A DL Experiment: Say Only Nice Things About Your Choice For Governor

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 15, 2024

You read that right.  This thread is exclusively reserved for nice comments about your choice.  No compares and contrasts.

Any responses deemed as not being, uh, responsive will be ruthlessly removed by our ruthless administrators.  (I wonder where ‘Ruth’ is.)

Have at it!

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  1. Alby says:

    Sorry, I can’t. I don’t vote for people, I vote against people. Every election is a choice of the lesser of two evils.

  2. Curious says:

    Im supporting Meyer because I like what he’s done on police transparency, gun ordinances, and the Hope center. He seems competent and honest and able to effectively run a government. I don’t think he’s perfect nor do I agree with everything he has done, but I trust him. I think his plan for education is a good and progressive one – and I’m just happy he *has* a plan for me to even judge. He seems to have new ideas and he is willing to piss people off to do what he believes is the right thing to do. That’s a sign of a good executive in my view and his ability to actually run a large organization (or any organization at all) – as demonstrated by his running the county – is important to me. I also like that he has surrounded himself with staff that are well regarded and competent. I just think he’s demonstrated he has what it takes and I like what I’ve seen.

  3. Al Catraz says:

    I like Jerry Price, because the governors mansion needs an angry looking garden gnome, and he’s got that nailed like no other.

  4. Bill DM says:

    Great idea! I’m supporting BHL because she has accomplished a lot, though most of it is below the radar.

    She fought the healthcare industry in bringing telehealth to Delaware (with Rep. Bentz), which proved to be essential during COVID.

    Her overall voting record is pretty spot-on with Democratic values, supporting all the major initiatives that came along.

    She was out in the streets during COVID and coordinated the state’s response during the pandemic.

    She overhauled the pardons process (heard her talking about this recently), cutting the backlog and wait time for hearings by tenfold.

    She bucked the governor in leading the retiree healthcare task force that made all the recommendations that are now becoming law. She’s been praised by the legislators on the task force and retirees that led the charge on the issue.

    She was out front on behavioral health, forming the Behavioral Health Consortium to organize and provide better mental health services throughout the state.

    Looking at her state website, she created a free infant formula program when there was a shortage, and she has a program providing school supplies and hygiene products to students in high-needs schools.

    I’m looking forward to her plans and ideas for the future getting out there, but if past is predictive, she’s not going to be a sit-on-her-hands governor by any stretch.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    I’m supporting Meyer, provisionally, because he’s come up his way and isn’t tied to the traditional power structure or the current administration. I may switch to O’Mara in the future but I have questions there.

  6. I’m supporting O’Mara because, not only has he expressed a progressive vision, I think he will have a General Assembly that’s in tune with his vision. Creating, in my opinion, a true synergy between Governor and legislature.

    I specifically like his commitment to a significant increase in public school funding, a rethinking of our cabinet department form of government, and his push to enshrine privacy rights in the constitution as opposed to merely enacting them into law. I also like his opposition to Delaware Way secrecy.

  7. paul says:

    I think this discussion was particularly helpful as I too ponder the governor’s race. Thank you.

  8. Misti says:

    Love this idea, I flip flop everyday. Great points to think on.

  9. Delco says:

    I’m actually leaning OMara. He’s been calling out the BS about Delaware being a “progressive” state just because we vote blue but if you are compare us to other states we aren’t that progressive at all.

    I’m kind of a toss up still but Omara is the most impressive to me so far to be honest.

  10. M says:

    I support Matt Meyer for Governor. I think he has shown over the course of the last 8 years as County Executive that he has a vision and will get things done. From the Hope Center to police transparency to being on the forefront of covid, he is a true leader and walks the talk. I was at a community event once and he sat in the back, listened to everyone, and at the very end (after hours of listening) made intelligent, thoughtful remarks. I was very impressed and think he will do what is right for Delawareans.