Saturday Open Thread [9.1.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on September 1, 2012

Officially September and the air already seems that much more political. Sorry for the lateness of this thread — apparently we are all busy today.

Here’s a neighbor I am really glad I don’t have — AC/DC Song, Frying Pan Land Woman Behind Bars 4 Times In One Day. This woman was arrested 4 times in 26 hours for playing “Highway to Hell’ way too loudly and then throwing a frying pan at her nephew trying to leave the house. Yikes.

So Rmoney goes to Louisiana on a Disaster Tour and tells a woman who told him about her house being underwater this:

“He just told me to, um, there’s assistance out there,” Chiarello said of her conversation with Romney. “He said, go home and call 211.” That’s a public service number offered in many states.
Chiarello said she will likely seek some other shelter because her home was submerged in the flooding. She expressed frustration about the town’s lack of flood protection.

Really. He should have told her about Ryan’s plan to cut $10B from emergency funding and to institute essentially a PAYGO plan (cutting form other parts of the budget) when disasters hit. That plan didn’t go anywhere, but this is the so-called intellectual part of the GOP in action.

And after the GOP convention, President Obama takes a meeting with Clint Eastwood:

Looks productive, right?

What interests you today?

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (11)

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  1. auntie dem says:

    Renee Taschner reports that she had a wonderful time up in Arden at the fair today. Thanks to all the volunteers who make this annual event possible.

  2. JPconnorjr says:

    Did County Executive Scott clear her report???

  3. George says:

    Nobody is going to sue because they know truth is an absolute defense.

  4. pandora says:

    Knock it off, George.

    Thanks SussexWatcher. (I pulled your comment too, because it no longer applied)

  5. JPconnorjr says:

    SW … You can’t reason with the deranged;)

  6. JP Connor Jr says:

    Bill Montgomery on the “Republican” hour but he’s “surprised” by the Kochesque PAC. Bill did you notice Charlie Copeland’s picture on the intro screen???

  7. Idealist says:

    Please JP, do tell about the “other shoe.”

    Sounds like a hail mary to me.

  8. JPconnorjr says:

    That’s why it’s called the “other shoe”. When will it drop?? Tick tock

  9. Idealist says:


  10. Jpconnorjr says:

    “George” it appears you win, wow just wow!