DL Open Thread Monday, May 6, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on May 6, 2024 3 Comments

Whatever happened to “the home of the brave”? This country has an entire political party scared to confront the sociopath who leads it, and his lickspittles are vying for a role as his vice-president – as one wag put it, to see who’ll wear the noose the next time he orders his minions to kill his veep. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott put in his bid yesterday when he repeatedly refused to tell an interviewer that he’d accept November’s election results. Well, c’mon, is this a surprise? He’s already a traitor to his race, why wouldn’t he be a traitor to his country?

Meanwhile, Kristi Noem keeps digging a hole that’s deeper than Cricket’s grave. She insists she was justified in what she insists was the legal execution of her dog, and offered to dispatch the Bidens’ dog too.

Conservatives aren’t the only ones whose image of the past is clouded by wishful thinking. Pulitzer-winning historian Steven Hahn points out that America has had a strong illiberal streak from the start, and that overcoming it has been a perpetual struggle.

Despite lots of talk, Congress doesn’t increase taxes on the rich. Biden only wants to raise them on people making $400,000 a year, but a tax law expert says they should be increased on household incomes of $150,000 and up, a group that includes a lot of white-collar Democrats.

The latest on Israel’s Operation Genocide: Reportedly the U.S. stopped shipping arms to Israel last week, but given the misinformation saturation surrounding this conflict, who knows if that’s true?

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Haven’t seen it–has anybody asked Noem why she didn’t just take the dog to the South Dakota equivalent of the Humane Society?

  2. mediawatch says:

    Gravel pit was closer to home.

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