Guns And Al Qaeda – Seems Like A Problem

Filed in National by on June 7, 2011

This is embarrassing and dangerous:

In a video released today Al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn encourages terrorists to use American gun shows to arm themselves for potential Mumbai-style attacks.  Gadahn’s video laid out a new tactic for Al Qaeda to continue their murderous terrorist agenda:

America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?

At least someone tried to address this problem.  And, how did that work out?

In addition, people on terrorist watch lists are not forbidden from purchasing guns and many have done just that. Gadahn’s instructions come in the wake of Associated Press reporting that showed that more than 200 people with suspected terrorist ties bought guns legally in the United States last year. Following the AP report Representative Mike Quigley introduced an amendment to the Patriot Act that would give the Attorney General the authority to block gun sales to individuals on terror watch lists. The amendment was voted down. [emphasis mine]

We really can be our own worst enemy.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. delbert says:

    Nonsense. You can not buy a “fully automatic assault rifle” at a gun show. They can only be sold and transferred by federal license since 1934. You are confusing “fully automatic” with “semi-automatic”. Big difference. Felons, mental patients, and certain drug offenders are currently the only citizens precluded from gun ownership in most states. Many, including myself, believe that certain felons of nonviolent offenses should be allowed to own a firearm. Gun ownership by the people, and gun training, are important crime deterrents in domiciles and cash business locations.

  2. SussexAnon says:

    So, delbert, do you think terrorists in America should be allowed to purchase a semi-automatic weapon?

  3. skippertee says:

    Any upstanding member of the NRA would be eager to supply as many guns and ammo as needed to a terrorist at a gun show,no questions asked.
    This is Amurica gol dern it, and that is OUR RIGHT!

  4. socialistic ben says:

    “Felons, mental patients, and certain drug offenders are currently the only citizens precluded from gun ownership in most states.”

    however, deltwit, those felons can go to a jesusland state and buy all the guns they want at your freedom gunshows.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    Sussexanon, Deltwit thinks that as long as we arm every “real american” we will outnumber al queda. then, as long as only one Real American dies for ever Al Queda we kill, we win in the end!

  6. Crunchy says:

    While they may not be able to purchase a weapon that is full auto, they can purchase lots of guns that are easily converted to full auto. In fact, there are handy books at gun shows that will show you how.

  7. delbert says:

    A convicted terrorist would be precluded from gun ownership and jailed if he was caught owning a firearm. A suspected terrorist-to-be would be as eligible to buy a gun as any non-felon, to my knowledge. And remember, little lambs, “an armed society is a polite society.”

  8. skippertee says:

    When and where are the politicos with the testicles or ovaries to DRAW the line against the TERRORIST NRA?

  9. socialistic ben says:

    “an armed society is a polite society.”

    you mean like when everyone settled their arguments by dueling?
    do you realize that you come off as a hillbilly who someone taught how to speak like a normal person? how special for you.

  10. puck says:

    Can’t we just ban Muslim-y looking people from buying guns?

  11. skippertee says:

    sb, I think they prefer to be called “sons of the sod” rather than hillbilly.
    Hillbillies sound like they have “relations” with goats.
    But with a name like Delbert, I wouldn’t put that past his realm of possibilities.

  12. aoine says:

    ok delbert….i can buy any gun capable of conversion and in no ti.
    me convert it to full auto.
    i also can thru any list of gun afficianados either buy the conversion needs or just buy a full auto already converted.
    free market amd enterprise is alive and well in delaware. or didntr you know that.
    look little lamb…the US sells guns to the cartels in mexico…dont you think the blackmarket isnt alive and well here.

    wake up…if you want it you can buy it…get real.
    laws are for the law abiding.

  13. SussexAnon says:

    “an armed society is a polite society”

    Not really. Somalia has armed people running around shooting each other. Canada is not all that armed but they are pretty dammed polite.

    I think the reason why the NRA would oppose this is the definition of “terrorist”. State militias, separatists, minutemen (remember them) white supremisists, etc. could easily be put on the terrorist watch list.

    But thats not really the point. The point is, a spokesman for Al Qaeda just said to go buy guns at gun shows, cause its easy, then go and shoot up neighborhoods as an act of terrorism. Are we to ignore this like Bush ignored the report “Bin Laden plans attacks in America?”

    Perhaps if the loophole was closed and terrorists werent allowed such easy acess to guns, that Nazi from Eastern Shore Maryland wouldn’t have gone to the Holocaust Museum and shot the place up. Remember that little act of terrorism?

    And you can buy the book on how to convert semis to autos at the same gun show, and buy the parts too. No questions asked, no paper trail.

  14. Liberal Elite says:

    “an armed society is a polite society”

    What a stupid statement! With thousands of unnecessary deaths every year??

    I’d be happy to not have to worry about being polite to that psycho down the street. A polite society achieved through living in fear is not a suitable objective. Not anywhere.

  15. Liberal Elite says:

    @delbert “A suspected terrorist-to-be would be as eligible to buy a gun as any non-felon, to my knowledge.”

    @aoine “ok delbert….i can buy any gun capable of conversion and in no ti.
    me convert it to full auto.
    i also can thru any list of gun afficianados either buy the conversion needs or just buy a full auto already converted.
    free market amd enterprise is alive and well in delaware. or didntr you know that.
    look little lamb…the US sells guns to the cartels in mexico…”

    And you’ve just made the case for gun control via bans. Quite good.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    Maybe the terrornazis want to start a well-regulated militia! It is certain within their rights and the NRA will provide council, gratis.

  17. delbert says:

    “Laws are for the law abiding.” How true it is, aoine. Outlaw the firearms and the “law abiding” will be the only ones without them. And it is the “law abiding” you would want to be armed.

    And what’s the big fear about an illegal semi-auto conversion? The biggest clips you can get are only 30 rounds or so. All fully auto does is waste your ammo in a hurry on one target. Semi-auto is much more…effective, shall we say.

  18. skippertee says:

    When I hold you in my arms,
    And I feel my fingers on your 9 point rack,
    I know nothing,nothing can harm because
    Happiness Is a Warm Gun!

    Sorry John.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    What is really interesting about this entire exchange is how studiously delbert avoided the key bit of data here — that 200+/- people on the Terror Watch List were able to buy guns. This is a different list from the No Fly list — these are people who have been to training camps, have associations with terrorist groups, are financiers of terrorist groups — and yet somehow delbert can find himself defending people who are more clearly a threat to the US just so that his ability to fantasize his own security.

    These people on the watch list (in the main) can’t get on an airplane, but they can buy a gun.

    Of course, there are probably too many people on the Terrorist Watch List and none of them got there with any due process. But then again, I haven’t been subject to any due process, either, and I have to take off my shoes just to get on an airplane.

    Homeland Security is a joke. And the next time some conservative wants to exercise his fear of terrorism, just laugh at them. Because they really don’t care.

  20. anon says:

    First of all this idiot Adam is not the speaker of Al CIA eda. He is an american from California who is a wanna bee. He is not trusted by the those who still think Al cia eda is a threat. This nutty story was put on on right wing radio, supported by talkers at Faux, while the international press claim there are two others to take Bin Ladens place. The NRA, and the right wing want to scare americans into thinking we gotta have MORE guns for the PEOPLE, while there is no facts presented backing up their claims. This story was posted in the international press last week, and commenters from around the world…laughed at the entire idea.