Universal Health Care = Terrorists Win

Filed in National by on July 6, 2007


 omg, you aren’t going to believe this video.  I don’t know where to begin.  Basically if we don’t keep our health care privatized the Terrorists could infiltrate a gov’t managed plan and kill us all.

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hiding in the open

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  1. J says:

    This is a stretch, but can you also admit that the terrorist of today are in fact MUSLIMS!

  2. Observer says:

    Geez, are you kidding me? You mean greedy health care execs might lose their millions??

    Can’t let that happen. Here in Delaware good ole Levin raped the system for years and went so far as to threaten to pull his pharmacies out of Medicaid. No wonder Srine likes him.

  3. donviti says:

    what was Tim McVeigh?

    what about that abortion doctor killer?

    how about that kid in Virginia Tech?

  4. Disbelief says:


    First of all, the speaker is a middle aged dude with a dark beard who has obviously died his hair platinum blond.

    There is no second of all.

  5. J says:

    Are you serious. It’s scary to think that you want to give Muslims a pass.

    Maybe you’re right we should give up, because it will never end if you don’t know who your fighting.

    I know exactly who we’re fighting. Muslim Extremist. Not abortion doctors, tim McVeigh or The VT student. Muslim Extremist are our enemies period! I don’t care what they do for a living.

  6. Disbelief says:

    J obviously is a really nice guy to only have one enemy. I can think of at least a handful of people besides Muslims who’d like to see me dead, and my first two ex-wives count as three of them.

  7. donviti says:


    What about the war on drugs? aren’t drugs evil?

    what about the war on poverty? isn’t that an enemy?

    what about the war on crime? Isn’t that an enemy?

    What if a athiest kills a 100 people tomorrow? what is he? just crazy?

    What happens if some Jewish dude goes and straps a bomb on and blows himself up in Dearborn, Mi?

    do you own a black and white TV at home too? if not consider getting one, otherwise you are wasting your money on all those other shades of color.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    I’m starting to believe that republicans are scared, little babies, since everything seems to lead to terrorism, the fall of western civilization, or immediate death. Either it’s a ploy to frighten people into believing a false argument or they’re just the biggest bunch of worrying losers ever!

    So all you trolls out there, which one is it?

  9. David says:

    Muslims, Iraqis, Clintons, they’re all EEEVIL!

  10. J says:

    I’m not disputing anything else that you all are saying.

    The doctors in the UK terrorist acts are germane to the majority of terrorist acts throughtout the world. They are mostly carried out by Muslim Extremist.

    What I am pointing out is the fact you are failing to acknowledge Enemy # 1.


  11. donviti says:

    I don’t want to get to far away from this video, lets dial it in for a second.

    this fucking idiot was on Fox News….spewing this crap and both him and the “reporter” are slobbing over each others knob to get this crazy point out.


    enemy number 1 are people like you that think enemy #1 are only Muslims and lose sight of what is going on in this country.

  12. J says:


    I was commenting on your post. How is it that we’re talking about everythiing else?

    If that’s going to be the direction of this line, let me add to it with other crap as well.

    Here then is my two cents, I wouldn’t want to break and actually have a discussion on your post:
    China Public Restroom Has 1,000 Stalls

  13. J says:

    Donviti you also add “enemy number 1 are people like you that think enemy #1 are only Muslims and lose sight of what is going on in this country.”

    You sound like an isolationist much more akin to Pat Buchanan than any Democrat I know.

    Are you sure you only want to concentrate on issues within our borders?

  14. donviti says:

    the only thing Pukecanan and I have in common are we are Catholic and think that this war is unjust.

    after that we pretty much part ways.

    I’m not going to define myself for you, you can just visit and troll around like Chrissy does to figure that out for yourself.

    I will say that this administration has pulled the wool over a large portion of this country’s eyes using Terrorism as the sheet saying it is our greatest enemy meanwhile they fuck us over by relaxing environmental laws, selling the govt out to lobbyists, caving to big business left and right as well as giving massive tax breaks for the rich all at our country’s peril. That is our biggest threat…not a couple morons strapping bombs to their asses screaming Allah Akbar!

    but sure keep believing that terrorism is our greatest problem…sure whatever, 40 years ago it was communism, and before that it was something else and before that something else too

    I worry about paying my bills, putting my kids through school and saving enough money to live on so when (not if) my company merges with another huge company I can support myself after I get laid off so some fucking white guy in a brooks brother suit can make a few fucking million more a year.

  15. Chris says:

    “I’m starting to believe that republicans are scared, little babies, since everything seems to lead to terrorism, the fall of western civilization, or immediate death. Either it’s a ploy to frighten people into believing a false argument or they’re just the biggest bunch of worrying losers ever!

    So all you trolls out there, which one is it?”

    You have left off the third option…that we are sadly correct. I realize that the demise of liberal ideals is more of a concern for you guys, but having an actual existing country with still live individuals in it tends to be of more concern for me. I realize that the terrorists do not possess the ability to totally destroy the US (as Russia certain could have during the cold war…and I guess still could). But they certainly have the ability to kill a TON of us in one unforeseen shot. Maybe you get your jollies playing russian roullete. I wish you best of luck with that. But it is not in my nature, nor that of the American spirit, to sit around, twiddle my thumbs, and wait to see if I or my family are the ones the terrorists get to.

    Closer to the point of the thread, I do not have time to watch the video clip (supposed to be working), but if indeed the interviewee made the argument that government Healthcare will kill us because the terrorist could infiltrate it…I think that is overkill. Government run healthcare will kill us all by itself.

  16. David says:

    Muslims, Iraqis, Clintons and Mexicans, they’re all EEEEVIL!

  17. oedipa maas says:

    Terrorists of today are all extremists and they come in all flavors. The presumption that all Muslims are terrorists is bigotry run amok, and the FoxNews association of terrorists with UK National Healthcare just adds to the reasons why no one should treat Fox as a credible news organization.

    Really, that clip is just a perfect look at how effectively the FoxNews Republicans are communicated with — appeals to bigotry and fear all wrapped up in the trappings of a serious consideration of policy. It’s a shame, really.

  18. donviti says:

    almost forgot about those little bastards (mexicans that is)

    good addition!

  19. J says:

    Not all Muslims are extremist! There is however a group out there of Muslim Extremist! No?

    WTF, are people that ignorant to suggest they are not the largest group of terrorist?

  20. Ryan S. says:

    Well I would say that England’s health care certainly enabled these guys to do what they did.

    They were only in the UK because of the shortage of doctors. The shortage of doctors is caused by England’s health care system.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say it caused it, but it certainly was an open door.

  21. donviti says:

    so what is your point J…

    this idiot on the video is saying that muslim doctors a percentage of them (watch the video) are terrorists and will infiltrate the United States if we go to a Universal Health Plan..

    how crazy is that…

    there are only like what 2 billion muslims J, how many are “extremists” I mean christ enemy #1? what is the matter with you people?

  22. donviti says:

    another brilliant thought way to go.

    So lets poke a few holes into your amazing insight.

    Where they “terrorists” before they were doctors?

    Did they come over as terrorists? You seem to know the answer already

    or Did something convert them to bring up their cause after they were in the UK?

    How do you know that the UK plan “enabled” them?

    We have muslim Doctor’s over here why aren’t they enabled?

  23. J says:

    so what is your point J…

    My point is I’m a Catholic also, and if Catholics were conducting themselves in this manner (beheadings, indiscriminate homicide bombings, etc)on a daily basis, I wouldn’t be a Catholic any longer.

    Put the onus on Muslims to isolate and condemn their extremist.

    You should recognize that this is the first time “professionals” have been arrested, not some disgruntled Muslim youth.

    “Muslim Extremist” seek global imposition of Shiria law and nothing else, but you’ll never agree.
    So let’s just all have a nice weekend instead.

  24. donviti says:

    sure the extremists want us to change but there aren’t there Christian religions that swear you are going to hell if you don’t convert.

    why do I have to live in fear my entire lives b/c a VERY VERY VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE Of idiots say they want to kill me?

    US corporations seek global impostion of capitalism and will stop at nothing to do so…
    but yes have a great weekend and make sure to sleep with one eye open

    a terrorist could be under your bed

  25. Ryan S. says:

    aren’t there Christian religions that swear you are going to hell if you don’t convert.

    “swearing” you to Hell and trying to send you there personally are two very different things.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    J doesn’t understand the rules of grammar…

    This is what you wrote: “This is a stretch, but can you also admit that the terrorist of today are in fact MUSLIMS!”

    Now, this irrefutably means that all terrorists are Muslim. If this wasn’t what you meant, then you need to proof-read your posts before submitting.

    Do you really want to know who the real terrorists here are? That would be Fox News, since the above clip falls well within the definition of the word….

    “noun: the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.”


    Balloon-head Neil, his producers, Roger Ailes, most GOPers, and of course Rupert use the “threat of violence” as a tool to fill their flock with fear in order to shape political and social issues.

    A verse from one of my favorite bands sums up Fox’s and the Rethugs’ MO quite nicely:

    I keep the wolf from the door
    But he calls me up
    Calls me on the phone
    Tells me all the ways that he’s gonna mess me up
    Steal all my children if I don’t pay the ransom
    And I’ll never see them again if I squeal to the cops. . . .

  27. oedipa maas says:

    So, J, you would be saying then that because the IRA was all over Britain bombing and kidnapping innocents, you stopped being Catholic? Or perhaps you would like to tell us how the world made you jump in there and isolate and condemn your fellow Catholics there. (FTR, I’m Catholic too and missed the memo to quit or make them stop).

    And the 9/11 hijackers were mostly from middleclass families of civil servants or tradespeople and some of them were in advanced studies for professions (architecture is one I remember).

    And the US imports perhaps 15% of its doctors and we all know how hard we are recruiting for nurses from all over the world.

    The dangers from terrorists are all around and the real point is that we don’t have a government that is doing particularly much to tamp down on it. Certainly we do have the security theater in our airports, but cargo is not effectively screened and certainly our ports and borders are pretty wide open. The INS or ICE is completely overwhelmed. but we have our FoxNews citizens completely happy to be scared out of their pants instead of advocating for REAL SECURITY MEASURES.

  28. J says:

    “So, J, you would be saying then that because the IRA was all over Britain bombing and kidnapping innocents, you stopped being Catholic?”

    I knew the minute I wrote that, someone would use the IRA example.

    Please show me where the IRA has deployed folks all over the world and attack women and children of all nationalities, races, religions, to impose catholicism.

  29. J says:

    J doesn’t understand the rules of grammar…

    This is what you wrote: “This is a stretch, but can you also admit that the terrorist of today are in fact MUSLIMS!”

    Please allow me to correct this statement.

    “This is a stretch, but can you also admit that the overwhelming terrorist of today are in fact MUSLIM!”

  30. donviti says:

    you don’t get to qualify your own examples after someone totally rips you apart.

    you cited something Oedipa drilled you now you recant?

    nope sorry

    1 point Oedipa

  31. J says:

    you don’t get to qualify your own examples after someone totally rips you apart.

    Donviti, that’s your opinion.

    Ignorance and total blindness will never trump an argument I make. Ever.

  32. Von Cracker says:

    There you go, J! Now it reads that, to you, the terrorists are overwhelming. But I think I understand your point. 😉

  33. J says:

    There you go, J! Now it reads that, to you, the terrorists are overwhelming. But I think I understand your point. 😉

    It’s Friday…fuck you. Sorry, I meant thanks for understanding.

  34. Von Cracker says:

    Ha! I’d bet you’d like to, you closet case! Though I’m not surprised since most conservatives tend to repress and eventually fight what they truly are!

  35. donviti says:

    1 point cracker

  36. J says:

    …most conservatives tend to repress and eventually fight what they truly are!

    Why do you say I’m a conservative? Can’t I just be bright without a label? Ha! back

  37. donviti says:

    sure you don’t have to have a label

    but, you can’t be bright

  38. Von Cracker says:

    Just don’t hide behind your firewall and say “Fuck You”. I love cussing, but I never do it in the way that you did. So, if I return in kind, don’t bitch.

    But seriously, I do apologize for the deliberate, hurtful comment of calling you a conservative.

  39. Dorian Gray says:

    How about this. I won’t label anyone anything other that a flaming fucking idiot.

    #1 The Islamic terrorists are ALL Muslim. Who cares! All religion is fake anyway!

    #2 The fact that a terrorist might, might be able to kill 10,000 people with one shot doesn’t scare me in the least. Patrick Henry said liberty or death for a reason. Like “Live Free or Die”. I’d prefer the risk rather that your eavesdropping, Gitmo, totalitarianism.

    #3 Feel free to vote for Rudy or Mitt.. keep supporting Bush and watching Fox News. I need something to make me laugh you fucking mental midgets.


  40. Dorian Gray says:

    VC made me feel bad for reducing the discourse to the lowest common denominator. As Donviti and VC know, I don’t care, this is how I talk!

  41. Ryan S. says:

    Where they “terrorists” before they were doctors?

    Did they come over as terrorists? You seem to know the answer already

    or Did something convert them to bring up their cause after they were in the UK?

    How do you know that the UK plan “enabled” them?

    We have muslim Doctor’s over here why aren’t they enabled?

    I don’t know about “where” but I make no claim that they were terrorists other than in the UK.

    I say the National Health “enabled” them as that’s the only reason they were in the UK, because of the doctor shortage. The program they came over as part of allowed them to bypass the visa system and begin working because the doctor shortage is so bad, at least according to ABC News.

  42. Von Cracker says:

    DG, on your first point…If a god wants killings in his name, then, certainly, god is not great.

    In fact, he/she/it should be sent to Gitmo III (a restricted-deed community) for some “probing” from the Mittster!

  43. J says:

    I was joking when I said “It’s Friday…Fuck you.

    I thought you’d get that.

  44. Von Cracker says:

    No worries, J.

    I’m usually pretty good catching snark/sarcasm.

  45. Chris says:

    Why so many people are struggling to make it in America:

    1/3 – Taxes (most of which go to the army, which in turn goes to Boeing, Halliburton, etc.)
    1/3 – Health Care & Education (insurance and saving for college)
    1/3 – Left over to pay for everything else

    Who wins? Huge arms manufacturers that haven’t been needed since the collapse of the USSR


    1/3 – Taxes (Go primarily to health care and education)
    2/3 – Left over for you to spend

    Who wins? You do.

  46. Michael says:

    Liberals aren’t arguing that there is no evil in the world and that people don’t want to kill us. The difference is that liberals are willing to stand up for American principles (Bill of Rights, Constitution) and those things which separate us from the rest of the world EVEN WHEN TIMES ARE TOUGH.

    Conservatives are terrified of their own shadows and willing to give up anything to feel just a little more secure at the drop of a hat.

    If the terrorists “hate our freedom” and the goal of terrorism is to alter the policies or ways of life in a society with which they disagree, then if we give up our “freedoms” don’t “the terrorists win?” Good old George W. give the terrorists a little victory every time he rolls back a freedom or warrentlessly wiretaps another American citizen.

  47. Michael,

    Yes, there is plenty of evil in the world and it isn’t going away. I have no fear of my shadow but when I fly over Ground Zero 10 times a month I have to ask how could this have happened and I do fear that could happen again. Surveillance which involves contact with terrorist groups is necessary and should be pursued at every level.

    I am not talking about the wire taps Democratic Presidents Kennedy and Johnson used Martin Luther King, I am asking Pres. Bush to monitor all potentially damaging communications.

    The goal of Al Qaeda is not alter the policies or ways of life, it is;

    The principal stated aims of al-Qaeda are to drive Americans and American influence out of all Muslim nations, especially Saudi Arabia; destroy Israel; and topple pro-Western dictatorships around the Middle East. Bin Laden has also said that he wishes to unite all Muslims and establish, by force if necessary, an Islamic nation adhering to the rule of the first Caliphs.

    According to bin Laden’s 1998 fatwa (religious decree), it is the duty of Muslims around the world to wage holy war on the U.S., American citizens, and Jews. Muslims who do not heed this call are declared apostates (people who have forsaken their faith). (State Dept excerpt).

    Thanks for the question about surveillance.

  48. Michael says:

    Interesting post, but it still doesn’t address the fundamental issue in my previous post:

    Conservatives are far too willing to compromise on America’s core principles (those principles which have elevated the human condition the world over) for temporary security and convenience:

    1. HABEAS CORPUS (see Guantanamo Bay…and don’t give me the enemy combatant line)

    2. PROTECTION AGAINST UNREASONABLE SEARCH AND SEIZURE (warrentless wiretapping. it’s wrong no matter who does it and for whatever purpose, Democrat or Republican. Not to mention, the FISA Court APPROVED over 98% of the requests it received for wiretaps, the administration chose to break the law on the 2% that weren’t approved)

    3. SEPARATION OF POWERS (Cheney’s refusal to submit to Congressional oversight and submit to an executive order requiring him to disclose information)

    To think that those terrorists who wish to establish theocracies the world over are not overjoyed when they see those principles rolled back is naivety. Authoritarian theocracies cannot exist in a free and open societies. Before Bin Laden’s goals can be met (establish a Caliphate) he needs to destroy democratic bulwarks.

  49. Chris says:

    FYI. #45 was not posted by me. You know the one that Donviti calls troll because he can’t stand the truth….

    Just wanted to make sure that I was not associated with that mush of misinformation.

  50. donviti says:

    no, I call you a troll because when we throw facts at you time and again you come back a day or two later and belch out the same filth we dismissed sevral times.

    You say AQ is the reason for the instability in Iraq, we swat that away.
    You say that Iraq is fine..we swat that away.

    you say Iraq is not in a civil war we show you they are

    we show you proof of the corruption in the government and in corporations you say there isn’t or dismiss us as angry liberals

    we show you proof of Scooter’s lying and you come up with a defense that the best defense money can buy doesn’t come up with

    Von Cracker, Jason, Oedipa dismiss your ridiculous rants line by line and yet 2 days later here you are.

    You link to a website Dismissing Michael Moore’s 9/11 and it a website full of some dudes opinions and you stand by it

    We show you the bias of Fox news you barely acknowledge the bias

    I could go on Chrissy, but there is no point my friend

    that my friend is why I call you a troll.