A New Mike Castle Decision Window –UPDATE

Filed in National by on August 3, 2009

Allan Loudell spoke to Mike Castle on WDEL news today (noon hour) about a number of subjects, and Castle indicated to Allan that he would be making a decision re: his electoral future in the “next month or so”. Castle noted that he needed to make a decision relatively shortly in fairness to the state party, who would need some time to plan in reaction to whatever his decision was. I don’t think that Allan got much else out of Castle on this subject, but I didn’t hear all of the interview — people kept calling me today.

Did any of you hear this? Did you hear anything in Castle’s response that might give you reason to think he would run or not run? And what else did Castle have to say?

UPDATE: Allan has posted his entire interview with Mike Castle on his blog.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. I think Castle and his Senate run decision is like Lucy and the football.

  2. I wonder if there should be odds placed on who is waiting in the “wings” should he decide “no.”

  3. Cue Bobby Short:

    “There’s a fragrance that smells like poop

    and they call it “Charrrr-lie”:


  4. cassandra_m says:

    So I just listened to this and there’s a couple of interesting bits:

    1. While Castle won’t be pinned down on his decision horizon, he did mention Copeland, Lavelle, Kovach as possible viable statewide candidates. But he would talk to anyone.

    2. He thinks that the House will pass a bill and he notes the the Finance Committee is the “bipartisan” effort for health insurance reform. He thinks that there will be something on this effort, but will look very different than what the House Bill looks like today. Which said to me that there is an expectation that the Senate will kill this thing.

    3. Allan Loudell asked my question — why Castle shows up to take credit for stimulus projects when he voted against it. Castle gave a smooth answer — that he voted against it, but since it is now a fait accompli he’s going to fight to make sure that Delaware gets its funds. Too bad Castle didn’t fight for these funds back in February, but these photo ops are not about fighting for funds. They are about the ritual appearance with a stunt check and taking credit. Major props to Allan for asking this and we owe you a beverage of your choice next time we see you, Allan!

  5. Thank you Allan! Seriously, why Kovach? He hasn’t been in office a full year!

  6. jason330 says:

    Does anyone think Copeland can run with the CRI funding scandal dogging him? He needs to come clean and admit that he knew from the jump that his family funded it to keep him on a campaign footing, otherwise he is giving Biden a huge issue.

    It isn’t the money, it is the dishonesty.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Fine time to be a wet blanket jason!!!!

  8. …the CRI funding scandal dogging him?
    I will apologize in advance for being an ass (look, I don’t do that to just anyone), but I have to ask, what is pissing you off more about this “scandal?” That his answer didn’t fit the mold that was of predetermined shape (or maybe it was), or that this dog refuses to hunt? Seriously, this is shaping up to be that there is only one answer that will work and that is the one that was determined before the “scandal” was written.

  9. I don’t see much more to CRI than one tangent in the direction the GOP is taking in response to the DEM organization uptick that helped them gain ground in 2006 and ’08. Another tangent would be the astroturfing and the plea for a conservative state blogger DD found on craigslist. I’ve gotten multiple offers like it in the inbox myself from the left.

    CRI doesn’t equal Charlie so much as it equals RNC – GOP strategy for building structures for loyal opposition. Copeland and the duPies aren’t the only DEGOP with cash on hand to fund CRI. Even though a former Copeland staffer took the helm, it is no more surprising for CRI to have hired Garrett than it was for Markell and Denn to pick up so many of Carper’s former staffers. It’s just the way it is (not that I like this kind of stale recycling and career brown-nosing).

  10. Tom S says:

    Same ol’ “Which Way is the Wind Blowing” Castle…hope he decides before hurricane season.

  11. Art Downs says:

    What is the scandal re CRI?

    Are there any contributors from “Good Will’?

    How much huffing and puffing will it take before an allegedly irate few realize that it is not something that resonates with the voters?