My First Five Electoral Targets For 2026

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 19, 2025 13 Comments

There will be more.  But I suspect most of our readers would agree with trying to get rid of this starting five for Team Toxic.

1.  Chris Coons:  Never a true Democrat, inherited his wealth and at least one job from his stepfather Robert Gore.  Longs for an age of Senatorial comity that vanished somewhere around the ’80’s.  Gets a shitload of money from Big Pharma and acts accordingly.  Pimps for The Third Way, the organization that makes the Democratic Party a haven for big corporations.  For those who say, well, he’s got so much money, how can we beat him, Neville Chamberlain Democrats like Coons may not look so good after two years of the Trump/Musk presidency.  Besides, I think that either Sarah McBride or Tizzy Lockman could/would beat him.

2. Dan Cruce: You can tell from his tan that he spends a lot of time down at that Rehoboth condo of his.  Inflicted on the 1st SD by the Bud Freels, Bobby Byrds, and Delaware’s Irish mafia insiders.  I’d love to see Adriana Bohm primary him.  The insiders have successfully defeated her in two special election caucuses.  The voters, however, haven’t had their say. Thing is, it almost has to be a one-on-one match-up to ensure that his time in Dover is short.  At least Adriana would spend a whole lot more time canvassing than a campaign on Cruce-control.  Not to mention, she has, and will, spend a lot more time in SD 1 than Cruce. If not Adriana, then someone around whom progressives can coalesce.

3. Ray Seigfried:  The Accidental Representative (one term, got slaughtered by Larry Lambert) is now the Accidental Senator.  Resoundingly rejected by caucus voters in his own RD, he eked out a narrow win with the help of freshman State Rep. Melanie Ross Levin, who has all of the charm of Val Longhurst. (I’m serious, she’s that bad.)  Thankfully, Shay Frisby, who should have been the nominee, is all but certain to challenge the soon-to-be 75 year old ChristianaCare Corporadem.  Here’s her website.  She’s fantastic! (Is that a ‘donate’ button I see there?  Don’t tell anybody.)

4.  Franklin Cooke: The main impediment to any police reform in the House, no surprise for this ex-cop.  An ex-cop with a cop mentality.  All that’s needed is any kind of a serious challenger.  He’s ready to be defeated, and he knows it.  Prospective challengers have surfaced in the past, only to have been, um, ‘discouraged’ from running.  Don’t be ‘discouraged’, whip his ass.

5. Lumpy Carson.  Any decent challenger knocks out this puppet for leadership.  A proudly-ignorant legislator who survives (or survived) by carrying water for Schwartzkopf and Longhurst.  Yo, they’re not there any more. I hear talk of a very promising young challenger, but it’s just talk until it becomes reality.

There ya go.  I’ve got a few more, but they’ll keep for awhile.

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  1. Just Sayin’ says:

    Dan Cruce would not have won if Sarah McBride had spoken up about the residency issue and endorsed Ray. That tells you all you need to know about Sarah’s (lack) of integrity.

    • Alby says:

      You keep saying this, and it keeps being utter bullshit. Where do you get this absurd notion that voters in that district hang on Sarah McBride’s every word?

      I don’t think this is about Dan Cruce at all. I think you’ve got it in for McBride for whatever reason, and your inability to make a rational case for your claims is what’s getting you permanently banned. Buh-bye.

  2. Arthur says:

    i have no idea if its feasible but i’d like to see local/federal dem party’s recruit 2 people for each election – one a true democrat who runs on the actual platform and the other run as a repub/maga in name solely to either split that vote or out gross the other repub and if they win they actually maintain the core dem philosophies they believe in.

  3. Jonathan Tate says:

    0) Rep. Nnamdi

    Shané Darby is not exactly shy that she will primary him again, and she will probably win with an earlier campaign launch a la Frank Burns.

  4. Dude says:


    No Bryan Townsend??

    He is quoted as saying these new corporate law bills have nothing to do with Elon Musk and then an hour later a news outlet posts that Musks lawyers wrote the bills!!!

  5. Pole says:

    Nicole Poore should be looking over her shoulder as well.

  6. Joe Connor says:

    Will Bolden finally retire? Is primarying Kerri Harris worth the risk? Will FOP Frank continue to threaten potential opponents? Can Lumpy be flattened? Can Bush be trimmed?
    These are the questions that keep me up at night!

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