It’s Not Just Bloggers…
One of the favorite refrains I have noticed online and offline is that it is only bloggers that are upset at the Delaware Democratic Party’s boneheaded move in paying for an ad for Carney. They say this is a made up issue and we are complaining about nothing.
“If we gain the majority in the House, we will be that much more effective in making change in the lives of Delawareans,” said state Sen. David P. Sokola, D-Newark. “Our priority should be to elect Democrats.”
New Castle County Councilwoman Stephanie McClellan said Carney could restore a “good record of helping Democrats get elected” if he returned the advertising money. State Rep. Melanie George Marshall, D-Bear, said people donate to the party to support ideals, not to take a side in primary elections.
Carney has lost the endorsement of Sen. Karen E. Peterson, D-Stanton, though. Peterson wrote Carney a letter this week to explain why she was switching her support to Markell.
“I had done some soul searching and came to a difficult decision …,” she said. “He had assured me that he would distance himself from the Minner administration in public ways and my support was contingent on that. I don’t see that happening.”
Dave Carter of Townsend said the party’s ad made him decide to volunteer more hours to Markell’s campaign.
“I have stayed out of partisan politics for 20 or 30 years, but with Obama and Markell I see new ideas, new energy and it got me excited,” he said. “Now the party is slamming the umbrella down and shutting me out. At first I was really mad, but now I am energized.”
Adgate is not a made up issue. It is not a issue just understood or kept alive by the blogosphere. It is issue because it angers half the party, from pro-Markell and non-Markell bloggers alike. From your average and previously unengaged citizen to your Democratic State Senator.
The Del Dems’ actions in Adgate are wrong, not because we say it is, but because it is. It unnecessarily divides the party, when we did not have to be divided.
Everyone knows that being given support from the party is one of the main benefits of a party endorsement. Duh. That’s why Jack & John tried to gain the endorsement by visitting RDs for months/years in advance.
If Jack was the candidate chosen by Dems to represent them, you can bet he’d be taking all the help the party offered and spending his supporters’ money before he even touched his loan to himself. This is a ridiculous non-issue. As a Dem I’m happy my money is being spent to support Carney
P.S. You know what else unnecessarsily divided the party when we didn’t want to be?
….Jack running.
I think you meant to say, “As a Party Hack I’m happy my money is being spent to support Carney”
Aw, we spoiled the Carney fan’s party. Boo hoo.
Gee, jason, is it just me, or are you now quoting as a reputable news source the same Beth Miller you accused of writing an “abortion” of a story about the whole affair?
Personally, I think you owe her an apology, but I don’t really expect you to offer one.
Oh, sorry, it was Delawaredem who quoted Beth Miller as a source.
I guess you’re still back with the abortion thing.
Never mind.
It would be nice to see the party do what is right and return the money it spent.
Not Outraged….
Your comment reveals your elitism, and your disdain for democracy. So, in your mind, and undoubtedly in the minds of many Carney voters, what divides the party is not the Del Dems’ action, or Carney’s negative campaign, but the very fact that Jack Markell is running.
How dare Jack not wait his turn? How dare Jack give Democratic voters a choice?
Thank you for your arrogant and elitist comment. It only strengthens my resolve to see Carney defeated and the Del Dems purged of such dreck like Daniello.
The “it’s not his turn” mentality is exactly why we need Markell to win. We take turns when playing games, not when electing the best people to lead our government. Yes, yes, I know someone here will say that politics is a game…now that’s pretty sad, isn’t it!!!! Come on people, show your independence. Vote for the person, not the party, not the next in line, not who someone else tells you to vote for. Take it into your own hands and do what is right for you and the state. And for me, that is Jack.
It’s not just bloggers…it’s bloggers AND Markell supporters AND elected officials who have endorsed Markell.
The Markell sophistry on this site is amazing. A guy who is at least as guilty as Carney when it comes to passively enabling the Minner-Byrd-Patterson machine screw everything up, and now he’s magically delicious?
Somehow he’s going to fix the budget mess even though his own budget went up 200% during the Minner years?
Come on, folks.
it is only the bloggers upset with the party.
So TeeHeeHee and Larry… why didn’t you comment on my “I’m so confused post”. I am an undecided contributor on this blog who likes both candidates. I wrote the “I’m so confused” post asking for each candidate’s supporters to make their case. I’m still waiting for Carney supporters, and I’m not being snarky. Care to step up to the plate and post a comment?
I knew that was coming, J!
Still I’ll keep making the offer. I’m not even sure they’re Carney supporters. They do their candidate no favors.
Have you checked IP addresses on all these sock puppets, Jason?
My rule of thumb is when they make threats or go off the deep end in terms of profanity then I start looking for patterns.
Saw this today. Very funny, and oh so true.
Truth is, Pandora, there’s no good reason to vote for either of them.
Wow! Are you a republican, NotSoAnon? If not, please explain…