with the musical version, courtesy of the J.B.’s. They released this as a single in 1972, when it reached only No 29 on the R&B chart.

That was hardly the end of it, though. Various band members kept it alive after they left the J.B.’s. Saxophonist Maceo Parker featured it in his live sets for years, even when he toured as a sideman with Prince.

A groove that steady doesn’t just fade away. Trombonist Fred Wesley recorded this live in the studio in 2018 and it sounds better than ever with a few solos thrown in.

Enjoy, kids! Turn it up so you don’t hear your stomach rumble.

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  1. AA says:

    The north east is a lot more conservative than people would expect. Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire run more libertarian brand conservatives… it’s an odd thing to witness.