Comment Rescue: KWS says she does not work at Lowe’s.

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2008

From Miscreant:

Delaware Talk Radio’s Maria Evans called Weldin-Stewart to invite her on the show. During the course of the conversation she asked her if she worked at Lowes. After dancing around the issue for a while, Stewart said she was on leave from her government job, and that she did not work at Lowes.

Evans speculated that it may have been a case of mistaken identity because the picture she uses on her web site is probably ten years old.

Like other commenters in the thread, I don’t understand the hesitancy of her answer.  It would seem to me to be a simple yes or no question.  Do you work at Lowe’s?  No.  Ok, case solved.   But, regardless, KWS has denied it.  I just can’t believe she would be lying, since Delaware is a very small state and I or anyone could find out pretty easily by staking out the only Lowe’s that I know of in Northern New Castle County (i.e. where Karen lives), located in the Brandywine Towncenter at the corner of Naamans Road and Route 202.    Not that working at Lowe’s to make some money while she is on sabbitical from her government job during the campaign is a negative thing.   The LCR email made it sound like all KWS ever did in life is work for Lowe’s, and we do know that is a malicious lie.   Karen does have experience in the insurance industry, working with the Utah and Texas insurance departments as well as with the Delaware Insurance Department and the General Assembly.    It is without a doubt that she is qualified for the job.  

But I digress.   This irrelevant attack from an outside Republican organization can cease.  Indeed, I would expect John Brady to denounce the national Log Cabin Republican organization publically, or at the very least send a response out to those who received the LCR email denouncing the attack.   His campaign manager, Suzanne Schwarz, seems to indicate in a comment on this site that John had nothing to do with the email, and indeed did not approve of the attack.  Well, fight for me big guy, and denounce the LCR email publically.

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  1. Just gave your original post on this about 10 mins. of air time. At the end, I asked for the same thing you did: For Brady to denounce the email.

  2. jason330 says:

    I denounce this post. It is very un-echo chamber-y.

    But seriously folks. I’m looking for some insight into KWS qualifications on her web-site and I’ll report back when I find one.

  3. jason330 says:

    Her extensive insurance experience as the Deputy Receiver for the Delaware’s Department of Insurance, included being responsible for 20 insurance receiverships as well as project manager and consultant on three (3) additional receiverships. It is estimated that Karen saved the State of Delaware over 35 million dollars due to successful asset recoveries and claim settlements. In 1997 Karen became certified as a Deputy Receiver by demonstrating that she managed at least $25 million in insurance company assets for the benefit of the policy holders and settled at least 5000 claims. In addition, Karen was responsible for the management of an estimated $7 billion in insurance company assets in claims reserves and for the settlement of tens of thousands of claims. From 1997-1999, in 2001 and 2003-2004 Karen served as Vice President for Specialty Services and then as Vice President for Regulatory Services Reinsurance Solutions International, LLC (RSI) a subsidiary of Marsh McClellan/Guy Carpenter.

    Ron Williams of the News Journal (6/20/2003) said. “Stewart is the most qualified insurance commissioner candidate in recent memory.” He then repeated what he said in the News Journal on September 7, 2008 by saying, “As I said for years ago, Karen Weldin Stewart is clearly the most experienced and qualified candidate in the race.” She has been in the insurance receivership field since 1989.

    After leaving the Delaware Insurance Department, Karen Weldin Stewart was the President and CEO of the Weldin Group, Inc., an insurance and reinsurance consulting company. Her consultancy attracted contracts and sub contracts with several states including Texas and Utah where she was placed in charge of the largest insolvency in American history at the time.

    In 1991, Karen co-founded IAIR (International Association of Insurance Receivers) and was elected three times as its President, serving from 1991 to 1993. She received the distinction of Certified Insurance Receiver – Multi Lines, in 1995. Many of IAIR’s current activities can be credited to Karen’s leadership such as IAIR’s annual receivers’ workshop, staff training, the roundtable, and most of the committees. Karen currently serves on IAIR’s Board of Directors.

    In addition Karen has been active for 20 years with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners serving, among other things, as a regulatory coordinator on the working group that created the original NAIC’s Receivers Handbook for Insurance Company Insolvencies, which is still offered by the NAIC. She also sat at the table to draft model laws to be adopted by various states in the US, some of which are required by the states to adopt in order to be accredited.

    Formerly an Assistant to State Senator Harris B. McDowell, III, Karen was charged with preparing, editing and securing sponsors for a number of pieces of legislation including SB 177, the Single Payer Universal health care bill. Her legislative experience and her networking on both sides of the aisle has provided Karen with the skills and relationships to aid her in securing passage of important legislation.

    Ron Williams likes her.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Oof. That’s almost like the watermelon of doom.

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Why are there persistent rumors about resume doctoring from KWS? Also, I don’t see how working at Lowes would disqualify one from office although I don’t understand why she would hesitate when answering the question.

  6. h. says:

    Isn’t there Lowes on rt.40 in Bear?

  7. G Rex says:

    In keeping with the rest of her (apparently) over-inflated resume, Karen didn’t “work at Lowe’s” she was Jimmy Johnson’s crew chief, and helped him win 2 NASCAR Championships.

    (For those of you above the canal, Johnson’s car is sponsored by Lowe’s.)

  8. X Stryker says:

    I bet “Government Job” is cover for CIA. She’s at Lowe’s so she can protect an intelligence asset code-named “The Intersect” from a shadowy enemy intel organization.

    Oh wait, I’m thinking of “BuyMore”, not Lowe’s. Guess what I’ll be watching tonight! 😉

  9. Jerry says:

    “Why are there persistent rumors about resume doctoring from KWS? ”

    I think the real question is where is her resume? How come she hasn’t released it? She might have worked in various insurance offices, but in what capacity? I think it is reasonable to ask her for some clarification since she is running for office.

  10. Unstable Isotope says:

    Jerry, I agree. I would like to see her resume as well.

  11. Not Brian says:

    Agreed…. I see a lot of discussion about her on the site… what are her qualifications? Or is this a partisan topic where we will will her to have experience?

  12. It is painful and humuliating to have to respond to the smears of sleazy spiritual gorillas and the uncorroborated rumors and lies that are their stock and trade. As it turns out KWS has never worked at Lowes and does not work at Lowes but what if she did. George Orwell was a dishwasher (read “Down and Out in Paris and London” ), I have driven a taxi and a limousine while also working at close quarters with the White House, Mickey Rourke sold ice cream in Central Park, Harvey Keitel was a court reporter and so on.
    Second, her qualifications: Go to her website and read not just her bio but all the supporting evidence of her remarkable career. I have been with KWS at National Association of Insurance Commissioner meetings along with meetings of the International Association of Insurance receiver meetings, an organization she co-founded (again go to the web site) and she is treated as the first rate certified insurance professional she is by some of the most important people in the industry throughout the world.

    Finally, the Insurance Commissioner post is the only elected office KWS has ever run for. She has spent twenty five years preparing for this position.

    Let’s put a real “PRO” in this office. Don’t let them stop her from protecting you.

    Elliott Jacobson
    Campaign Manager
    KWS Campaign

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Elliott – What position does KWS hold at RWay and what does RWay sell?

  14. jason330 says:

    all the supporting evidence of her remarkable career.

    The supporting evidence does not make a strong case – that’s why I posted a clip from her bio.

    She has also run for Natl. Committee Person, which is how I know I’m not crazy about her as a candidate.

    But all that aside, What position does KWS hold at RWay and what does RWay sell?

  15. Jerry says:

    There is absolutely nothing sleazy about requesting the credentials of a candidate running for office, although the Lowes comment was clearly a low blow. The website still lacks detail regarding her work experience.

  16. Gabriel says:

    I am a Democrat. I have known KWS for many years and know what I’m talking about when it comes to her background or lack thereof. This is what I posted previously in response to other news about KWS on this site:

    Practically every single statement about Karen Weldin Stewart’s background in her campaign literature is false. She was never a VP of any Fortune 500 company. She is not and never has been a business owner and has never met a payroll and paid business taxes as she claims. Her “Weldin Group” is a group of one, she herself and no one else. Her “business” address is actually her home. She has never taken over “20 insolvent insurance companies” as “virtual CEO”. While she may have held the title of deputy receiver at some time in the distant past and had some other insurance experience, her role was mostly at an administrative level, sending collection notices to the insolvent companies’ reinsurers. During most of the years between 1999 and the very recent past, when she managed to obtain the patronage job of “legislative aide”, Stewart was either unemployed or worked in retail stores as a clerk. She can’t speak without a prepared script and writes like a first-grader. No way could she have authored any legislation as she claims, and no way whatsoever is Stewart qualified to manage and regulate the insurance affairs of the State of Delaware. A win for her would be a disaster for Delawareans. Vote for John Brady!

  17. P.I. says:

    Everything Gabriel says is closer to the true resume for KWS than anything KWS has told the public. A win for KWS would be a loss for Delaware. Vote for John, vote for Tom, or write in your own name.

  18. Joanne Christian says:

    Well Joe the Plumber did go thru more scrutiny….

  19. Gabriel says:

    Joe the Plumber doesn’t owe anyone an explanation of anything. He’s a private citizen who merely asked Obama a question, and the media ran with it. KWS, on the other hand, is a candidate for office. She owes the public honesty but probably doesn’t even know how to spell it, much like most other words in the English language.

  20. John Brady says:

    The Log Cabin E-mail had erroneous information about Ms. Stewart’s work at Lowes, and the number of current Republican State Wide Office Holders in Delaware. I aplogize for the inaccurate items in the e-mail. Having spoken at 2 of their Conventions, they were trying to support me. I spoke to Mr. Sammons last night about the erroneous information, and that if anything else is sent out (which I doubt) that I would like to see it first to make sure it is 100% correct. By the way I have won two primaries and three general elections in Sussex, so they had that wrong as well.
    I tried twice to speak to MJ about his postings, he got the message about my call due to the fact that he paosted about it, but I have not been able to speak to him. Bob Martz, Drew Fennell, Rep. Bill Oberle, Rep. Nancy Wagner and Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf as well as IC Matt Denn and Treasurer Jack Markell can all tell you about my efforts on HB 99-36 and the Senate Bill.
    Thank you for the opportunity to address this matter.
    John Brady

  21. P.I. says:

    It appears that KWS has fabricated so much of her life that she has begun to believe her own stories. Pity, pity.

  22. CorrectionalOfficer4Brady says:

    Since KWs stated that she is on sabatical from her government job – what government job is that? Somone stated above that UNTIL RECENTLY she was a legislative aid, is that the job she is on sabatical for?

    I do think that a bit of transparency on her work history and resume would not hurt.