Afternoon Interlude: A Nelson Laugh At Limbaugh

Filed in National by on January 24, 2009

Rush caved on his hoping for Obama to fail…

But I just want to say, folks, look I support Obama. I just don’t support his policies. I support our president, like I have supported all presidents.

Ha ha…Eat it Sharon you loser. Suck on that fat ass movement conservatives!

Lessons Learned: Is it okay to hope for the President to fail? No.

Does it make you an unpatriotic a-hole to hope for the President of the United States to fail? Yes.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    Look we all know that Rush the junkie besides being a draft dodger ia also unamerican. So now the coward has backed off his statement.He may become depressed and need another trip down to the islands so he can meet with little boys.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Limbaugh is done. To any who would listen to him and not laugh hysterically, you are just as irrelevant. It is a new day, and the GOP can either help this country and thus help themselves, or they can hinder Obama and thus hurt themselves.

    It is their choice.

  3. Limbaugh is done.

    If only it were that simple. Alas, the wingnuts are an incorrigable bunch who simply can’t get enough of this ridiculous fool. LImbaugh’s hardly done. He’s the biggest talker in the business. 20 million listeners a week. Even if his audience was cut in half, he’d still be in the top 3.

    Methinks we’ll just have to tolerate him. As Howard Stern says, just “turn the dial!”

  4. Unstable Isotope says:

    Obviously Limbaugh got a lot of negative feedback so he had to take back his statement.

  5. Mark H says:

    And I thought Matthews was the biggest talker in radio 🙂

  6. Horizontally, yes. Although I wonder if Limbaugh’s fat-ass still has me beat by a few pounds.

  7. FSP says:

    “Limbaugh is done.”

    When the President of the United States publicizes your name in that way, you are the exact opposite of done.

    Smart of Obama, really. He elevates Limbaugh with his mention, which makes him an even more important part of the right, which he has no business being.

  8. Unstable Isotope says:

    FSP is just proving the point. The GOP only stands for anti-Obama and not for what is best for the country.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Right UI — and I think that a stand that indicates that you aren’t going to be swayed by the folks making it up for money makes sense. It reminds the GOP that their fake populism has no access to power.

  10. jason330 says:

    Notice how iCarly tries to pretend that Limbaugh is some kind of outlier and not representative of the conservative movement?


  11. Ted says:

    WTF, at least El Rushbo is constitutionally qualified to be President!

  12. Truth Teller says:

    Now if we can only get that crowd in the mall on the 20th to call their radio stations and tell them we won’t support their sponsers.

  13. jason330 says:

    Good one Ted! Let me see if I can get my pretend wingnut groove on too…

    WTF, at least the man with talents on loan from GOD didn’t get a blow job from an intern or have Ron Brown killed!