DL Open Thread: Saturday, July 11, 2020

Filed in Featured by on July 11, 2020

Trump Commutes Stone’s Sentence.  Because he had to. Stone has the goods on Trump.  What? You thought he’d serve even a day in prison?  I know that editorials have no impact any more, but, for the sake of historical perspective, I recommend this one from the Washington Post. The money quote?:  “…it is one of the most nauseating instances of corrupt government favoritism the United States has ever seen.”

Del-Tech Will Not Open Campus To Students This Fall.  This is absolutely the right decision, and for the right reason:

“We know that this is disappointing for all of us who want to be back on campus, but our first responsibility is to protect the health and safety of our students, employees, and community at large.”

I can’t even fathom why UD and Delaware State are being permitted to open. Floating petri dishes, both.  Oh, and flu season is on the way.

70,000 COVID Cases. In one day. Yesterday.  The real victim? Trump. You don’t even have to ask him

Tucker Carlson’s Top Writer Resigns.  He’s been posting racist and sexist messages online for 5 years. Uh, he’s been writing similar words for Carlson to say on-air for those five years as well.  How’s that nascent 2024 Presidential bid going, Tucker?

Eliot Engel Turns Into Joe Loserman.  Jamaal Bowman leads the incumbent by 25 points in NY Congressional race, but that’s not stopping Engel.

How Texas Governor’s Intervention Blew Up ‘Model’ Virus Response.  More blood on the hands of an idiot who doesn’t give a shit.  Especially since it’s Latinos dying.

Delaware State To Acquire Wesley College.  I don’t know what the definition of a ‘poison pill’ is, but this strikes me as DelState eating Wesley’s debt load.  BTW, didja see that each institution will maintain their separate athletic teams?  That, of course, is an utter waste of resources.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    For those who believe government handouts to keep companies in town is a despicable waste of public money, a New Jersey task force gives us more validation.
