Most Punchable-Faced Republican Senator

Filed in National by on May 6, 2020

Thanks to everyone who helped determine that Trump lickspittle Ron DeSantis of Florida has the most punchable face among America’s Republican governors. Condolences to Georgia’s Brian Kemp, who ran even with DeSantis for a while before fading to second, probably by staying out of the news for most of the week. Texas’ Greg Abbott took the bronze, an admirable showing for a paraplegic, a condition that would elicit sympathy if a human victim.

Now it’s time to figure out which Republican senator has the most punchable face. The contestants:

Mitch McConnell, Kentucky: The morning line favorite because of his chinlessness, his truculence and his position as majority leader.

Lindsey Graham, South Carolina: Puffy, pale and obsequious is no way to go through life, but it is an advantage when it comes to prompting violence upon one’s countenance.

Tom Cotton, Arkansas: Young, pencil-necked version of hangdog-faced Southern politician lacks a long track record but can’t be discounted due to record of bullying gormlessness.

Ted Cruz, Texas: Smug piousness is his visage’s calling card; added bro beard fails to disguise his dickishness.

Susan Collins, Maine: At a disadvantage going up against the boys, but can’t count her out based on her homeliness and vapid, vacillating demi-smile.

Ron Johnson, Wisconsin: Blue-eyed, vacant-faced simpleton is known as probably the dumbest member of the Senate.

Rick Scott, Florida: History’s biggest Medicare fraudster is a dead ringer for Voldemort of Harry Potter fame, or else Bat Boy of Weekly World News fame.

Kelly Loeffler, Georgia: Distaff newcomer’s wall-eyed, trophy-wife vibe and insider self-dealing can’t be ignored.

Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania: Contemptible jug-eared greedhead is pretending he’s a moderate now that the tide has turned against him.

May the most punchable face win.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I want to vote for all of them.

  2. Mike Dinsmore says:

    This is a tough one! I wish that we could give three points for most punchable, two points for second most punchable, and one point for third place. There are just too many to choose from!

    Perhaps we could have a runoff at the end between the winners. (Or losers, by definition)

  3. jason330 says:

    I’d punch Susan Collins,

  4. Rick Scott is underrated. He not only was a fraudster, he also rigged the unemployment rules in Florida to discourage people from applying. Why? To create the false impression that there was very little unemployment in the state. I think I’ll vote for him.

  5. Hop-Frog says:

    I rarely like to bet the chalk, but it’s gotta be McConnell for me, for Merrick Garland and his day-in, day-out cynicism and dismantling of the Senate. May I have Exactas of him and each of the others?

    • Alby says:

      I wish the WordPress poll format allowed it.

      I’m leaning toward Tom Cotton because he’s so obviously positioning himself to run for president in 2024.

  6. Andrew C says:

    You put Kelly Loeffler on the poll twice… and she still hasn’t gotten any votes.