Filed in Delaware by on July 25, 2009

Am I allowed to call a cop an asshole on my property?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Yes, you should be able to. There should be no law against it.

  2. jason330 says:

    Are you caucasian?

  3. not yet! but I am thinking if given the chance I will

  4. Not if you’re black.

    However, if you’re are a birther, you sure can.

  5. MJ says:

    Actually, there was a Supreme Court decision back in the 70’s where the SCOTUS ruled that you could actually tell a cop to fuck off and there was nothing they legally could do. Then again, they have a gun – so depending on what police force it is, I’d be careful.

  6. Art Downs says:

    If you are really stupid, you get very mouthy with cops. This can have it’s downside.

    I was once confronted by four police officers in my former home. The incident was the result of a false report. One asked me to allow him to ‘frisk’ me and added that I had a right to refuse. I knew my rights but smiled and told him to go ahead. Nothing improper was found. I stayed calm and smiled through the entire situation and the officers soon realized the truth. They were rather apologetic and I told them that I understood.

    I did have a problem with a dull-witted (or partisan) Baltimore City officer during a political campaign. My candidate was making a major statement at the Inner Harbor on public property. The volunteers were wearing campaign T-shirts. The officer said that wearing such political statements was not permitted on public property. I took the role as spokesperson and asked if the First Amendment had been repealed. He did not respond. I then asked about how the First Amendment did not apply to public property. He replied that the shirts were not permitted. Realizing the officer’s lack of awareness of the Bill of Rights, I made my final appeal: “Some of the women are not wearing anything under those shirts. Do you really want them to take them off?” The officer muttered something and walked away.

  7. Yeah, you can.

    On the other hand, trying to provoke disorder by shouting false charges of racism to a gathering crowd might well be seen as disorderly conduct.

  8. anoni says:

    Yes, you can and should!

    plop down in a lawn chair and scream obscenities at every passing police car. If none drive by, call 911 and scream obscenities at the opperator.
    live blog the results.

  9. anon says:

    live blog the results.

    No, film it, so you can quit your job and live off the settlement you get from the civil suit.

  10. Delaware Republican says:

    The question is why do you want to do that?

    The other question should be didn’t Obama’s election take care of all racism in America?

    Mr. Gates was the problem not the Cambridge policeman.

    Mike Protack

  11. If being an asshole on your own property was a crime, most of our conservative regulars would already be in jail.

  12. Dana says:

    Yes, of course you can, Mr Viti: there is no law against stupidity. If there were, the entire Democratic Party would be in jail.

  13. Phil says:

    eh, there are ways to get you for anything. it’s legal to carry a gun in view, but they will bust you for disturbing the peace and hunting violations.