Big idea for 2008: Replace John D. Daniello As Democratic Party Chair

Filed in National by on January 5, 2008

Okay. Here is my thinking, Johnny D is taking part in this ongoing Mike Castle, Tom Carper circle jerk.

So why has he been left off the hook when our failure to replace Castle is His failure?

As party chair he should be:

– Recruiting,
– Training, and
– Supporting a top challenger. Castle is weak and this should be a Democratic seat. Period.

What has Daniello done? Jack shit.

Maybe he likes Mike Castle. Maybe he is getting some kind of reach around from Tom Carper. I don’t know and I don’t care. But I do know that we need a party chair who is not so satisfied witht he staus quo.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (40)

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  1. R Smitty says:

    You volunteering your name for the spot? 🙂

  2. jason330 says:

    my public body petition will disqualify me for this and any other cuter office.

  3. R Smitty says:

    No…for you to go nuts like you will next week, you are automatically qualified for the role, trust me.

  4. disbelief says:

    What if Jason starts a trend with this naked signature thing? Can we expect Burris, or even Ruthy to adopt this strategy? Has anyone thought of the children?

  5. anon says:

    Getting signed is not so bad, but the notary stamp hurts like hell.

  6. June says:

    If anyone plans to sign your body, Jason, they better do it real quick. We all need to be standing there, pen in hand, when you disrobe because chances are you will be drug off for indecent exposure. Heck – the Leg Hall police don’t get a chance like this very often. This is going to be fun!

  7. Rebecca says:

    At least they are predicting warmish weather. I’m bringing some kid-safe, non-toxic pens Jason, we don’t want to poison you.

  8. liz allen says:

    I recall the so called Progressive Democrats out in the hallway with their little table….while democrats voted John Daniello! Did they quietly support this man?

    Torturin’Tom, has wrapped himself in Mike Castle….the three blind mice, want to keep playing the same tune…”incumbents everytime”. Hopefully the voters will look at their contributors (mostly banksters, credit card companies, and the rich)….its time we the voters send them both packin’ when election time rolls round.

  9. liz allen says:

    On second thought, isn’t it strange and somewhat amusing, the so called progressive democrats want to dump Daniello! It was they, who supported him at the Convention, I know I was there.

    Could it be that Mr. Daniello learned a hard lesson in the last election (trying to pick a party candidate and push that person out front ) while keeping other candidates from speaking, letting the voters know the difference between candidates and their issues?

    I think there is something fishy this time round.

    Could it be that Daniello has decided to let the people have a primary, pick their candidate and then get behind the peoples candidate.

    I applaud Daniello’s position on this one. Its time we have a Party Chair who believes in democracy…,that is.. letting the voters decide.

  10. disbelief says:

    Definition of Utter Humiliation: Ladies writing their phone #’s on Jason’s body for Donviti’s benefit.

  11. I can see the YouTube “don’t tase me, Dude” ll

  12. Fonzy says:

    Hmmm… Nice try at misdirection…

    Here is the real reason that Castle will stay in office for the foreseeable future.


    – 1 whole Jack Markell.
    – 1 jumbo sized ego.
    – $700,000 of own money.
    – 2 bushels of self importance (can be substituted with hubris, if available).

    Season the Jack Markell with annoying and pointless platitudes from Blogarazzi, to taste.
    Combine with ego and cook @ 350 degrees until 1/2 baked.
    Garnish with self importance.
    Serves 10-20 prepubescent interns.

  13. That is just silly, Fonzilly.
    Typical failed Daniello no-primary DEM nonsense.
    You want Carney in so bad that Markell is to be relegated to a fight for Congressional seat not of his choosing.?
    Last time I checked, our reps are out there to serve in this country where free will reigns supreme.

  14. Fonzy says:


    People are free to run for the office of their choosing. But people, especially our public officials, should understand that choices have consequences.

    Lets examine what Mr. Markell’s choice means, specifically for the Democratic party of Delaware:

    1. Mike Castle gets a free ride.
    Jack Markell is the best Democratic candidate for either a House or Senate seat. His background and experience clearly make him a superior match for issues debated at the federal level. He would be Castle’s most feared opponent, and you can bet your ass that Castle and his folks are heaving huge sighs of relief that the Democrats will fight themselves rather than him.

    2. The Delaware Democratic Party will take the stiffest nut shot it has taken in a generation, as the two sides battle it out in a primary later this year. You might think Democrats fighting Democrats is a good thing, but I certainly don’t.

    3. The Republicans have their best shot to take the Governor’s mansion in longer than anyone can remember.
    Even objective observers recognize that, absent a Democratic primary, there is simply no way a Republican candidate will win in November. The best shot (nay, the ONLY shot) they have is a bruising primary between Markell and Carney. If you don’t know this then you are a bigger fool than I already think you are.

    So lets sum it up.

    Jack Markell for Governor =

    * Freebie for Castle.
    * Democratic Party takes it in the sack.
    * Odds of a Republican upset in November enhanced.

    And you bashing Daniello?

  15. Fonzy,

    The only reason the Dems are so vulnerable to losing the governorship this year is because of your Mother Teresa herself, Ruth Ann Minner. Perhaps a little reflection is needed on your part to see that this infight among the Dems is the most healthy and needed thing for the party.

  16. Fonzy says:

    Even Republicans will admit that either Democratic candidate alone would best anyone that could step forward on their side.

    The only hope they have is for a bruising Democratic primary that leaves supporters of the losing candidate dejected and bitter. It would enable their candidate (whoever it turns out to be) to conserve their resources until September, and then pour it on in the home stretch.

    Really, if you can’t get your mind around this then your probably not cut out for the whole political blog thing.

  17. Rebecca says:

    FYI, the next election of state party officials will be in the spring of 2009.

  18. Fonzy,

    I’ve got my mind around it quite well. It’s you who seems to have bought the whole Cultist Democratic BS that’s been pandered to you wholesale by party leadership. Props to Dana Garrett for coining the “Cultist Democrat” phrase.

  19. Rebecca says:

    Oh, BTW, all party officials serve as volunteers, there’s no money in this. Just a ton of work and aggravation and time away from family. The reward is kicking Republican butts. We are getting better and better at that.

  20. Fonzy says:

    Again, nonsense.

    I’m not defending Daniello, or saying he doesn’t need to go (frankly I couldn’t care less).

    I’m just saying, as far as f–king up the Democratic Party goes, he’s got nothing on Jack Markell.

    As long as people are getting called out, lets keep it real.

  21. Again, you’ve proven nothing to your fallacious claim that Jack Markell is fucking up the Democratic Party. If it weren’t for folks like Markell, Matt Denn, Dave Sokola, Pete Schwartzkopf, Karen Peterson, Jason Scott, and Rebecca Young, your party would still be the fucked up piece of shit that’s run by dinosaurs.

    If this is what you call fucking up the Democratic Party, then what do you call what’s been running it for the passed two decades?

  22. Fonzy says:

    I call giving the Republicans their best shot in recent memory at taking the Governor’s mansion f—ing up the Democratic party.

    If you think that those ghouls over at FSP aren’t licking their chops at the prospect of a vicious Democratic primary, then you are both fat and stupid.

  23. The fat part I don’t dispute. It’s your moronic rationalizations that I feel are truly stupid.

  24. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, Fonz, with the Republicans sitting on their asses while we wait for one to announce and another to implode, this is a great time to have a battle royale for the Dem nomination. If you think that the Democratic candidate is going to be bruised, wait until you see the things that Protack is going to be willing to do to Alan Levine.

    Either Jack or John will be a better choice in November, so they can spend the next six months honing their skillz and then they will shake hands and the winner will demolish either Happy or Grumpy.

  25. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    I say it’s time for a woman to be the Dem Party Chair….Dems leave women out in the cold on committee people, city, county, and state chair level. Shame! NO! I am not volunteering.

    Perhaps if it were a paid position we would spend less time in the back room(s). In life always remember (in the long run): “It’s cheaper to pay more.”

  26. Nominate Rebecca Young.
    I second that!

  27. FSP says:

    “Nominate Rebecca Young.”

    Yes. Please do.

  28. liz allen says:

    Nominate Rebecca Young! You have lost your freakin minds! This woman is part of the machine that doesnt help the democratic party, she is a so called progressive, while helping to destroy democratic ideas and ideals! Where did she come from? I attended a meeting with Floyd McDowell and Karen Peterson, when Floyd and I wanted to encourage Karen to run for Governor. We truly thought she was ready and could win. Our meeting was about Karens support for single payer, universal health care, which she ran on in her first campaign. Sitting at that meeting was none other than Rebecca Young. It wasnt long into our meeting that Karen Peterson did a 180 degree turn changing her support for it, to undermining it using “one sentence in a book that Floyd had given her”. She misquoted the author and began an all out campaign to distort and demonize universal health care. At one point, the “oh so brilliant Rebecca said, oh my, dont you know people will be coming across the borders to get health care”. We were baffled at the fact that she obviously knew nothing about the topic. That was the begining of the end of our support for Karen for Governor. Our eyes glazed over as we left the meeting shaken that we had just witnessed a person with so much talent, someone we so respected and someone who we would have gone to bat with to be Governor turn into a “supporter of corporate Delaware” and its for profit insurance companies stealing our money. Later as the emails passed back n forth with Karen, Karen acknowledged that Rebecca was her “witness”. Again, shock set in…why would she need a witness in a meeting with two people who were avid supporters. In fact Floyd had to report back to the 28 state wide coalitions the results of the meeting and our dissapointment.

    When I ran against Hazel Plant I called Ms. Young to enlist her support from the progressives. She told me that they were not going to deal with the City of Wilmington candidates. Huh! How do you win any election statewide without dealing with Wilmington!

    So while many of you have idolized Ms Young and the so called progressives, I have always questioned their motives in a number of instances….later on that.

  29. Well then, whom do YOU suggest, girl!

    I was very impressed by Rebecca’s leadership during the Iraq Summer project. Castle has been pushing DEM talking points ever since! (no small part of the credit goes to KHN on that, mind you)

    I can only say a few words on single payer. It does need to happen. But as Floyd will remember, I contacted his expert for an opinion on the different methods of how to pay for it, the two versions being Floyd and Karen’s different funding mechanisms.

    Floyd’s expert wrote back to me that both were correct. Yup, saying that full funding could be staggered using Karen’s method as a way toward Floyd’s. His own expert disagreed with his stance. There are usually more than one way to skin cats, as the saying goes. Floyd and Karen both received copies of that determination saying that both of them were essentially kosher. I still have the emails should you like to see them.

    I maintain that the PDD represents change for DEMs. I still back PDD candidates, for the most part, over the DEM stock and trade.

  30. jason330 says:

    Liz your ideological purity is legend. However, I favor nancy’s position which is to take steps forward where we can and not sacrifice the good for the sake of the perfect.

    Anyway, I like Rebecca too much to curse her with the job of party chair.

  31. liz allen says:

    Ia as Rebecca points out that the election would not occur to 2009, why is this issue be brought up, dividing the party? It is this kind of naive political thinking that caused me to leave the party and become IPOD. If democrats as the NYTimes points out, want independent voters supporting democratic candidates, now is not the time to be going after the current party chair.

    Nancy, I am not suggesting anyone! You have a party chair who has learned a hard lesson…its time for the party to bow out of “picking candidates before the voters have their pick”. We have ended up with bad candidates who were endorsed by the “party” while great citizen activists could have run and won those seats, and put forth good government, good citizen legislation instead of crap.

  32. liz allen says:

    Jason: agreed it is a thankless, horrific job that only the most skilled citizen who has the ideas, ideals, and cahones should even consider.

  33. jason330 says:

    I want a more robust attack on Mike Castle. That is the point of this post.

    It dawned on me that Tom Carper is not the only one in the party giving Castle a free ride and I’m here to point fingers and name names.

    Will it accomplish anything? Who knows. I think John D. Daniello should at least know that we Democrats (who he works for) regard getting rid of Castle as a priority.

    And that if he is not working to get rid of Castle he is not doing his job to our satisfaction.

  34. donviti says:

    I’m your man then liz!

  35. jason330 says:

    BTW – While I’m naming names I might as well mention that when Alexander Snyder-Mackler was the communications director, the party (that breif shining moment) , he “got it” when it came to Castle.

    Who’s the guy they have now? Some ghost. We need to demand that these people we hire do thier damn jobs.

  36. liz allen says:

    the best way to get Castle is on his own record. and then check out its “benefactors”, his contributors…all credit card, bankster/gangster/insurance/hmo’s, plus a few cvery rich people…you wanna get him, give some bucks to Karen Hartley Nagle running against him. She has the will, and won 40% of the vote in the primary, imagine what she could do with real dollars behind her. Lets send a good woman, make history and take that sucker on….he just came out against wind power…Karens been at the forefront of that for years, who knows next he will support single payer health care, or campaign finance reform…he will do anything, say anything to get the moderate votes from both parties, who think this guy has actually done something for Delaware. Remember he attacked Head Start….his record should destroy him, we have to make sure the voters know his bush votes on everything. Then we need to ask the democrats why they are permitting him to continue in office…the three blind mice, seem to work hand in hand….incumbents will support incumbents across party lines. I love the Sandgate scandal, personally. It’s gonna be fun watchin Mike spin, spin, spin!

  37. Liz, here is the email (June 2006)
    Dear Nancy,
    Thanks for your note. Actually, you are both right.
    It is a historical accident that US health insurance is tied to employment, and ultimately, the link should be eliminated, immediately in the case of benefits administration (we should have a single payer with one set of comprehensive benefits for all), and over time in terms of financing.
    The reason a transition period is needed is for financing is that private employers currently contribute about 20 percent of total health
    spending. Not as much as most people think (most people think it exceeds 50 percent), but not trivial either. To eliminate the employer
    role in financing altogether in one swoop would be to give a massive windfall to business, which is unfair, given that they deduct those costs from employees’ wages (as in contract negotiations, where workers trade raises to maintain their health benefits, etc.). (Business just received, on a much lesser scale, a windfall from Medicare Part D, for example).
    So, for a transition period, of, say, 15-20 years, we propose that the 20 percent of health spending employers currently pay be collected in the form of a payroll tax of about 7 percent. It would be the same for all businesses and the self-employed, so it would be more equitable
    than current arrangements which mean that some employers can buy coverage for much lower premiums than others (depending on the size, age, sex, health, etc of their workforce)while some can’t find coverage at any price (pre-exisiting conditions, etc.)
    The remaining 80 percent of current spending would come from taxes (60 percent, same as present) and a 2 percent income tax (to replace what patients pay out-of-pocket).
    Although spending would stay the same, the financing would be more fair, and with the massive administrative savings possible, all
    residents of DE would have excellent, lifelong, secure coverage, unlike today. And gradually you could replace the payroll tax with sales
    taxes (as in Scandinavia) or income taxes (as in Canada). But to do some all at once would be more difficult than what we propose.
    Finally, keep in mind that businesses currently providing good coverage pay MORE than 7 percent, so they will still be pleased with the
    savings, and also they will save in their HR departments too.
    I am out of town next week, if you have further questions, please write in August.

    Ida Hellander, MD
    Executive Director
    Physicians for a National Health Program
    29 E Madison, Suite 602
    Chicago, IL 60602
    fax (312) 782-6007

  38. PI says:

    What Liz Allen knows along the lines of reality/truth is certainly questionable. There seems to be a spark missing in the synapse sequence of her brain. She hears what she wants to hear and makes up her own truth. I have no doubt that deep in the recesses of whatever is left of her mind that she is a genuine liberal. Unfortunately, her hate speak and anger have overshadowed any sense of credibility that she may have possessed at some distant point in time. An endorsement by Liz Allen of any politician is certain to be the kiss of death for that person’s political career.

  39. Nancy, I am not suggesting anyone! You have a party chair who has learned a hard lesson…its time for the party to bow out of “picking candidates before the voters have their pick”.
    This alone shows how ‘in her own mind’ lives Liz.
    Daniello convinced that’ we’ taught him any lessons? Har de har har, puhlease.

    Carper (de facto DEM party chair) and company gave an extremely reluctant nod to the gubernatorial primary. Do.Not.Want.Primary.Challenge.In.Delaware, is true for either major party’s leadership.