DL Open Thread: Mon., Sept. 9, 2019

Filed in Featured by on September 9, 2019

DuPont To Be Exposed For The Environmental Criminals That They Are. Movie and book will detail how they poisoned West Virginia’s waters and fought all attempts to be held accountable. And how one heroic attorney brought them to justice of a sort. An excerpt:

“Dark Waters” starring Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway will arrive in theaters Nov. 22, telling the tale of an attorney who fought DuPont and Chemours over a toxic chemical leak in West Virginia.

DuPont and Chemours paid $671 million to settle more than 3,500 lawsuits that claimed they were to blame for the leak of perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as PFOA or C-8, from a plant in Parkersburg. Both companies denied wrongdoing.

Afghanistan Peace Talks Collapse.  Pompeo vs. Bolton, with the Dolt-In-Chief clueless as always.  (Bolton/Dolt-In, interior rhyming as I exercise my inner Sondheim.)

Trump Tariffs To Cost Each US Household $2K By 2020.  Seriously, there’s no way that he can get reelected. Get used to it, and nominate the candidate who can do the most good.

Mississippi Beaches Become A Dead Zone. Why it’s happening, and what isn’t being done. The new normal?  BTW, the cause reminds me a bit of what’s going on in…Sussex County.

Is Sara Nelson The Future Of American Labor?  I think she could definitely help to reinvigorate the labor movement:

“What Sara Nelson offers is a different kind of labor movement,” said Erik Loomis, a labor historian at the University of Rhode Island and the author of A History of America in 10 Strikes. “One that is, for the first time in a long time, charismatic and inspiring and one that speaks not only to current labor union members but also to the vast majority of the American working class that doesn’t belong to a union, or can’t have a union, or where it’s really difficult to form a union.”

Might as well end on a rare optimistic note.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    That the bloodthirsty maniac, John Bolton, has been allowed* to be anywhere the levers of American power is disgusting.

    That he is their at a time when Israel is spoiling for an all out war with Iran is disgusting and terrifying.

    *Heck of a Job Carper & Coons!! You guys are really on it! Really earning those paychecks!!

  2. Blue Delaware reports that Stephanie Barry will again challenge Mike Ramone in the 21st RD:


    I think she will win, and here’s why. She’s running in a presidential year that is shaping up to be a D landslide. A whole lot more voters, looking to eradicate the stain of Donald Trump, will be out to vote than in 2018, and they’re not looking to ‘cross the aisle’. Barry already proved herself as a high-quality campaigner. The coming D wave will doom Mike Ramone to defeat. Clip ‘n save.

    • jason330 says:

      I love this. Everyone should run knowing that knocking of an incumbent could be a multi-cycle project.

      Also, Fuck Ramone, that piece of shit. And FUCK Delaware Stonewall & Peter Schott for endorsing that Trump loving piece of shit.

  3. Nancy Willing says:

    Coons assesses Tariff pain in his typical wishy washy way –
    Rehoboth business owners agreed one of the biggest challenges is finding a balance between passing the costs on to customers and decreasing expenses, which means hurting the employees.

  4. Nancy Willing says:

    Both Republicans and Democrats in Pike Creek were up in arms this year over the re-formation of the area Civic Umbrella organization, a process led by NCC Councilwoman Janet Kilpatrick (R). CLNCC was asked via email at that time to oversee the process by the older, inactive organizations’ President because of suspicions that Kilpatrick and Ramone’s involvement may not be on the up and up. These groups are supposed to be non-partisan.

    CLNCC VP Bill Dunn attended the reorganizational meeting where a decision was made on how to accept the membership from area civic associations and Maintenance Corps. and later meet to pick leadership. I heard that Kilpatrick had collected the sign in sheets so I assumed she had retained control of the organization. The second meeting was not noticed through county council as the first had been, so I only heard about the results later where Kat Caudle was picked as President. GOPers raised the point that Caudle was an officer in the DEM party and should not be eligible to preside over the non partisan civic group. http://udspace.udel.edu/bitstream/handle/19716/24407/MSS0733_F58.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

    Meanwhile, Stephanie Barry had led the citizen group – Citizens for the Preservation of Pike Creek Valley – formed around the fight against Shawn Tucker, attorney for the developers of Pike Creek Golf Course (now in an active court case against NCC government).

    The newly formed Pike Creek Civic League is now being couched as partisan by GOPer friends concerned about a political power grab by Barry. But from what I understand, she was not in the running for leadership. DEM Kat Caudle was chosen as interim president while the GOPers cried foul. Mike Ramone’s protectors are not happy with the outcome. The groups’ next meeting is set for September 16th.

    Monday September 16,2019
    Skyline Middle School – Library

  5. b2myfriends says:

    Interesting article on how state DMVs are selling driver’s info, including Delaware’s:
