Jan Ting

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 28, 2007

Jan Ting is on NPR 90.9 if you are interested in hearing an Asian American Republican discuss immigration…

Update:  He is getting pounded by a female caller, the female caller is a (Temple Law Professor, which Jan Ting is too) about how asylum isn’t working the way we have it now.  the case loads are huge and they are overwhelmed.

Host: What Criteria would you used to deport illegals?

Ting: They are all subject to deportation.

Until the laws are changed they should be enforced. 

Using a straw man example criminal parents shouldn’t be allowed to stay.

 Update III:  He is getting smacked around by this lady on immigration pretty good.  Ting is saying that we have to use the laws and deport the people and she is saying how he just said they are overwhelmed now, how are they going to deport 15 million people if they are overwhelmed?  NICE

UPDATE IV: Immigration and Jim Crowe Laws are paralelled.  Female Jaya someone (still can’t get her name) says yes.

Thanks Von Cracker!

JAYA RAMJI-NOGALEShttp://www.whyy.org/91FM/radiotimes.html

Update V: Ting:  Now he is asking why isn’t Mexico a rich country?  Talking about Corruption in Mexico.  He just mentioned Criminal Aliens!  HELLO, Talking point straw man.  As if 15 million little brown people are murdering everyone in the parking lots of Home Depot. 

UPDATE VI: I can’t stand it:  Straw man after straw man.  they come over here to have their babies, steal our services we pay for.  Abusing their rights, if the parents get deported they can take their children.


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hiding in the open

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  1. Brian says:

    Jan has issues.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Immigration, to the right, is all about dirty brown people coming here to steal our shit. No mention though of the massive amounts of clean Eastern Euros and smart, polite Asians.

  3. Brian says:

    “Not mention though of the massive amounts of clean Eastern Euros and smart, polite Asians”

    No, they are left out of Jan’s world.

  4. RickJ says:

    “Immigration, to the right, is all about dirty brown people coming here to steal our shit. No mention though of the massive amounts of clean Eastern Euros and smart, polite Asians.”

    Because, by and large, they enter the country through legal means. It is estimated that there are between 12-20 million illegal immigrants in this country – illegal meaning they didn’t follow the laws put in place for entry by a foreign national. The vast majority of them are “dirty brown people” (your words, not mine). To claim that by requesting that the laws set in place for entering the country be followed isn’t racism necessarily.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Over 20% of documented illegals are non-Latino.

  6. Brian says:

    I love the angry rhetoric out of Mexico city these days…and the anti-americanism, as millions of people struggle to find a dignified life here…It seems like bizzaro world to me. And Jan’s ideas are not going to help it too much.

  7. RickJ says:

    So over 75% of illegal immigrants are Latino by your reckoning.

  8. donviti says:

    i think his point is 20% is a pretty large number to ignore, yet you and the rest of your ilk do and villafy the ones you can easily identify

  9. Brian says:

    Like dem’ Rooskies, Pinkos and Commies?

  10. RickJ says:

    I don’t really have “ilk”. (looks behind him) Yep. Tragically ilkless.

    If the number is 20 million illegal aliens, then 4 million non-Latino illegal aliens is a lot. 16 million is more. More to the point, if the primary point of entry for illegal immigrants is our Sounthern border (with a country who has even less tolerant immigration laws than we do), why is it inherently “racist” to try to seal that border from further illegal entry?

  11. Brian says:

    It is not.

    But I would say a broad moratorium on all immigration for the next 50 or so years to let everyone acclimate to the country and give people here the time to assimilate by understanding the principles values of liberty and individual freedom and responsibility.

    We have done this several times before. This is diametrically opposed to Jan’s deport em’ at all costs except the ones who look like me attitude.

  12. NosyNeighbor says:

    A lot of them don’t want to assimilate. They are only here to make money and send it home. They don’t want to be citizens. They don’t want to pay taxes. They don’t want to learn English. They are loyal to Mexico and wish to remain Mexican citizens.

    As for the immigrants that do want to be U.S. citizens, I’m sure most can and do enter this country legally.

    This is about illegal aliens — not legal immigrants. There is a difference by defnition. Why does everyone seem to forget that?

  13. Von Cracker says:

    We’ve been demonizing people to the South for ages now, from land annexation to Reefer Madness.

  14. RickJ says:

    Von, I’m in Sussex County. Despite my years of education, I’m still a hillbilly to every New Castle County gas-pumper, so I know about demonizing people to the South.

  15. donviti says:

    and because they don’t want to assimilate it hurts us how?

    who fucking cares? The god damned Amish don’t fucking assimilate and we let those bastards fuck up traffic to lancaster.

    The fucking chinese have a fucking section of Town in Philly all to themselves

    give me a break

  16. donviti says:

    Hell the KKK doesn’t assimilate either!

  17. Brian says:

    Lol- Rick, and Von with no disrespect towards you, there is more truth in that statement then you know. Sussex County as a rural and largely free zone, bears the brunt of immigration in a way that many other places do not and it is never reported becuase you have the Chicken signs all over Tijuana and other cities- “trabajo con pollo en EEUU en el primero estado: Delaware.”

    As for Nosy Neighbor, when the folks came through Ellis Island, there were not 25,000 pages of immigration reform to go through, but there was a cut off point. You seem to miss the jist of Jan’s sentiment, which is that all those who do not look like he does have got to go. That says something…

    If you want real change- just cut it off now, and get our hands out of suporting the oligarchy in Mexico and allow the people to run that government, the numbers of people who feel the need to escape will go down dramatically. Now they may have a revolution, but that would probably be a good thing.

    Cut it off all together and we can rebuild the nation and give ourselves a cooling off period where assimilation is possible around the shared values of the consitution. At that point anyone who wants to go home to Mexico can go home and we do not need all the malice that Jan implies while at the same time we go on supporting ostensibly one of the most corrupt governments on the planet.

    If we just let go of that, things fall back into the proper order without problems. But if we persist the 25,000 pages of the immigration bills will grow and liberties will become more fragile and it gets worse and worse for everyone involved.

  18. Brian says:

    “Cut it off all together and we can rebuild the nation and give ourselves a cooling off period where assimilation is possible around the shared values of the consitution.”

    Note that means if you want to be Amish or live in China town or little Mexico or Little Turkey, or Little Italy there is no problem. If you give people the freedom to live a decent life around a shared value system they will no matter where they choose to live.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    Nothing wrong with being from Slower-Lower, Rick! 😉

    Sarcasm aside, the inherent bigotry of Latinos is an ingrained issue that, after all these years, still needs to be addressed on a national level. The immigration issue is this century’s version of Jin Crow, Brown v Board of Ed., and Civil Rights Act.

    It’s gonna get much more messy…..

  20. Von Cracker says:

    Jim, not Jin….geez.

  21. Brian says:

    It’s gonna get much more messy….

    Like this?


  22. donviti says:

    isn’t it “messier” not more messy? 🙂

  23. Von Cracker says:

    The former captian of the NY Rangers?

    Um, no…

  24. JohnnyX says:

    Maybe I’m just a nerd, but every time I hear the “they don’t want to assimilate” argument I can’t help but think of the Borg from Star Trek.

    “Resistance is futile, you must be assimilated. You must go to the church I like, speak the language I speak, and adopt all the cultural norms of white, middle to upper middle class people. Otherwise, you’re just un-American, hell you might as well be a terrorist. Fuck diversity, give me assimilation!”

    (Note this sentiment only applies to the little brown people from down south. If you’re Asian, it’s cool, speak your own language and keep your own customs all you want. Your skin kind of looks like mine, so that’s good. And hell you’re probably smarter than me anyway! Who am I to tell you what to do?)

  25. Brian says:

    Jason, I do not like the “they just do not want to assimilate argument either,” to me it sounds like somebody forgot that liberty means people get to live as they want to live. The only values in secular society we should follow are the constitution, declaration and advice are from the founders, along with leaders since then like Martin Luther King, and John Kennedy. That does not mean we should not lend a helping hand to those in need, we should, but we fall prey to the idea that somehow becuase people look, or dress, or act different they are not “American.” If you read my argument above, I mean assimilation in the best sense of like learning to function in society, learning American history and civics, taking part in the cultural life of the nation and enriching all of us for it. Like a China town or Little Italy, like the Amish and raising our minorities out of the ghetto into a better and more dignified way of life- but before we get to that point, we need to stop supporting the repressive regime in Mexico, and let it fall back into the hands of the people so we can have real peace (not that phony shit we hear on CNN), prosperity and security. As long as we go on supporting dictators from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan against the will of the people, from the puppet governments in Mexico, El Salvador, Peru and Columbia we are going to pay a price for it.

    All I hope is that every American would be like Tom Paine’s ideal American who he said, “would look any european monarch or tyrant in the eye and tell them to go to the infernal places,” can you imagine what a chnage in thinking that would be for some people out there?

  26. Steve Newton says:

    I find myself wondering precisely what people mean by assimilating. Most man on the street interviews suggest that natural born Americans can’t name their own Senators, don’t know squat about their own history, and can’t speak or write English literately. I find myself wondering about the people who say, “We ain’t gone to stand for none of them foreigners who don’t speak good English like the rest of us ‘mericuns.”

    What exactly are the essentials of American culture that we are concerned with defending? Language? Skin color? Protestant Christianity? Tacos?

    I do not believe that the essential ideas of individual liberty, equality under the law, and opportunity for all are so brittle that they won’t seduce thousands or even millions of Asians, Africans, Europeans, or Hispanics than they have for 200 years.

    I also find it problematic that other Christians don’t seem to apply their religious values to this issue. My faith teaches that the individual right to escape poverty or seek a better economic life is a fundamental human right that holds priority over the laws of nations.

    There is not a single argument for or against immigration of non-Europeans, legal or illegal, that is being currently advanced by either side in this debate that wasn’t first trotted out for or against Italians, Slavs, Greeks, and Chinese in the late 19th Century.

  27. Brian says:

    Steve that was my point, but thanks for putting it in more concise language.

  28. There is technology to allow employers verify citizenship and is of no cost.

    The scanning devices are the same as the things your UPS guy uses to verify your package and uses wireless technology.

    A common sense way to bring workers in legally is also available-if we want to do it.

  29. kavips says:

    I heard from my wife that they were better dancers.

    No wonder Ting wants them to go back, right now….