Comment Rescue: David A. Proves My Point

Filed in National by on July 1, 2009

Earlier today I wrote a post which I asked… if stopping abortion is really your goal then why would you be against contraceptives?  Perhaps because it’s not really about the fetus – It’s about the sex.

David responded:

There is nothing inconsistent with reducing abortion and reducing promiscuity that leads to it.

That is the solution to lowering the rate of abortions. We have to return to GOD and His values.

Promiscuity?  Talk about a value judgment.  Think David was one of those guys who whispered… don’t worry, you can’t get pregnant the first time.  But it feels good to be right.  It is about the sex, because if the anti-abortionists were serious about stopping/reducing abortions they’d overwhelmingly support contraceptives.

But they don’t, because, in their minds, contraceptives equate to promiscuity.  Got that?

(BTW, I’m not even touching the “We have to return to GOD and His values” statement.)

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (20)

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  1. dorian gray says:

    Be careful of god values. He can be a miserable vindictive prick.

  2. Tom S. says:


    If we don’t “really” care about stopping abortion why do we spend so much time praying outside abortion clinics and passing laws that stop abortions?

  3. LOL Tom S.!!!! Praying outside of abortion clinics!!!!

    So if God hates people having sex so much, why did He make it feel good? Why didn’t He make it so that it only worked if you’re married?

  4. pandora says:

    Talk about weak! Go pray for a better comment, and then come back and try again. Or… just admit it’s about sex.

  5. If we don’t “really” care about stopping abortion why do we spend so much time praying outside abortion clinics and passing laws that stop abortions?

    that’s a good question. Is praying outside an abortion clinic better than being in a church? Are you closer to god while god is letting doctors kill babies?

  6. jason330 says:

    If we don’t “really” care about stopping abortion why do we spend so much time praying outside abortion clinics and passing laws that stop abortions?

    Pssst….That proves Pandora’s point again. If you “really” cared about stopping abortion you’d do something effective. Like reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies through education.

    But keep praying and sending money to your “leaders” in the movement. They need a leather sofa.

  7. pandora says:

    I’m so loving being proved right again and again and again.

    I have a post in mind about conservatives and sex – because with conservatives everything comes back to sex. It’s gonna be good!

  8. JG says:

    This fires me up like no other issue. Nothing good comes of limiting contraceptives. Little evidence that it limits sex, just ups unwanted pregnancies and the spread of disease. And it seems to me unwanted pregnancies and the spread of disease is what we really want to control. Sure, you would probably (strongly) prefer your teenage children didn’t have sex, but limiting contraceptives isn’t changing the likelihood, its just making it a whole lot more dangerous.

  9. Common Sense says:

    Great, the D.A. quote continued to say that he would rather stop abortion then worry about giving someone a condom. How about a deal. Ban abortion and keep contraceptives. I doubt that you would take it. We would. The best way to prevent abortion is cross your legs. We will take the second best way or the third or the fourth.

  10. pandora says:

    The best way to prevent abortion is cross your legs.

    Please notice Common Sense made no mention of keeping your pants zipped. Guess he/she was only talking to the promiscuous gender.

    Keep proving me right!

  11. pandora says:

    JG, you’re absolutely correct!

  12. anonone says:

    While David and his ilk pray (or prey) outside abortion clinics:

    “Every year, more than half a million women die as a result of pregnancy or childbirth complications, including about 70,000 girls and young women aged 15 to 19,” said Ann M. Veneman, UNICEF Executive Director, at the Johannesburg launch. “Since 1990, complications related to pregnancy and childbirth have killed an estimated 10 million women.”

  13. xstryker says:

    The best way to prevent abortion is cross your legs.

    Have you ever had premarital sex, Common Sense? The question is rhetorical – you needn’t answer. A 2002 study found that 95% of Americans aged 15-44 reported having had premarital sex, having first done so at an average age of about 18. So no, abstinence until marriage is not effective because virtually no one is capable of practicing it. It’s like saying the best way to quit smoking is to never smoke another cigarette.

  14. nemski says:

    Our radical right visitors wallow in douchery.

  15. I would get back to the subject of contraceptives. Many I have sever objection to because they are abortions in a pill not contraceptives. They do not prevent conception, but implantation. Pregnancy may begin at implantation, but life begins at conception. In nature, if the zygote is strong enough to make it, it has a chance. What some of these do is essentially behave like a human pesticide.

    That is no worthy of mandated coverage or tax payer subsidy.

  16. Of course you beg the question — is promiscuity a socially desirable thing, or something that society ought to discourage?

  17. If you “really” cared about stopping abortion you’d do something effective.

    An argument that works only if one considers the issue of abortion in isolation from all other issues.

    If one considered as a part of an entire ethic of sexuality — one that includes placing a high value on monogamous relationships and sexual activity being open to the transmission of human life (the biological purpose of sexual intercourse, of course) — then “doing something” to cut back on abortion while decoupling the sex act from its natural end is nonsensical.

  18. pandora says:

    Told ya! It’s about the sex!

  19. Actually, it’s about human sexuality and human life.

    Hopefully the distinction isn’t lost on you.