About Saturday

Filed in Delaware by on May 14, 2009

As of this moment, I am still uncertain about for whom I will cast my vote in the Democratic Party Chair election.  I have had compelling conversations via email and phone with a number of people, including one of the candidates (and I expect the other to call soon).  People that I trust and care about in Delaware Democratic politics have given me good reasons to vote for both candidates and given reasons that seem to disqualify the other.

Last night, I had pretty much made up my mind and I called one of the people that the candidate had mentioned had endorsed him.  Turns out that that little fact was untrue.  So I am back to even odds.  Why lie when things can be so easily verified?

Who is going on Saturday?  Who are you planning to vote for and why?


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  1. I am still open to persuasion. I’m finding myself hoping for a third choice.

  2. nemski says:

    Hmm, I wonder if you talked to K.

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Dear Geek, I am just BUSTING to answer this, but I will wait and see how your choices are presented to you by both contender’s supporters.

    But, I think I do offer a different take.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Kowalko is a solid vote for McGlinchy.

    Rebecca Young is solid for Daniello.

    Neither is the person that was incorrectly ID’d as a supporter either way.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Joanne – do you get to vote for Protack? 🙂

  6. RSmitty says:

    Damn you Geek, you stole my rimshot. I was going to tell you to vote for Protack.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    I’m not a voter for this, but I agree with UI. It really is too bad that there is not a more progressive choice and certainly too bad that Markell didn’t try to get one of his own in there. And I’m not buying that McGlinchy is progressive. One, lots of his support is City of Wilmington support and there is no progessivity there. And two, he isn’t too involved in actually helping to get new progressive voices to the table — rather, he’s been more involved in perpetuating much of the Dem status quo.

    But Daniello and the primary endorsements was the hubris of machine politics, so there isn’t much better. I don’t envy you guys this pick.

  8. Perry says:

    Like UI, I am hoping for a third choice.

    If I were voting, and there were no other choice, I would vote for McGlinchy as an anti-Daniello vote.

    I cannot forgive Daniello for the hubris that Cassandra just mentioned. He had no right to use my donation to back a candidate in a primary. And then, he did not respond to my protest note. He needs to go.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    I will have my Democratic leadership post tomorrow. Stay tuned!

  10. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Rebecca + Daniello??? Crap I thought Ms. Young was involved w/the so-called Progressives Democrats. Turns out ‘they’ are shilling for the Dirty Dems….who knew? I long suspected; thanks for clearing this up in my mind.

    When I cautioned Ms. Young and others about including electeds on the local committees she urged ‘understanding’. Well I understand perfectly now!

    Susan Regis Collins, proud to be a member of the Delaware Democrat Party, is pleased to announce her vote will go to Change….continuing the hope for/or change
    from president, thru governor, to party chair. Therefore, I solmemnly pledge my vote to Brian McGlinchy.

    I urge readers to join in this effort to

    Keep Hope Alive!!!! (j.jackson)

  11. John Manifold says:

    When last seen, Susan was trying to get Paul Falkowski elected City chairman.

  12. pandora says:

    Oh… oh my.

  13. aykm says:

    There are at least 8 people on McGlinchy’s list that never authorized him to use their name for this post. (could be a genuine mistake as some supported him in his national committeeman bid but not the chairmanship but I am feeling a little doubtful that you could make that mistake eight times.) Also, several people on that list aren’t even delegates to the convention and thereby have no vote.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Atkins is not eligible. So that makes me feel better about McGlinchey.

  15. feces says:

    One doesn’t have to be a convention delegate to endorse. That’s a red herring.

  16. jason330 says:

    Looking forward to it UI. As for me, I’d vote for Daniello based on his track record, but I dropped out of my committee due to slackertude and because we never had interesting races like this when I was schleping to the meetings.

  17. aykm says:

    I know that you don’t have to be a delegate to endorse. I just think he is trying to make his support look more widespread than it really is. Most people who see that piece don’t know that the list is sketchy.

  18. feces says:

    That’s a B.S. argument. I’ll repeat: You don’t have to be a delegate to endorse. Joe Shmoe can support Candidate A, even endorse, and it’s perfectly legitimate to publicize that endorsement or support. Nothing in the flyer I saw even remotely suggested that the endorsers were convention delegates. So when you take it for what it is, it’s not sketchy in the least. Only when you try to spin it do you reach such a conclusion.

    The names on that list, however, make me cringe. I don’t care if they’re delegates or donuts – I’m not backing anyone who KWS supports.

  19. Susan Regis Collins says:

    JM….Eff you and the nag you rode in on.

    I do not care to validate your comment with a complete and acurate history but you haven’t the foggiest notion where Paul Falkowski and I have been on the political battlefield known as the City Committee.

    Until you have walked in our campaign boots for a city block you have no right to even mention the dual among Paul, Dirty Dems’ Durante, Dirty Dems’ Chancelor Strine.

    Those of you who have not been in the political trenches working for change should try it sometime.

  20. Caped crusader says:

    Wow our choices are between one has-been union goon and a younger union goon who, I guess, can still bust your kneecaps. Delaware is blue in spite of the creaky throwback party machinery, and as Jack Markell taught us: You don’t need that machinery (including the union army) to win an election.

  21. PI says:

    People may not like the way Daniello does things, but at least he doesn’t attempt to fool anyone with a slick piece of literature with named endorsements of people who haven’t endorsed him and leaving off names of those who do. It’s no secret that Karen Hartley Nagle was making phone calls in support of BM or that Tom Gordon is stumping for BM. Why aren’t their names on the endorsement list? Could it be that the inclusion of those names would make some people cringe?

  22. liberalgeek says:

    Hmmm. But there are names like Atkins and KWS that make people cringe also. I heard 2nd or 3rd hand that Atkins not only can’t vote on Saturday (hasn’t been a Dem long enough) but has never met McGlinchey.

  23. Caped crusader says:

    I do agree with PI. Daniello may not be slick, but he deeply cares (in his own kind of throwback way) about the party. McGlinchey is a Union Man first — these guys have supported a litany of Republicans. Jeff Mack, Terry Spence, Vince Lofink, Bill Oberle, Bruce Reynolds. Just ask Valerie Longhurst, who worked and walked her butt off in 2004, and won by 20-plus votes in spite of unanimous union support for Bruce Reynolds. I wouldn’t trust him to be in charge of electing Democrats.

  24. I totally disagree that McGlinchey is Union First. Hopefully, those who want an honest assessment will look to Dana Garrett’s piece on McGlinchey. Anonymous posters here are not being honest.

    Evidently, there is a pile of dishonestly among McGlinchey’s listed ‘supporters’. Those who now SECRETLY are telling callers that they never agreed to support BM aren’t telling the whole story. COWARDS. There’s no way that Brian or anyone would have entered their names without their tacit endorsements. I call bullcrap.

    Now I am going to have drag my ass down to Dover tomorrow because this looks like the heart and soul of whether or not alternatives can advance with our Party leadership’s help. I think that will happen under new leadership.

    I challenge that Daniello should take credit for the DEMs stellar year’s elections. I call total bullcrap on that.

    His track record is his pre-primary record, IMHO, where many of the candidates (he) the DEM party supported were soundly rejected by the rank and file Delaware Dems including their support of our very popular governor.

  25. ‘Bulo calls BS on Nancy Willing’s ongoing assertion that Anonymous=Dishonest. That’s the kind of argument that you make when your own points are laughably, um, pointless.

    For the Nth time, people, and yes, that includes contributors and respondents, have legitimate reasons for remaining anonymous on the blogs.

    It is up to each reader to determine what perspectives have legitimacy and/or which ones they gravitate toward. But imputing sinister motives to those who blog anonymously, especially when people mostly know who the bloggers are even though they use handles, is devoid of serious thought.

  26. RSmitty says:

    No offense, but it’s nice to know that the other side doesn’t have exclusive rights to the infighting and ad-hominems.

    FTR, I wholly endorse Mike Protack to be your next chair.

  27. I am sorry if I made my point clumsily because El Bow’s read of it is incorrect.

    The dishonesty is in anonymous REPORTING of what people are up to. Without substantive information to back this up, it remains bunk.

    Sinister?? HYPERBOBBY!

    I don’t think anonymity = dishonesty you WHACKY clunkhead@! 🙂 I do think someone is lying and it ain’t Brian McGlinchey.

    Additionally, unless you, El Bow, are sockpuppeting in this thread above, there is no blogger but mere commentors who are surely not known to all – at least not me.

  28. Nancy Willing wrote:
    “Without substantive information to back this up, it remains bunk.”

    Like “Daniello supported Castle”, which you wrote w/o attribution. So don’t go all righteous on everyone when you spew crap like that.

  29. PBaumbach says:

    I’m in the undecided camp, for the same reasons that Geek lists in the initial post. I would love for a progressive candidate to come forth. I will listen to both candidates tomorrow, with a semi-open mind.

    It is likely that, even if Brian turns me off tomorrow, I will be unable to vote FOR John. I think that the best I will be able to do is abstain. [Does this make me as spineless as BHL?]

  30. No, P, because you’d be doing it on principle, not on political calculation.

  31. RSmitty says:

    [Does this make me as spineless as BHL?]

    No, P, because you’d be doing it on principle, not on political calculation.

    One of the best comment sequences of the day. I love you two!!! (that’s the beer talking)

  32. At 11:54 a.m.? Smitty’s flagged!

  33. El Bow… don’t you read your daily DWA?

    Mike Matthews verifies that Castle was supported by Daniello. Everyone knows it.

    If I see you tomorrow, I’ll spill in person.

  34. cassandra_m says:

    Just because the usual suspects repeat something doesn’t make it true. There is a contingent here who are just delighted with conspiracy tales largely because those tales are way more interesting and put people they don’t much like in a bad light.

    If there is a real tale, with real sources that tale (and named sources) would have been told over and over in places like this. But it isn’t. Just the usual nudge, nugde, everyone knows it game.

  35. RSmitty says:

    At 11:54 a.m.? Smitty’s flagged!

    Heh. Flattery gets you everywhere in my world! 😀

    As I stare out the window, Smitty could only wish he had the opportunity to be flagged at this point.

  36. feces says:

    “Everyone knows it.”

    Everybody knows lots of things. A critical mass of bad information doesn’t make it correct.

  37. Nancy says:

    Ah well, since all I have is second hand stories, the people will have to tell their versions themselves.

    Won’t it be sweet if some people step forward tomorrow with first hand accounts?

    Castle’s ben the go-to guy forever in-DEM-land mainly due to the DE WAY and Carper.

  38. liberalgeek says:

    Find me Nancy. I’ll tell you who Brian told me was endorsing him. I’ll also tell you what that person told me.

  39. RSmitty says:

    On a side, but kinda related note…is it coincidence that the State Dem and State GOP convention are on the same day this year, or is that more common than I am aware? Difficult question of the decade: which one will Celia attend?

  40. Good question Smitty! Which will be more interesting – a contentious leadership race of possibly putting Protack in a position of power?

  41. RSmitty says:

    He will be your nomination from the floor, afterall.
    Yeah, I need to wake up now.

  42. Paul says:

    John Manifold // May 14, 2009 at 9:11 pm
    When last seen, Susan was trying to get Paul Falkowski elected City chairman.

    John, have we ever met?

    After the Democratic City Party elections in October 2001, there was a problem with members NOT filing properly. I was the only person to file properly. I did not therefore intend to be the chairman, I intended to be the only person in the City Dem Party.
    I would have appointed a balanced few members of the party, based on party rules for filling vacancies.

    I used to believe that rules were rules, and that laws could be counted on. Boy, was I wrong. And look at today’s financial calamity, and the government is rewriting contracts? Contracts between banks and mortgage companies and home owners? This country is f#@ked.

    After the panic, and after baker got involved, the court decided that I could NOT be the only person, that did it not exercise a democratic process. The rules were ignored.
    I never did get elected even as a member.

    I learned a tough political lesson, the courts are political. I had every right based on the party rules. The rules were not followed.

    Here is a link to a court finding. I am sure you can find the original case.


    God Bless America. It need it.

  43. John Manifold says:

    Don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure, Paul, but it’s pretty bold for a disappointed litigant to accuse the judiciary of being crooked. If you intend to do so, you’re including the Delaware Supreme Court in your accusation.


    People lose cases all the time. Grownups learn how to lose w/o accusing the judge of being crooked.

  44. Paul says:

    “I learned a tough political lesson, the courts are political. I had every right based on the party rules. The rules were not followed.”

    Is what I said.
    I see no use in attempting an intelligent conversation considering YOUR translation of my statement.
    Address the facts of the case. The court overruled the rules of the City Democratic Party.

    You translated that to be crooked. I did not.
    Nice try though.


  45. feces says:

    “Ah well, since all I have is second hand stories…”

    … why spread them around in the first place since you don’t know their veracity?