It just doesn’t get any wierder

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 5, 2008

Josh Marshall at TPM found this little nugget on Huckabee.

If you remember and know Bush and the rest use little “code” words to reassure their base it’s nuts to say that it doesn’t happen. But the more research you do the more you learn about how it infects his speech.

So onto Huckabee. Go read the TPM link above. On Huck’s website he talks about VERTICAL politics. What’s Vertical mean you ask? Vertical as in UP, Up beyond the Oval Office, Think Higher POWER.

This people are nuts man. Just freaking nuts….

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hiding in the open

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  1. disbelief says:

    I am soo glad the Huckangelicals are leading the GOP. All Obama has to do then is get the nomination.

  2. donviti says:

    obama or EDWARDS…personally Edwards is being real about needing to take on the corporate interests

  3. anon says:

    60% in Iowa self-identified as evangelicals in Repub entrance polls. I’m thinking the Huckaboom won’t travel well.

  4. feralkid says:

    Just watching you poop your thongs now is enjoyment aplenty, even if Mike doesn’t go the distance.

    The last seven years of watching you swallow turd sausage after turd sausage of conservative smackdown has been exquisite. We can tolerate whatever sodomite you can install for the next four.

    Heck, after taking a dump like that on you guys, we need a nap!!!

  5. FSP says:

    What does wierder mean?

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Your perception of our reaction to The Huckster is completely wrong FK, per usual. It’s awesome to watch most GOPers throw up a little in their mouths when thinking of Benny Hinn Huckabee being the possible party leader.

    Again, awesome!

    With all the scat references, maybe it’s the Fecal Kid? 😉

  7. disbelief says:

    Also, the theory that the Huckaboom was only a result of the Evangelical GOP percentage in Iowa is incorrect. The GOP core has pretty much been abandoned by all except the Christian, male, white heterosexual thugs who think Constitutional protections only apply to the aforementioned group. The Huckangelicals are the only GOP votes in most states, which gives Huck the nod and gives the Dems the race.

  8. feralkid says:

    As I said, it doesn’t even matter if the GOP tanks this one.

    We got rich during Bill Clinton years, then we impeached him just for a lark (beware when we get bored!).

    Then we watched you vomit for the past seven years.


    We need a rest though. We need to let you guys things up for a spell so we have more to fix.

    Then we get to watch you vomit again!

  9. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    …I hope all the vomiting going around on this post isn’t catchy. Cut it out now…it’s too juvenile.

    I’ve always been an Edwards supporter….but I’m happy for Barack. My dream ticket is Edwards/Obama.

  10. feralkid says:

    Bleaaahhh….false alarm. Just phlegm.