There goes that LIBERAL media again.

Filed in National by on December 2, 2009

Chris Matthews last night:

“I watched the cadets, they were young kids, men and women who were committed to serving their country professionally it must be said, as officers. And, I didn’t see much excitement. But among the older people there, I saw, if not resentment, skepticism. I didn’t see a lot of warmth in that crowd out there, the president chose to address tonight. And I thought it was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case.”

Before we get to that “enemy camp” remark, I suppose Chris Matthews expected our military cadets and their senior officers to be screaming and throwing their undergarments at their Commander in Chief during a formal address. It was a somber speech, deserving of a somber audience. Indeed, it was so serious that I personally thought it should have been an Oval Office address rather than a speech before an audience. But regardless of the venue, no matter if you are supportive of the new policy or not, how can anyone sane be excited during the speech last night. The only people wanting or expecting excitement are those who love perpetual war (and it turns out they were disappointed) and I guess, Chris Matthews.

Now, Chris Matthews, the supposedly liberal blowhard host of Harball on the Fox News of the Left, MSNBC, thinks that a military school like West Point is “enemy” territory to a Democratic President. That is a lie straight from the right wing, created I suppose because Democratic Presidents are not as wild about war and death as their Republican counterparts. Or I suppose it is a left over idea that all Democrats are unpatriotic traitors and thus any military institution would be enemy territory.

Either way, you just gotta love your “liberal media.”

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  1. pandora says:

    I think Chris Matthews is losing it. Has he had a stroke? I’m serious. I’ve only watched his show a couple of times lately, and he scolds all his guests on the pronunciation of Cheney’s name. He’s even gone as far as accusing one guest of deliberate disrespect. WTF?

    And, no, I’m not being snarky. There’s something wrong.

  2. J.Stewart says:

    darn that Karl Rove and his Haliburton Mind Ray making Chris “tingle up my leg” Mathews say right wing things aginst his will.

  3. a.price says:

    Ive been totally MSNBC deprived lately. Its blocked in my building. So it was good to be at a house last night where i could watch the speech on a channel that tells me what i want to hear, and i agree. Chris Matthews still has his moments, like a take down of a hate filled bishop, but for a while now it has been hard to understand why he says what he says and what he is getting at.

  4. Steve Benen has a good post on this:

    Seriously? The Commander in Chief, appearing at West Point to discuss an ongoing war, visited “the enemy camp”? Even for Matthews, this is ridiculous.

    For that matter, Matthews “didn’t see much excitement” from the cadets. I was watching a feed of the speech that showed the president shaking hands after his remarks, and from what I could tell, cadets were very anxious to greet, shake hands with, and have their picture taken with the president. By all appearances, there was plenty of excitement about Obama from the cadets.

    Of course, Matthews probably decided on his preferred narrative before the event even began, and wouldn’t let reality get in the way.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    This is the lazyness of a media that didn’t get its Rock Star narrative yesterday. Note to Chris Matthews — cadets at any military academy are going to act with an abundance of decorum with the Commander In Chief is addressing them.

  6. J.Stewart says:

    it was an odd choice of venue, a room where every man and woman present had more military experiance than President Obama. Did his handlers think he would get roaring approval with that speach?

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    What is a speach? I know what a speech is. I don’t know what a speach is.

    You gotta love a right wing commenter who just ignores the spell check to make an inane point, not realizing that everyone in that room has more foreign policy experience than the commenter himself, and also failing to realize that he earlier argued that experience was not necessary when the President’s name was Bush.

  8. Brooke says:

    Well, they gave him a standing ovation.

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    And the pictures afterward showed many cadets eagerly wanting to shake the President’s hand.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    I was pissed at Tweety last night for complaining that there was no rally cry like “Remember the Alamo” for the plan.

  11. Unbiased American says:

    Actually, the conservative blogs I have seen have taken Matthews to task for his insult to the military — and to Obama.

    But I will say this — if Chris Matthews truly believes that the service academies and military bases of this country are “enemy territory” for Barack Obama, then he ought to call for Obama to resign as unfit for office. After all, our military has steadfastly followed the orders given by Obama since inauguration day, even though the bulk of service members voted against him and disagree with his policies.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Unbiased American, are you saying that the bulk of the service members want to come home now and oppose further involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq?

    Did you poll that?

  13. Unbiased American says:

    I’m talking about broader policy issue, not necessarily the plan announce last night. After all, look at the percentage of man and women in the military who voted for John McCain last fall.

  14. Miscreant says:

    “And, no, I’m not being snarky. There’s something wrong.”

    I guess it just takes some people a little longer to realize what a failed useful idiot Matthews really is.

  15. Chanman says:

    “Democratic Presidents are not as wild about war and death as their Republican counterparts.”

    Yeah, those peaceloving Democrat presidents who have gotten us involved in Iraq (1998), Serbia, Somalia (Clinton did the warlord hunting part, GHWB did the humanitarian mission), Vietnam, Korea, World War II, World War I.

    Spare me.

  16. A. price says:

    all politics are only relevant for the past 20 years… i.e all wars are wrong and people who want to kill everyone not like them (al queda) can be beaten with sunshine and puppies.