It’s official more job cuts by B of A in Delaware soon to come

Filed in Delaware by on December 18, 2008

While I know you all think that this:

Consumers to be spared from higher rates on existing balances under new rules for credit cards

is going to be a great thing. But in the end, I’m sure as hard as Bank of America and the other monoliths downtown were trying to keep it from happening, in the back of their head they didn’t give a shit because now they can let go of hundreds of people that work in Retention.

I’m sure they figured out that this is going to cut down on call volume and customers complaining. So guess what? Less people you need on staff to take calls and handle complaints.



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hiding in the open

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Irresponsible reporting.

    How is it “official”?

    Is it offical for Chase, CapOne, and Household, etc…?

    Or just BofA? Which happens to be one of your former employers…

  2. Oh, now you come here for fact based “reporting” who knew?!

    so you treat my FACTS of the day as actual facts?

    man, I am more powerful then I thought!

  3. also douchey-douche

    Which happens to be one of your former employers…

    it happens to be where my sources are too….

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Come on! You have tens of readers relying on you!

    BTW – just like you, I have friends and family still working for that company, so when I see “Official” – “Job Cuts” – and “Soon” in a headline, it’s worrisome. It’s not cool to pose speculation as fact just so you can get a hit on your post! 😛

  5. 🙂 fair enough…

    with them cutting 35000 jobs my friend, you can bet this is going to be one of the areas for sure. I have it on good authority…

  6. Von Cracker says:

    Yep..I trust you have decent sources (as do I) and I’m sure some of them will be out of a job, unfortunately.

  7. Smarter Than Donviti says:

    I like it when Donviti plays in the deep end of the sandbox.