BREAKING: McGuiness Conviction Upheld

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 13, 2024

From the News-Journal:

The Delaware Supreme Court has affirmed the misdemeanor conflict of interest conviction of former state Auditor Kathy McGuiness while overturning her other misdemeanor conviction, remanding that charge for a potential second trial.

“Notwithstanding the defendant’s inflamed rhetoric, the record amply demonstrates that she received a fair trial,” wrote Justice Abigail M. LeGrow in the majority opinion.

The court did side with McGuiness on one issue, overturning her misdemeanor conviction for official misconduct. The reversal centers on evidence presented as part of the state purchasing rules violation that the judge threw out after trial.

The justices reasoned that evidence presented as part of that charge prejudicially spilled over into the jury’s consideration of the official misconduct charge.

She could be retried on that second charge.  Although, why would you?

With this out of the way, perhaps the disgraced former elected official can again run for public office based upon her–convictions.

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  1. Anon says:

    She was run through the justice system (fairly) for giving her kid a dumb summer job. and bethany hall-long has admitted to committing – and continues to commit – serious ethical and criminal campaign finance laws. and nada from jennings. I guess because ultimately she’s upholding the delaware way. delaware is a wasteland and banana republic

    • Alby says:

      If she were upholding the Delaware Way she never would have indicted McGuiness.

      • Not to mention, Jennings can’t comment on any investigation until/unless they decide to indict someone.

        Now, IF Jennings does nothing in the wake of what I think is overwhelming evidence of campaign finance violations, THEN the gloves are off.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    A push test went out yesterday in the 14th with the question. “will you support. Rendon, Snyder Hall or Lopez?”. With KMG out as a spoiler Ernie looks like the new plan.

    • Beach Karen says:

      No way Ernie runs for that seat, but it would be interesting to know why he was put on the push poll.

      • Also found it interesting that the poll included party affiliation.

      • Joe Connor says:

        Bet a slice of Louie’s pepperoni that Ernie’s name makes the R line on the ballot:)

        • Beach Karen says:

          Ernie isn’t running. And the pizza must be before tourist season.

          • How can you be sure?

            Is Kathy running?

            Does Pete have someone else on the line?

            Or is it just gonna be Marty and Claire?

            • Beach Karen says:

              It’s just not logical. Why would he retire from a Senate seat in a district that was a guaranteed win every four years, just to turn around and run for a House seat he’d have to fight his ass off for every two years?

              I don’t know about Kathy – if she had cleared both of those misdemeanors, she’d definitely be on the ballot somewhere. It will be interesting to see where her head ends up on running after a split decision.

              • True. But I don’t know how you can explain that poll were he not interested–or were Pete not trying to convince him that he SHOULD be interested.

                Plus–politicians aren’t always logical (said Captain Obvious). Unless you’re talking–patho-logical.

  3. BeachBird says:

    I got wind today that it was Pete who had the poll sent out.

    • He’s got $100K sitting in his campaign account.

      He can afford it, might as well spend it on behalf of a Republican now that he no longer needs to pretend to be a Democrat. After all, they BOTH have Kathy McGuiness in common.