Things That Are Normal in The Paul Clark Home

Filed in Delaware by on July 24, 2009
  • Heating microwave leftovers without covering them because it is easier to clean the microwave when you can see the sauce all over the place. (Duh!) 
  • Positioning the ottoman over dog pee is the same as cleaning it up.  (Everyone knows that.) 
  • Allowing the dog to chew through third pair of loafers because the family dog needs creative outlet too.  (Have a heart.) 
  • Depositing  the mail from mailbox directly into the trash can because it is going there eventually anyway. (It makes perfect sense when you think about it.) 
  • Leaving just enough coffee in the pot for next person to get one third of a cup because maybe the next person wanted just a little burned coffee instead of a full cup of fresh coffee. (Have you considered that?) 
  • Intentionally leaving the toilet seat up out of courtesy to the next user.  (Mr. Nice guy!)  

Background info here.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. Is there something new in the Clark saga that precipitated this post? Funny stuff. He’s such an ass.

  2. Hmmm…I never realized that leaving the toilet seat up was a courtesy for the next user.

  3. Oh, nevermind. I just found TNJ article about the ethics report. What an idiot.

  4. jason330 says:

    Clark acknowledged deleting the e-mails, but said he was not deliberately trying to hide anything from commission members who were looking into a complaint that his June 11, 2008, message to developers called into question his objectivity on land-use matters.

    See? Deleting emails when you are under an ethics investigation is perfectly normal. It is a no brainer – what’s all the fuss about?

  5. anon says:

    Toilet seat – If you need it up, put it up. If you need it down, put it down. What’s the big deal?

  6. jason330 says:

    Thank you for the etiquette lesson Mr. Clark.

  7. anon has never experience the drowning in the toilet in the middle of the night problem I see. Plus, no one wants to look into your toilet bowl. We keep the lid down, that way the cat doesn’t drink out of the toilet and both of us have to lift to use it. See, it’s simple fairness.

  8. anon says:

    LOL, the cat walks around the house with the same paws he uses to scrape through his litter box, and you’re worried about people seeing into the toilet?

  9. Look AT What Ethics Commissioners REFUSED TO INVESTIGATE About Paul Clark. And The Attorney General Gives This A Pass? Call In The Feds.
    Anonymously submitted ~

    Read this tells how that email tag got there as well as proof Clark destroyed evidence..

    FINAL ORDER C08-01
    The subject of the complaint is an elected official with responsibility for voting on land use legislation. The subject’s wife is a prominent land use attorney who primarily represents real estate developers and practices in a law firm in New Castle County. The complaint alleged that an email sent by the subject on June 11, 2008, to a group of 24 persons in or representing the real estate developer community, which contained the electronic signature of his wife’s law firm, created the appearance that the subject’s official decisions or actions, or those of body to which he was elected, were influenced by factors other than the merits of the matter before them.
    The investigation uncovered evidence that the subject compiled at least four pieces of draft land use legislation on his home computer and that on June 9, 2008, he emailed them to his wife at her law firm and requested that the drafts be reformatted to pdf versions. The documents were reformatted as requested and on June 10, 2008, were emailed by his wife to the subject’s home computer.The subject “cut and pasted” a message on the email sent to his home computer and addressed it to 24 persons active in the real estate development community. That email message included the pdf attachments returned by his wife.
    On June 11, 2008, the subject sent the email along with its attachments to his County office computer. On June 11, 2008, the subject sent the email, including the email signature of his wife’s law firm on the message page, to the 24 recipients.The subject’s County office assistant’s computer contained programming enabling her to create pdf files.The subject’s June 11 email came to the notice of the public on June 12, 2008, and was the subject of criticism by some fellow office holders, members of the public, and the media.
    Some time after June 12 but before June 24, 2008, a fellow County official, who had co-equal responsibility for land use legislation, asked the subject for a copy of the four attachments to the June 11 email. On June 24, 2008, in response to that request, the subject deliberately sent the fellow official four documents, two of which were not copies of the attachments.
    On June 24, 2008, following a public meeting at which the subject’s conduct in sending the email was criticized by members of the public and County officials, the subject urgently instructed and assisted two employees in permanently deleting approximately 5000 emails, including the development community email in question, from his County computer.

    Final Order C08-01 ETHICS CODE PROVISION
    It is a violation of the New Castle County Ethics Code to “engage in conduct which, while not constituting a violation of [the conflict of interest rules], undermines the public confidence in the impartiality of a governmental body with which the County employee or County official is or has been associated by creating an appearance that the decision of actions of the County employee or County official or governmental body are influenced by factors other than the merits.” See §2.03.104A.

  10. Jason, could you front page this? It is only anonymously submitted so far but I have a feeling that it is valid. Oh nevermind, I just found the WNJ article.

  11. jason330 says:


    Sure, but hasn’t Clark admitted all of that? I see the ethics code violation at the bottom as new, but is that “cut and paste” stuff previously undisclosed.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    The thing that I’m trying to wrap my mind around is that this is the guy who is so afraid that bloggers may distort audio or video from the actual council sessions is blithely sending county council work to his wife’s office for formatting.

  13. anononthisone says:

    I knew someone who worked for him when he was a lowly retail manager, a college age girl who said he constantly hit on her in ways that were not appropriate. Of course, she was a bit loose, not to blame the victim, but I’m sure it was back and forth. Still a bit shady, so none of this suprises me.

  14. AnnieMack says:

    As far as I know, there is no way to ‘permanently’ delete emails. If the Feds want those emails, they can get them off the county server. So, Clark has two employees who know how to permanently delete emails, but there isn’t anyone at the county who can convert a file into a .pdf so he has to send them to mommy?

  15. AnnieMack says:

    Can’t we all have an avatar? WTF?

  16. cassandra_m says:

    AnnieMack, you need to go over to, register with the email that you use here and upload your image. Image should post when you do.

  17. I tried going to but I must have registered a few years ago because it said I already have one. Maybe I should try again.