This is for everyone who says, “I’m going to vote for Obama, but…

Filed in National by on August 13, 2008

Al Giordano is the type of blogger who has me nodding my head through his every post.

Let me be clear, I am surrounded by Hillary supporters who seem to delight in every Obama “misstep”. It doesn’t matter what I say, they are constantly telling me what Obama should do. So when I stumbled across this article I had to post. Al Giordano has taken my points, added some more, and placed them into a well-written post. Basically, he’s done the work for me!

So rather than cut and paste the entire thing, I’ll leave you with this teaser and ask you to read on…

Chicken Little-ism has found its latest evolution in the chorus of wanna-be presidential campaign managers that tell us that they know best what their favored candidate ought to be doing to win the 2008 election.
I hereby bestow a new moniker on the advanced Chicken Littles of that particular tendency: The Armchairmen.
Typically, the advice goes like this: “Obama should hit back,” or “Obama should hit back harder!”
Um, when the fighter in the ring is already pounding his rival, that’s not advice. It’s the raving of a willfully blind and deaf spectator.

But Obama has been hitting back. He’s been hitting hard and in key states. Let’s review…

Wisconsin and Pennsylvania:

The Armchairmen must have missed the roar of the Harleys (on the radio airwaves in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania) Talking Points Memo has posted the audio. Here’s the transcript:
Announcer: Listen to John McCain speaking to motorcycle enthusiasts in Sturgis, South Dakota, on Tuesday.
McCain: Not long ago a couple of hundred thousand Berliners made a lot of noise for my opponent. I’ll take the roar of 50,000 Harleys any day…
Announcer: But when it comes to his record, American-made motorcycles like Harleys don’t matter to John McCain. Back in Washington, McCain opposed the requirement that the government buy American-made motorcycles. And he said all buy-American provisions were quote “disgraceful.” Surprised? You shouldn’t be. This is the same John McCain who supported billions in tax breaks for companies who ship American jobs overseas. (More motors revving)
Announcer: It’s time to hear the roar of the strong American economy again — and stop John McCain from shipping our jobs overseas.
Obama: I’m Barack Obama, candidate for president, and I approved this message. Paid for by Obama for America.


Announcer: July 9. 2008. Portsmouth, Ohio. Here’s what John McCain said about DHL’s plans to eliminate 8,200 Ohio jobs.
John McCain (from Ohio town hall): I gotta look you in the eye and give you straight talk. I don’t know if I can stop it or not or if it will be stopped.
Announcer: But there’s something John McCain’s not telling you: It was McCain who used his influence in the Senate to help foreign-owned DHL buy a U.S. company and gain control over the jobs that are now on the chopping block in Ohio.
And that’s not all: McCain’s campaign manager was the top lobbyist for the DHL deal…helped push it through. His firm was paid $185,000 to lobby McCain and other Senators.
Now 8,200 Ohioans are facing layoffs, and foreign-owned DHL doesn’t care.
John McCain (from Ohio town hall): I gotta look you in the eye and give you straight talk.
Announcer: John McCain. Same old politics. Same failed policies.
Barack Obama: I’m Barack Obama, candidate for President, and I approved this message. Paid for by Obama for America.


And The Armchairmen must have been sitting in the front yard when this TV ad, titled “Backyard”, went on the air in Nevada:
Here’s that script:
Announcer: “Imagine trucks hauling the nation’s nuclear waste on our highways to Yucca Mountain? John McCain supports opening Yucca. He’s not worried about nuclear waste in our state – only in Arizona.”
Clip from May 2007 television interview: Reporter: “Would you be comfortable with nuclear waste coming through Arizona on its way, you know going through Phoenix, on its way to Yucca Mountain?
John McCain: “No, I would not. No, I would not.”
Narrator: “John McCain. For nuclear waste in Nevada, just not in his backyard. Barack Obama opposes opening Yucca. He’ll protect our families.
Obama: “I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.”

Giordano continues…

That’s pretty tough stuff, all of it.
Actually, have any readers here heard or seen evidence that McCain is hitting back at these local offensives in swing states Nevada, Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania? He’s getting bloodied up where it counts – in the Electoral College – and McCain’s problem is that he really has no good defense against the fact-based charges in these ads.
They’re not attacks for attacking’s sake. They’re carefully executed and delivered to effectively plant the seeds of doubt about McCain in voters’ minds.

Okay… so maybe I cut and pasted, but – damn! – this is good stuff!

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (16)

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  1. delawaredem says:

    Obama is running an effective campaign, and he is winning the Olympic ad war too. Nationwide, his ads are positive, while McCain’s are negative. The Gallup Tracking Poll has Obama back up 6, with 48%.

    Thus, Obama has recovered all of the ground he lost with McCain’s Celebrity Ads. Indeed, the highest McCain ever got with those ads is 44%. Why can’t McCain get higher than 44%?

  2. pandora says:

    Why, indeed? But for those of us surrounded by nay-sayers… cut and paste Giordano’s editorial.

    I want to be Al Giordano when I grow up! 🙂

  3. Truth Teller says:

    look I am not a naysayer however Obama is on vacation and McSame is battling for Pa. And when Obama does take the gloves off he seems to be wearing mittens under neath.

    Also not one bit of praise for Hillary for not buying into Mark Penn’s sleaze machine except Keith on last nights countdown.

  4. pandora says:

    The gloves are off and the punches are directed.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Al Giordano is right on. I recall making much the same point once or twice when HRC was hanging on for dear life. 😎

    We should all remember that we watched Obama run a primary campaign where they utterly ignored the national polls and focused on how to collect up delegates. They are now focused on winning the states they need — again, not the tracking polls. I, for one, am delighted at their tactic of developing state-specific issues to attack McCain on.

  6. Truth Teller says:

    Swift Boat Book is now out and is number one on the NYT bests sellers list. So the response is a JOHN KERRY WEB PAGE.
    If this is a direct punch GOD SAVE US.

  7. DJK says:

    HAHAHAHa We’ll see.

  8. 1st Time Democrat voter says:

    I have voted in past 6 elections as a Republican,I’ve
    been laid off from job the 81 year old company went bankrupt,I’m terminally ill with no insurance now,I lost my home to foreclosure,I’m up to my eyeballs in past due bills,new bankruptcy laws that Bush past brings no real relief,gas is $4 a gallon & going higher,oil companies are making record profits, I cant afford to drive to an interview,grocery,energy,and basic living expenses are sky high,my oldest son of 19 wont be going to college because of all the increased costs,my younger children are behind in academics because we could not afford PRE-K ,let alone child care! I’m a patriot and I love my country,but spending a trillion $ with unlimited spending into the future is not taking care of the U.S. and I do mean “us” the AMERICAN PEOPLE ! I admit I made a mistake(voting Republican)…every issue above that my family and millions of others are experiencing are on the table for correction by the Democrats party.So for first time I’m making the right choice and voting for OBAMA who is a down to earth person and with the help of his party will put us on the road to recovery,prosperity,and world leadership.HE”S GOT EVERYONE IN MY IMMEDIATE AND EXTENDED FAMILY’S VOTE. If the party does everything they say they will I will become a Democrat eternally. GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!!

  9. mike w. says:

    Gas is $4/gal? Where the hell do you live? It’s ~$3.40 here.

  10. Joe M says:

    I think more people should be saying “I’m voting for Obama, but…”. Same is true for McCain.

    Here’s why I have that annoying little “but” (lol):

    * Obama wants to expand faith-based initiatives. Why should my money go to religious orgs when I fully able to make intelligent donation decisions for myself?

    * Obama supports diplomatic ties with countries that attack provinces that they consider to be their own. Georgia, anyone?

    * Obama supports FISA. ‘Nuff said.

    * Obama has used his faith as a politicking point. Why does faith make him more qualified to run this country?

    This is just a few of the points that I will be writing against once Obama has become president, and with my vote, I might add. We have to question all of our representatives in the government, not just the ones who don’t share our letter designation.

  11. Joe M says:

    Oh, and I forgot to add that Obama is against a constitutional amendment to protect the rights of gays to marry.

    I’m just saying, I support the guy, but be careful of that line where support for Obama exceeds support for what you want for this country.

  12. mike w. says:

    “* Obama has used his faith as a politicking point. Why does faith make him more qualified to run this country?

    That bugged the hell out of me. When a Republican like Huckabee invokes faith on the campaign trail the media jumps all over him for it, but when Obama repeatedly does so it gets conveniently ignored by the MSM

  13. Joe M says:

    Well, to be fair, Huckabee said that he wanted to bring the Constitution in line with God’s law.

    Little different than saying, “I am a faithful man.”

  14. mike w. says:

    Yeah – That comment by Huckabee scared the hell out of me.

  15. Joe M says:

    Yeah, and it deserved a media blitz. Now, I think that any candidate that uses his faith as a selling point should be ridiculed to tears, but considering today’s attitude towards mythology, I can understand the MSM going all-out against Huck, but leaving Obama (and McCain as well) alone.