HB1 Petitioned Out?

Filed in Delaware by on May 14, 2009

Just heard that Sen Karen Petersen got the 11 signatures to bring HB5 1 to the Senate floor.  The Senate immediately broke to caucus.

That’s all I got and I’m not so sure of that — what have you heard?

EDIT: I just heard via email that this is HB1 that got petitioned out — which is what my tipster said.  My fault — had HB5 on the brain.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Who signed the petition?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Don’t know. The heads up we got said that she had 11 votes to suspend the rules.

  3. pandora says:

    Petulant, childish bitch. 😉

  4. cassandra_m says:

    I got an email on this just as I was ready to leave the office, so it is changed. Sorry again folks, I had HB5 on the brain and thanks to the anon tipster.

  5. In terms of the Senate going crazy, HB 1 makes more sense than HB 5. Nancy Cook must be freaking out. The last thing she wants/needs is the sunlight of open government on her secretive Joint Finance Committee deal-making.

    This is a major shot across the bow of the Senate leadership, and it’s about bleeping time.

    El Somnambulo guesses that both Mike Katz and Brian Bushweller were key ‘gets’ for Karen Peterson, and that they were likely the two new signators that Karen needed. Maybe Ennis, too.

    At the risk of offending UI, allow ‘bulo to just say that Karen Peterson’s got balls, and good for her.

    One more thing. There will be major strong-arming going on in the D caucus (‘bulo suspects that all the R’s voted to petition the bill out, and good for them). This is an important and perhaps transformative moment that could well lead to the end of business-as-usual in the Senate. It’s THAT important.

    But it ain’t over ’til the Fat Lady screams. Which is probably what she’s doing in Caucus right now.

  6. PI says:

    It was not a petition. It was a voice vote on the floor or the senate to suspend rules and bring the bill to the floor for debate and vote on it prior to the budget mark-up break so the Governor could have an opportunity to sign it before budget hearings hence opening the hearings to the public (starting next week). I still do not have the names of all of those who said Yes for everyone to hear. Immediately following the vote they went into recess and into caucus. Word is, no one was expecting it and the surprised look was priceless!
    So, right now it’s unclear if they will be going back in to actually debate the issue today or whether they will go back and recess (their only option to prevent it from possibly passing and being signed BEFORE the budget hearings). If they recess, Sen Peterson will have the floor when they re-convene after the budget mark-up break.

  7. PI says:

    I do know that Sokola was a yes vote. I would think it had republican support as well. I would also think Bushweller and Katz should stand up since they campaigned on open government. Maybe Ennis…..all speculation at this point. I’ll see if I can find out.

  8. PI says:

    The bill is now tabled until they return from budget break. More to come…

  9. Makes sense. That way Nancy can work her black magic behind closed doors for this year at least…

    And, PI, thanks for keeping everyone posted.

  10. PI: One more question. Who was presiding over the Senate? Was it Matt Denn or Thurman Adams?
    He can’t imagine Adams saying ‘the ayes have it’ on such a vote. And, he finds it hard to believe that a roll call vote wasn’t held once the ruling from the chair came down, which any member may request, and it’s a request that must be granted.

  11. PI says:

    The ‘yes ‘ votes are:

    Not voting: Bethany Hall-Long
    The remainder (including Ennis who campaigned on open government) voted No.

    I do not know who was presiding. I’m guessing Denn. It was a roll call vote. Sorry, I don’t know all this lingo. The bill is the first bill on the agenda when they return from budget break. Would’ve loved to be in the caucus after that move! One senator thought the surprise attack was the most brilliant move he’d seen in his years in the senate.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    Thank you PI!

    Apologies to everyone reading for the mistakes — trying to work and blog at the same time is always a mistake.

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    Isn’t this the second time that Hall-Long has bravely stood up and not voted?

    Congrats to Senator Peterson. She has guts.

  14. That would make the No’s:
    Simpson(!)-Thurm’s State Fair Pal

    And, folks, in a vote like this, a ‘Not Voting’ (Bethany Hall-Long) has the same impact as a ‘No’ vote.

    In case you’re keeping score.

  15. PI says:

    But, she (Bethany) said she would support it once it gets to the floor for debate. Big deal! The ones who stood up to be counted today deserve praise since, in effect, they went against the status quo. Kudos to the courageous!

    And yes, Bethany has taken that same bold move recently. Maybe on the energy bill? Or sports betting? Can’t remember off hand.

  16. BH-L’s deeply-held beliefs extend only to what can get her ahead. She has no principles or scruples. What she has done is Carperesque (remember when Carper opposed filibusters to keep Alito and Roberts from an ‘up-and-down’ vote in the Senate, then voted against the nominations once he made sure that it was a foregone conclusion that they’d be confirmed?). AWOL on the key vote, full of window dressing when it comes to appearing to support an issue she couldn’t care less about.

  17. oh hai says:

    No principles or scruples? You don’t believe that, do you El Som?

  18. RSmitty says:

    El Som should believe that (well, make that legislative principles or scruples – I don’t know how fair it would be on a personal level…unless El Som knows her that way). I will, however, applaud her for her recent bill about minors and tanning salons. Considering the damage those beds can do, there absolutely should be consent.

    Awesome, one big stance since 2002.