Seriously. Who is Running for What?

Filed in National by on July 19, 2011

It is some 470 days until the next election and in politics I’ve heard that you need money and time to run an effective campaign. You might be able to get some more money, but you’ll never get more time – so what gives?

I guess I’ve heard about a bunch of people being interested in running to be saddled with being the Mayor of Wilmington, and the Dem primary for the Insurance Commissioner will be a race, but beyond that, has anyone else announced?

Is disgraced Delaware Auditor, Tom Wagner, in the clear? Are we headed for an Saddam era Iraqi-style election where all the incumbents cruise back into office based on their exemplary track records? Is the DE GOP in such a sad state that will not be able to muster the usual collection of sad sack vanity candidates?

Is it me? Or by now should have a less murky picture of who is running for what?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    So, I guess this idiot, Jim Van Houten wants to lose to the eventual Dem nominee following the Dem primary for Insurance COmmisioner. What could he possibly run on? “I’ll be even more industry friendly than the last IC.!”

    That’s a tall order.

  2. Wagner’s not up for reelection as he edged out New Yawk’s Richard Korn last time.

    I’m interested in what might happen with the NCC Executive race. Could be a few people kicking the tires on that one.

    Gotta wonder who the Rethugs will choose to be sacrificial lambs for Gov and Lt Gov. I’m guessin’ Sussex tea party types like Urquhart. Can Christine O’Donnell stand being out of the spotlight for even one election cycle?

  3. Jason330 says:

    Since duping gap-toothed morons out of their savings in $50.00 increments is her only visible means of support, I’m betting that Christine O’Donnell cannot stand being out of the spotlight for even one election cycle.

  4. mediawatch says:

    O’Donnell would do well to sit out the 2012 cycle. Just as she paled before Palin in ’08, for as long as Bachmann is making presidential noises, CO’D won’t be able to tap into that same demographic to raise big bucks for a mere statewide race.

  5. Geezer says:

    “duping gap-toothed morons out of their savings in $50.00 increments”

    Jason, you do a disservice to gap-toothed morons everywhere. I think most of her marks are actually slack-jawed yokels.

  6. puck says:

    It is a big tent.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    In Wilmington, the people rumored and running for Mayor is getting smaller and this is really fluid:

    Mike Brown (R)
    Kevin Kelley
    Steve Martelli
    Ted Blunt
    Bill Montgomery

    Not an especially inspiring crowd.

  8. delbert says:

    Who is running for second. What is on third.

  9. Dancing Bare says:

    Only 463 days until the Bakerites are outta here? YEA! Can’t wait.