Phil Shawe setting piles of money on fire in Gov race

Filed in National by on October 27, 2020

If you are a regular reader of you already know that John Carney “has fueled ‘The Delaware Way’ where a few elite and mostly white men stay in power while communities of color and low-income residents lose ground,”

You know that because TUSK STRATEGIES spokesman, Chris Coffey, is working overtime to attack “the underhanded process where Andre Bouchard’s Chancery Court can charge companies millions to assign old colleagues new court fees. John Carney has presided over and encouraged this despicable behavior”

So Coffey has tipped his hand. As Alby pointed out, these attacks have nothing to do with Carney and everything to do with crybaby sore loser, Phil Shawe’s jihad against Chancery court.

The anti-Carney ads are another prong from the prick Phil Shawe of TransPerfect, whose goal is to wreck Chancery Court because a chancellor ruled against him and the wahmbulance wouldn’t pick him up.

Republicans are supposedly pro-business. Chancery Court is the linchpin of Delaware’s pro-business incorporation law, so one might think Republicans would try to protect it. But they’re so brainlessly opposed to Democrats that they’ll get in bed with a vengeful businessman whose proxies are pretending that they want a more balanced racial makeup of Chancery Court.

TUSK STRATGIES seems to pride itself on multiple prong, “relentless” attacks that continue until “we win” so this campaign may be a preview of the money bonfires warming up the prospects of the DEGOP well into the future.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. They’ve got a truck, likely more than one, which is a mobile billboard featuring, wait for it, pictures of the judges on the Court Of Chancery.

    Shawe’s waste of money rivals that of Chris Kenny. Let ’em piss it all away.

  2. Alby says:

    If there’s anything Delawareans know or care less about than the state’s Chancery Court, somebody is going to have to tell me what it is.

    Naturally, one fool who was taken in was my old colleague Rick Jensen, who had this Chris Coffey stumblebum on his show last week.

    As I noted earlier, Shawe will spend gobs of money — a reported $250 million on legal fees in his fight with his ex-fiancee over control of the company, which he likes to brag is a worth “several hundred million dollars,” as if that’s an impressive sum in the world of business (pro tip: it’s not).

    Meanwhile, look up employee reviews of his business. They suck. The only positive reviews are for people who want part-time work. Full-time unfortunates portray it as a loony bin.

    I wish Andre Bouchard had the power as a chancellor to put him in prison, but alas, Chancery Court is a court of equity, not a court of law.

  3. pboyer says:

    Alby is such a putz, IQ of 23