DIY Post-Game/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 21, 2012

Filed in National by on June 21, 2012

Been a tough couple of days. Unnecessary drama (with more than a touch of farce), next-to-no sleep, and a summer cold. Plus, I’ve got obligations and then work today.

So, I’m gonna give you the raw materials, you can write today’s Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show. Hey one of you could emerge as the next Lou Gehrig to my Wally Pipp. Which is likely the last baseball reference you’ll see here for a long time.

Yesterday’s Session Report

Today’s Senate Agenda

Today’s House Agenda

You also might want to scour the News-Journal should your report lack the requisite number of quotes from Greg Lavelle.


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  1. Jason330 says:

    In other session news, a $100 fine will be levied on anyone who looks at geriatric veterans funny. The $100 is in addition to existing penalties for looking at regular veterans funny.

  2. Ah. The first piece to our puzzle.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Veterans also will not be fined or lose driving privileges if they get caught graffiti(ing) a wall. Geriatric veterans will get paid to graffiti.

  4. wtf says:

    The D’s will continue to ruin the state clear and simple.

  5. mediawatch says:

    Geriatric veterans will receive a tax credit for driving 10 mph under the limit in the left hand lane.

  6. jason330 says:

    Job creation rulz !