Be proud to be American

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 20, 2007

This is how far we have come:

Irwandi Yusuf, the governor of Indonesia’s Aceh Province, bluntly said to me: “We don’t believe the Americans in this administration.”

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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    When I come across foreigners, ex-pats, etc….it’s always “We love Americans, but hate your current Admin, and its policies.

    The one good thing we can look forward to is other countries becoming very willing to work with a Democratic Admin as quickly as possible to reverse 8 years of pro-corporate, anti-citizen regulations (or lack there of) and legislation.

    The problem is: HRC and Obama will not be as receptive to change because of their relationships with lobbyists, whereas Edwards has no such allegiance

    I think the choice is simple, but don’t look for the Corporate Media for any assistance in getting out Edwards’ message – it goes against their bottom-line and will put a crimp into their all-important Cocktail Circuit, since they ARE the gatekeepers to everything DC and will decide who is TRULY SERIOUS enough to enter their realm.

    Just expect more trivializing and focusing on non-issues like body waxing and public flatulence.

  2. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    Again I say: “I’m voting for Edwards.’

    My dream ticket is Edwards/Obama. Damn! that would be HOT!!! Those two could charm a monkey out of a tree 🙂

  3. Steve Newton says:

    “Those two could charm a monkey out of a tree

    But I guess I’m wondering what they would do with it when they got their hands on it….