Our New State Democratic Chair?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 3, 2025 11 Comments

One can only hope–and/or become a delegate to the State Convention to make sure that the Betsy Maron Era is over.

Evelyn Waters Brady, who recently served as Matt Meyer’s Transition Director, has been credibly linked to the post.  In other words, credible sources are saying that she’s running for the position.  I love her background, especially her involvement with Network Delaware:

No photo description available.

A former public school teacher, Evelyn began her civic journey with Network Delaware and the Delaware Voting Rights Coalition and has since remained politically active as a dedicated advocate for voting rights and reproductive health. She currently serves on the Delaware Democratic Party’s 12th Representative District Committee, where she educates voters on key issues and candidates.

Evelyn serves on the Boards of Directors for Action for Delaware’s Children, Planned Parenthood of Delaware, and Serviam Girls Academy. She mentors school children through Connecting Generations and has co-chaired the Governor’s School Mentoring and Literacy Task Force.She’s a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Zeta Omega Chapter, and an Associate member of the New Castle County Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Incorporated.

Evelyn is also President of Creative Hearts for the Arts, a chapter of The Society, Incorporated, which supports arts initiatives for underserved communities. She holds degrees from Dartmouth College and Lesley University and is a graduate of the Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League’s Gilliam Fellowship Program.

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  1. DL Open Thread: Sunday, March 2, 2025 : Delaware Liberal | March 2, 2025
  1. Pole says:

    Ok. Well I’m happy she is a member of an RD. I hope she was an active member. I do have some concerns she seemed to never serve in any leadership positions in the party? Local RD chair for example or even officer (treasurer etc) maybe? I’m not opposed in any way (I really don’t know her) but it’s quite the jump from a random RD member to state chair. I be interested in learning more I suppose.

    • She’s been involved in grassroots politics, got her START in grassroots politics in fact, and she did have an important position with our new Governor.

      The LAST thing we need is yet another insider who hasn’t knocked doors in forty years and has Bobby Byrd on speed-dial.

    • Kam says:

      Delaware is voting outside the box, and the ballot reflects just that. Evelyn’s leadership in the community will secure her place in this leadership role within the party. We want real, sustainable change with trusted leaders who have our best interests at heart and put it into action. Delaware, this is not business as usual. I am incredibly hopeful and excited to see what the future holds for us

  2. The MoMo says:

    I certainly hope this is the case and that she is willing to clean house when she gets there. We have become too complacent within Party HQ, the staff should cycle out as the Chair does (it has in the past).

    • Makes sense. With her grassroots background including ties to Network Delaware, Brady could bring in some young organizers to give the Party a boost.

    • liberalgeek says:

      When has the new chair “cleaned house”? The last time something like that happened was when Daniello layed off everyone after an election (6 months before the leadership vote). The only person retained then is still an employee.

      • Well, I think Erik brought in a new group of people with grassroots background.

        Maybe he didn’t clean house (not sure how much ‘house’ there was to clean out), but he definitely cycled in people who continue to make a difference to this very day, although perhaps not in the party apparatus.

        I hope that happens again.

        • liberalgeek says:

          He really only brought on an Executive Director. Maybe a few people cycled in and out during election season. And Jesse had a tech guy for a year or so.

          But there has not been (in the last 15 years or so) a house-cleaning. I would also argue that the staff has been quite competent. Maybe some growing pains with newly-hired folks, but minimal issues.

          • He basically recruited and trained a whole bunch of grassroots organizers. It doesn’t matter whether they were full-time Party officials.

            That, in marked contrast to the insiders’ circle-jerk we’ve become accustomed to.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    The rationalizing and warmed over bullshit is why the state party will remain weak and ineffectual. But gotta admit the fossil crowd (fossil here not in crowd) is good at keeping qualified women of color off special election ballots. Good news is this same black women will clean the clocks of the 2 white privilege tomato cans 9/26!

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