Delaware Liberal

Delaware Political Weekly: May 17-23, 2024

1.  The Rev Interviews Collin O’Mara.  Since he is/was a skeptic, this extensive and aggressive interview with O’Mara comes highly recommended.  Listen to the interview, form your own opinion.  I think you’ll be impressed.  I especially love his critique of the budget process and how he proposes to change it, especially when it comes to education.  I also like his name-dropping of progressive legislators.  I suspect he has more legislative support than has heretofore been known.

2.  Ruth Briggs King Runs For Lt. Governor.  She sure got a lot of press for someone whose upside is around 42%.  Consider the Ramone/Briggs King ticket as a legislative retirement tour.  Perhaps Skittles can sponsor.  Having said that,  a Ramone/Briggs King ticket is (all things being relative) more credible than other potential Rethug pairings.  Any ticket, say, featuring Julianne Murray, for example.

3.  Kevin Caneco Gets Primary Challenger For NCC Council Seat.  No, not Bill Bell.  One George Dudlek.  He’s been a Delaware City Council member for a minute.  Actually since February.  BTW, did you know that Delaware City’s motto is : “A Historic Past…A Bright Future”?  Now you do.  Perhaps Dudlek is the developers’ choice since Caneco definitely isn’t.

4.  If You Want To Vote In The Democratic Party…Today’s The Final Day To Register As a D. . You have until 11:59 p.m.  You can do it online.

5.  Filing: D State Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton (RD 26).

That’s all I’ve got this week.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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