The Goofs and Oddball’s Party

Filed in National by on February 23, 2009

One Republican claims that we are running out of rich people in this country.

Another says that Justice Ginsberg is going to die in 9 months.

Still another says that President Obama is not an American citizen.

These are not empty headed wingnut talk show hosts like Rick Jensen. They are empty-headed Republican elected officials.
There is a dangerous lack of serious on the Republican side of the American poltical landscape.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. pandora says:

    For a while there I actually thought the Republican party was going to emerge from their defeat stronger and wiser, but after reading this, and other appalling nonsense, I realize that they got nothing.

  2. a. price says:

    anyone ever see the episode of South Park where Wendi kicks Cartman’s ass? He pushes her over the edge and act like a tough guy.. long story short she kicks the crap out of him in front of everyone. He initially starts saying how no one will like him anymore, but when the other kids tell him no one liked him to begin with, he thinks they are trying to make him feel better, therefor everyone must still like him.
    yes the republican part is Eric Cartman Fat, white, intolerant, ignorant, loves mel gibson

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    That’s just this year and we’re only 2 months in. You didn’t even mention the antics of Eric Cantor and the off-color fake AFSCME ad or Judd Gregg suddenly discovering that he’s a Republican after being nominated to Obama’s cabinet. What about Norm Coleman’s bid to keep Al Franken out of the Senate as long as possible with shifting justifications?

  4. Karmicjay says:

    goofs and oddballs? You are way too kind!
    They give Neanderthals a bad name.

  5. Rebuild the Delaware GOP says:

    The Fallacy of Washington and President Obama
    And Why Secretary Clinton Went To China First

    Today the President hosted a conference at the White House to find a plan for financial stability. The President boldly said we can’t spend what we don’t have. Too bad he did not believe this statement a week ago when he proposed over a trillion dollars in spending and interest.

    Worse, the meeting was held in Washington which can’t seem to settle the most simplest of issues let alone one so important.

    The markets have seen through this dog and pony show and they have voted soundly with a no confidence vote. The President’s recent bill has over 9,000 earmarks and yet he has the temerity to propose a reactivated PAYGO where you have to find money on any new spending or spending cuts for tax cuts. PAYGO was exempt for the stimulus bill and it does nothing to reform entitlements which already exist. Fraud is the word which comes to mind.

    Lastly, Sec. Clinton went to China first not because Asia is so important but because China holds the piggy bank to fund the debt we have hoisted on to taxpayers for the next generation. We have sold our souls to the very country who wants to replace us as the premiere economic and military power of the world. Shameful.

  6. anon says:

    Mike P… did you read the title of this post before you commented?

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    Hey, here’s another example to add toe the post. They cut and paste non sequitur talking points like stupid lemmings. Protack, you are a fucking yawn fest.

  8. pandora says:

    Hello? Does Mike P’s comment have anything to do with this thread? Talk about giving him an opening for discussing Obama’s birth certificate, the Supreme Court, and the wealthy being added to the endangered species list. This post is a Republican smorgasbord, bursting with all the right topics for Repub. talking points.

    I honestly can’t believe he passed up this opportunity.

  9. pandora says:

    And it just gets better and better. Now they’re offering prayers instead of stimulus money.

    “On C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this morning, Sanford received a call from a Charleston resident who said he lost his job because he has been taking care of mother and sister, both of whom have serious illnesses. The caller told Sanford he is “wrong” to decline the money. “A lot of people in South Carolina are hurting. And if this money can come and help us out we need it.” In response, Sanford could offer him only his prayers:

    CALLER: I hope you all are not playing politics with this. People in South Carolina are hurting. You know how unemployment rates are high right now and going up higher. We are running out of money in the unemployment bank — we need money for that, the people that need help. And I’m one of them, I can’t get no help. […]

    SANFORD: Well I’d say hello to Charleston because its home and I’d say hello to this fellow this morning and say that my prayers are going to be with him and his family because it sounds like he is in an awfully tough spot.”

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Shorter GOP: Jesus saves; he doesn’t spend….unless it’s for weaponry and/or hegemony, of course.

    And a Hearty “go toss-off” to that Master of the Memorex, the Himalayas of Hyperbole, YOUR Failed Candidate, Mr. Protack!

  11. jason330 says:


    There is a contest going on among Republicans right now to one-up each other in terms of craziness.

    Sanford might have picked up some points right then if he had started praying with his eyes closed tight. Just saying he was going to pray is old hat.

  12. John Manifold says:

    I wonder if Bunning said the same thing as Chris Short lingered in unconsciousness for 2½ years after the ruptured aneurysm that ultimately claimed his life.

  13. pandora says:

    Sorry, Jason. I can’t keep up. When do you think the “laying of hands” phase will start?

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    Have they started anointing things with oil yet?

  15. anonone says:

    We should start categorizing our own Delaware repubs:

    Mike Protack – Goof or Oddball?
    Christine O’Donnell – Goof or Oddball?
    Bill Lee – Goof or Oddball?
    Mike Castle – Goof or Oddball?
    Tyler Nixon – Goof or Oddball?
    Prescilla Rakestraw – Goof or Oddball?
    Dave Burris – Goof or Oddball?

    And so on…

  16. jason330 says:

    Regarding Burris – he thinks Delaware should sign some kind of petition dropping out of the union or some such wingnut bullshit – so I say Oddball sliding toward goof.

  17. anon says:

    Anybody remember the SNL gameshow parody: “Geek, Dweeb, or Spaz?”