Bonini and Reigle disqualify themselves

Filed in National by on August 9, 2016

It is not as if Bonini and Regiel were qualified to hold statewide office. Bonini was shoved into this farce of a governor’s race by Copeland who, very sensibly, doesn’t want Laser Lafferty representing the DEGOP in the minds of voters. Regiel is another place holder keeping a statewide spot on the ticket warm for Ken Simpler.

Nevertheless, they are both now on record supporting Trump, so whatever little credibility they had has dissipated like the gossamer fingers of morning fog that caress the reedy shores of the lazy Appoquinimink river.


By Celia CohenHans.Reigle
Grapevine Political Writer

At the top of the Delaware Republicans’ statewide ballot, candidates are doing the Tammy Wynette thing. They are standing by their man.

They are still with Donald Trump, even after the unpredictable showman nominated by their party for president appears to have confused two of the basics of American politics.

Gold Star mothers, good. Vladimir Putin, bad.

Colin Bonini, who is expected to be the Republican candidate for governor, was an early adopter for Trump. Bonini spoke at a rally for Trump in April before the state’s presidential primary, which Trump won, and Bonini has not changed his mind.

“I’m going to stick with him. I do think the coverage is biased, and I do believe he’s going to right the ship and run a powerful campaign,” Bonini said.

“I think the reform movement that Donald Trump is head of is a real movement.”

Also undeterred is Hans Reigle, the Republican congressional candidate. Reigle is a military man. He was a pilot in the Air Force Reserve and the Delaware Army National Guard and retired from the Air Force Reserve as a major in 2002.

Reigle has gotten some heat for supporting Trump from Sean Barney, one of the Democratic congressional candidates, who also wore the uniform. Barney earned a Purple Heart for taking a bullet in the neck with the Marines in Iraq and objected to the way Trump made light of a Purple Heart medal given to him at a recent rally, but Reigle is not backing away from Trump.

“I don’t particularly like what he said, but I’m not renouncing him,” Reigle said. “I’m running my own campaign. It’s what is Hans Reigle going to do?”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. chris says:

    I don’t think a lot of voters going to pull the lever for a guy named Hans anyway !

  2. kavips says:

    Lacey has distanced herself from Trump btw.. She is the go-to for Delaware’s voters who are conservative but dislike the open racism supported by Trump…

    She is very conservative mind you, just not racist, misogynist, or bellicose which it appears are traits her primary opponent holds dear…

    There really is no other option if you are a Republican now…. except to Tar and Feather Copeland after the election is over..

  3. Jason330 says:

    I’m surprised to hear that. I guessed there are some conservatives who think that Trump isn’t really a conservative, but I wouldn’t have thought that Lafferty’s thinking was that nuanced.

  4. SussexAnon says:

    Conservatives are totally cool with it as long as it isn’t out in the open. They like their racism like they like the gays, so deep in the closet they can see Narnia.