DelawareLiberal Talent Search

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008

I did my Harris McDowell video this weekend.  While overall, I am happy with the results, I am a little disappointed in the voice talent that I hired (namely, me).  So I am looking for someone that has a sufficiently scary voice that doesn’t mind using that voice to excoriate the windpower evildoers.  If you are interested in lending your talent, email me at liberalgeek -at-


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  1. anon says:

    Liz Allen isn’t available?

  2. jason330 says:

    It was awesome – and I think McDowell shit a brick becuase it has been viewed by 121 people and you know good and well that McDowell was one of them.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Tom Noyes has an awesome voice. Just saying.

  4. jason330 says:

    Also –

    Did you see the Jurden Cartoon?

    I hear that the Lion was drawn to look like McDowell and in the first draft it said “McDowell ” on his stomach – but the PUSSY ASS editorial page editors changed it to “Some Legislators”


  5. nemski says:

    Teet sucking, ass sucking . . . Jason, I’m beginning to see a theme here.

    Joking aside, if true, than the editor(s) who nixed it are douche bags.

  6. Tyler Nixon says:

    I’m available and am glad to pimp my voice in any way any time anywhere in support of clean, renewable energy.

    But as the 2006 election attests my voice probably isn’t scary (or appealing) enough to drive the voters away from Senator McDowellmarva.

  7. RickJ says:

    “In a world where wind power is screamed for by the masses, one man dared to torment them.” /Don LaFontaine voice

  8. donviti says:

    along with being a hot blogger, I consider my ability to bend my voice another one of my many talents.

    perhaps after you see the commercial I put up this weekend you can be the judge.

  9. jason330 says:

    Nemski –

    Thanks for pointing that out. I better tone it down a notch otherwise I’ll be a basket case by November.

  10. jason330 says:

    John Sweeney
    Editorial Page Editor

    Dear Sir,

    Is it true that you, or someone at the News Journal, edited the February 12th Jack Jurden cartoon that depicted a “Wizard of Oz” style Lion, Tin Woodsman, and Scarecrow ?

    To be more specific, did you or anyone in the management of the News Journal exercise their editorial/managerial discretion to remove the name “McDowell” from the Lion and replace it with the words, “Some Legislators?”

    As it is perfectly within your rights to edit the material anyway you see fit, I am asking simply to satisfy my curiosity and to get insight into the News Journal’s editorial priorities.

    – Jason

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Nemski – Thanks. I will take that into consideration. I might not be able to get the $200 past the wife this month, but perhaps soon.

  12. R Smitty says:

    J – left you a voice main on your cell. I actually have many variations, but I did it unscripted, so not my proudest effort. Let me know.

  13. liz allen says:

    Liz allen is available…just give me enough time to smoke up about 3 packs of cigs….then I will be ready for smokin mcdowell.

  14. liz allen says:

    oops change that. I will not be available…savin up my voice to go against the so called progressives trying to destroy the single payer health care bill…

  15. R Smitty says:

    Liz allen is available…just give me enough time to smoke up about 3 packs of cigs….then I will be ready for smokin mcdowell.

    Liz Allen with the humor and kickin’ it off third-person style. Muy bien!