Markell enters Romney tax fray – ‘(Romney) should have been ready for this’

Filed in National by on August 6, 2012

Delaware’s Jack Markell piles on Romney pointing out the obvious, that Romney should have know that this was going to be an issue.

“It would seem to me that he would be ready for this, recognizing the comparison would come up to his father and to others,” Markell said. “The issue is he’s the one running for president. The questions have been raised about him, he could have them answered.”

Markell rubs salt into GOP wounds by making this about Romney’s poor judgment, and I LOVE IT!

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell (D), who has emerged as one of President Obama’s top surrogates for the Jewish electorate, on Monday defended Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s continued claim that he has a source who tells him Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes for 10 years Monday.

In an interview with TPM Monday, Markell said Romney should have been prepared for the kind of questions being raised by Reid.

“It would seem to me that he would be ready for this, recognizing the comparison would come up to his father and to others,” Markell said. “The issue is he’s the one running for president. The questions have been raised about him, he could have them answered.”

Markell dismissed the Republican outrage over the top Senate Democrat’s claim that a Bain Capital investor told him Romney did not pay taxes for a decade.

“This is politics,” Markell said of Reid’s accusation and his refusal to name his source — and the ensuing GOP outrage.

Markell said that Romney could answer the questions raised by Reid by releasing the tax returns and until he does so “he’s keeping the story alive.”

(via tpm)

Markell’s comments, pointing out Romney’s poor judgment will leave a mark. As it brings the obvious into focus for even the most reality impaired wing-nut.

You can work the system and pay a tax rate below 14 percent, a rate much lower than most Americans.

You can have offshore accounts in Ireland, Germany, Switzerland and the Cayman Islands that allow you to avoid paying any U.S. taxes on certain types of income.

You can set up shell company in Bermuda to assist foreign companies to avoid paying US taxes.

You can transfer ownership of that company to your wife in order to appear honest.

You can have a tax-deferred individual retirement account with a balance of upwards of $100 million despite annual contribution limits of $6,000 per year.

You can have history of filing false documentation and making false statements.

You can have all of that and live a great life.

But you can’t have all of that and expect nobody to ask you about it.

You can’t have all of that and think that it doesn’t give a glimpse into your character.

You can’t have all of that and run for President of the United States and expect to win.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. auntie dem says:

    Hear hear Gov. Markell. You too Jason.

  2. Zafo Jones says:

    Even if Romney’s tax non-payment turns out to be 100% legal, this type of tax avaoidance behavior demonstrates that Romney is dedicated only to his own wealth and cares not one iota for the American people or for 99% of the citizens he wishes to represent. Leadership involves modeling the behavior that we wish to see in others. That means doing things that are ethically correct, even when the unethical thing is legal. Using loopholes to enhance your wealth at the expense of well-maintained American infrastructure and well-cared-for veterans doesn’t make you clever, it makes you a selfish jerk. In America, you’re allowed to be a selfish jerk, but you can’t be a selfish jerk AND be President. Romney has obviously already made his choice, and he has effectively disqualified himself from this race.