The “Lord’s Resistance Army” Sounds Like Something Teabag Republicans Would Approve Of

Filed in National by on October 14, 2011

President Obama just announced that we are sending about 100 U.S. troops to Africa to help hunt down the leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army. The Wikipedia article on the Lord’s Resistance Army says that the group is based on apocalyptic Protestant Christianity. It is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself the “spokesperson” of God sent to earth to establish a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments. Sound familiar?

The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including murder, abduction, mutilation, sexual enslavement of women and children and forcing children to participate in hostilities.

But, you know… God told them, so….

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Atlas says:

    as long as we are making jokes about the LRA we can ignore that Obama is invading another country. Started with two, now he has four wars.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I’m down with invasion like this. Remember the Powell doctrine?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    I am so tired of the three or four wars crap. 100 troops constitutes a war? Please. If you are going to count every mission the military undertakes as a war, then the United States have been involved in millions of wars. 100 troops is not a war.

    Libya wasn’t really a war either for us, as we did not put troops in. It was all airstrikes. But if you want to count that as a war, it is over. The Iraq War is over too, though I guess you can still count that as a war since it is possible the 40,000 remaining troops can be engaged in combat.

    Afghanistan is Obama’s problem now, since he chose to double down.

    That is his war. Criticize him on that.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    And I guess you count the action against the Pirates as a war too, right? We are up to Five!!! Killing Bin Laden in Pakistan with 12 troops? Six wars!!!!

  5. Free Market Democrat says:

    Dude, seriously?!? Are you really comparing the Lord’s Resistance Army to the Tea Party!?!?!?!?!?!? Have the teabaggers kidnapped children, fed them hallucinagenics and forced them to kill and rape to tie them to the group? Have they used rape and torture as weapons of war? Have they chopped off the hands and feet of civilians to punish their support of the central government (by paying taxes and voting or simply for having a voters registration card)? Listen, the Tea Party ain’t my cup of tea, but they aren’t War Criminals yet. Let’s dial back the rhetoric a bit. The LRA are evil, actual evil. The Tea Party is just annoying.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    the operative word there is “yet.” The American Taliban i.e. the evangelical base of the Republican Party i.e. the Tea Party agree with the cause of the LRA. They just haven’t endorsed the methods… yet.

  7. MJ says:

    Wait, we have troops in South Korea, Japan, Germany, so using Atlas’ (il)logic, there’s 3 more wars.

  8. Free Market Democrat says:

    RE: My earlier comment about the LRA and Teabaggers in conjunction with the above Rush Limbaugh comment

    My bad, I spoke too soon. Compare away.

  9. jason330 says:

    1) I think we all know that you don’t need to be a follower of Christ, but simply claim that you are a Christian and that you are fighting Muslims and/or Communists, for the endorsement of the Teabag Nation. (See David L. Anderson defense of Pinochet)

    2) Which GOP candidate will be the first to follow Rush through the Obama-hating looking glass? My money is on Bachmann.

  10. puck says:

    The problem with Christians is they never kick anybody out.

  11. jason330 says:

    …and everyone brings potato salad to the covered dish luncheons.

  12. skippertee says:

    As to the Tea-baggers and the LRA, I think Noah Cross summed up the situation best when he said in CHINATOWN: “Most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and right place they’re capable of ANYTHING”.

  13. cjk says:

    Jsn mst b tbg. Jsn: L n yr bck, cls yr ys, pn wd nd gg n yr srprs. H ‘ll bt yr bdds wll vn tss y prl ncklc t.

  14. jason330 says:

    You expect Ruck Limbaugh to walk back his support for the LRA as he got more information. Nope. He doubled down on the Muslim Obama is going to war with Christians thing.