Which Delaware Statewide candidate is going to post the biggest win vs their entirely execrable DEGOP opponent?
True. Witzke (sp?) is a train wreck, and Coons is strangely popular – but she got 350 people to donate $950 (on average) to her campaign. I’d put Witzke at about 38% right now.
I’m thinking Carney is going to win by the gaudiest margin. He is a wartime Resident (of the Gov’s office). Also, who is he running against again? Did the DEGOP even field a candidate in that race?
A rather stunning statistic if Delaware has that many (38%) QAnon cultists who are mentally capable of filling out a ballot. Does the “no mask” required at the polls mean that you should breathe through the barrel of your AK 47 or is that simply strapped to your chest to display your high regard for those poll workers you’ll be endangering?
I guess if you get 350 people/donors plus family members “Nit”, “Half”, and “Dim” you can secure 3.8% of the vote.
Representative John Kowalko
You didn’t list my choice: Bethany Hall-Long for lieutenant governor. If the slack-jawed Sussex GOP electorate finds out Donyale Hall is African-American, she might not get any votes at all.
Good point.
Speaking of Donyale Hall who’s funding her campaign? Her signs are everywhere here in central Delaware. Agree with Alby, their trying to maker look as white as possible and there’s a good chance the mouth breathers will reject her.
Alby is a slack jawed former failed radio host who was a failed food critic. Zero brain activity.
And yet I’m more famous than you. Go figure.
I doubt Witzke breaks 35% but who knows.
34% is the betting line.
If a decade on the air and two decades before that being read daily by half the state = failure then I guess I can see how pboyer’s thinks his math holds that 200000 dead = successful Covid response.