Search Results for 'Andria bennett'

BREAKING: Andria Bennett Cashing In With City Of Dover, Salary In the Six Figure Range

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 3, 2021 3 Comments

I just spoke to the current City Clerk of Dover, Traci McDowell.  She confirmed the report from one of our readers that Andria Bennett has indeed been hired for that job.  McDowell will stay on in the position until Bennett is ‘settled in’. Although the title is ‘City Clerk’, it’s more like the top administrative […]

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(Allegedly) Drunken State Rep. Andria Bennett (Allegedly) Attacks (Proven) Drunk Husband/Ex-State Rep. Brad Bennett. Coverup Ensues.

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 20, 2020 35 Comments

Somewhere, ex-State Senator Brian Bushweller (whose daughter was married to Brad Bennett until Andria Viola came along) is basking in the schadenfreude. Here’s the story. In all its glory, from TV Delmarva: BREAKING NEWS: Delaware State Representative Andria Bennett of the 32nd District has been arrested for 3rd Degree Assault. TV Delmarva’s Rob Petree was […]

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Time for a “Moms Demand Action” primary challenge of the NRA’s Quin Johnson & Andria Bennett

Filed in National by on March 27, 2019 3 Comments
Time for a “Moms Demand Action” primary challenge of the NRA’s Quin Johnson & Andria Bennett

The NRA is on the run in Delaware and it is time to drive the blood-soaked caucus out of the state once and for all.   Moms Demand Action has been very effective and the logical next step will be setting up candidates to primary these Democrats who toe the NRA line:   Andria Bennett Bill […]

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Mo’ Better Dems: Andria Bennett, RD 32

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on August 3, 2017 10 Comments
Mo’ Better Dems: Andria Bennett, RD 32

You knew this one was coming.  Failure to field a progressive challenger in  this district would be political malpractice. The District.  Perhaps no RD was made safer for D’s during the 2012 redistricting than the 32nd .  It went from a swing-D district to a totally safe district. The registration numbers are as follows: 6914 […]

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Andria Bennett Scotches Budget Vote

Filed in National by on July 1, 2017 31 Comments
Andria Bennett Scotches Budget Vote

In addition to giving away too much too early, Carney and Acting Gov Pete lost Dem Andria Bennett, ostensibly over mortgage interest deductibility: From the News Journal: “House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst, the bill’s sponsor, amended it eliminate tax increases for lower-income folks and hike taxes further on the wealthy. That was apparently a move […]

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Fighting Delaware Corruption – REV Speak with Jack Guerin, John Flaherty, El Somnambulo

Filed in National by on March 20, 2021 0 Comments

Activist Jack Guerin, DE Coalition for Open Government director John Flaherty, and Delaware Liberal blogger Steve Tanzer join Rob in the virtual bunker to talk about the rampant corruption in Delaware government and how we can fight it.

Show Notes:

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Chamber of Commerce DINO Dems want to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

Filed in National by on July 2, 2017 1 Comment

This post if fairly typical of the battered wife mindset of “centrist” chamber of commerce Dems.

It is all “hoist up the white flag, we’ve lost” before the battle is even joined.

Del Dem says, “Andria Bennett has given the Republicans all the leverage.”

How does he figure when Dems hold a super majority in the house? I’m not saying Bennett made her play in order to make the Acting Gov come back to the table with more Rev, but why not take the opportunity?

Bennet’s vote seems very gettable in that with some minor amendments. As the post notes, Bennett was one of six Democrats who voted against the budget in 2015 BECAUSE it did not do enough to raise new revenues.

The only possible reason not to go with HB 107 and a package that brings more revue, and less draconian cuts is that the Acting Gov, some chamber of Commerce DINO’s, and the figure head Gov might peel off back the the GOP side.

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Acting Gov Pete Must Bring HB 107 to the House Floor

Filed in National by on July 2, 2017 5 Comments

Whatever happens today, it should include a vote on HB 107:

This bill creates two new tax brackets at $125,000 with a rate of 7.10%, and $250,000 with a rate of 7.85%. Also, the bill provides a tiered reduction of the otherwise available itemized deduction based upon the individual’s taxable income.

Bring up up with HB 101 (Grant-in-aid). Andria Bennett has given the Democrats a great opportunity to expose the Republicans for the scoundrels that they are. The problem is that Acting Gov Pete has played the bigger scoundrel so far.

Multiple sources have painted a picture of Acting Gov Pete’s heavy handed treatment of the Dem’s in the closing hours of Friday’s session. His bullying style, his unwillingness to entertain any ideas that did not come from his own head are hall marks of terrible leadership. It is time the Acting Gov takes another approach and backs away from his Republican allies and take a more Democratic stance regarding the mix of revenues and cuts required to balance the budget.

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Delaware General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 22, 2016

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on June 22, 2016 11 Comments
Delaware General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 22, 2016

Something rare: An important bill passes and goes to the Governor.  And the sponsors threaded the needle with this one. HB 325 (Osienski), which ends the ridiculous practice of automatically granting a gun permit if a criminal background check cannot be completed in three (!) days, barely passed the Senate with a Senate Amendment, and barely passed the House for a second time.  It now goes to the Governor.  For some reason, the bleeping legislative information system no longer enables me to provide a direct link to the roll calls.  So let me point out that, in the Senate, one R voted for the bill (Cloutier) and one D voted against the bill (Ennis).  In the House, not a single R voted for the bill, and the following D’s (remember their names) voted against the bill:  Andria Bennett, Lumpy Carson, Mike Mulrooney, and Trey Paradee.

Oh, and yet another important bill heads to the Governor.  SS1/SB 163 (Peterson) removes the requirement that those convicted of three non-violent felonies (‘Three Strikes and You’re Out’) automatically be sentenced to life in prison.  Several R’s voted yes during yesterday’s House vote, and I salute them:  Hensley, Miro, Ramone, D. Short, and Yearick.  Only one D voted no: Lumpy Carson.

Oh, and one notable bill was defeated or, more accurately, didn’t achieve a 2/3 supermajority vote. SB 262 (Townsend)  would have created a regulatory framework for the Uber and Lyft networks, among others. Specifically, the bill would seek  ‘to ensure the safety, reliability and cost-effectiveness of rides provided by Transportation Network Company Drivers within the State of Delaware and to preserve and enhance access to these important transportation options for residents and visitors to the State.’  The bill had 13 yes (the 12 D’s plus Cloutier) and 8 no. One vote short of a 2/3 majority. Guess which side is getting those campaign contributions.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 17, 2016

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on May 17, 2016 6 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 17, 2016

I’m back from Oregon, and I see that I didn’t miss much.

The General Assembly is currently in collective thumbs-twiddling mode.  I now understand why they took a week off recently.  It’s not like they have nothing to address (like minimum wage), it’s just that they’ve chosen not to address much of consequence. Cowardice in an election year, who’dathunkit?

Can we just talk about minimum wage? Please?  While places across the country are passing $15 an hour minimum, idiot/legislators like Andria Bennett and Quin Johnson turn up their noses at a far less ambitious proposal by accepting Chamber talking points w/o even looking on their own at how higher minimum wages have impacted communities that have implemented them.  Plus, if one of them should ‘falter’ and eventually go against the Chamber, there is always the no-longer-running-for-Congress business lackey Bryon Short waiting to deep-six the proposal. When it comes to minimum wage, Delawareans did better when the R’s controlled the House than they do now.

As to the notion of raising taxes on Delaware’s wealthiest, I wrote about this last year. If it wasn’t even gonna be considered in an off-year (thanks, Pete), it certainly isn’t gonna be passed in an election year. The General Assembly made the decision to give more to the 1%, hence the corporate bailouts that were rushed through in January.  More and better Democrats are few and far between in Dover.

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2016: The General Assembly

Filed in National by on December 29, 2015 10 Comments
2016: The General Assembly

Here is our update on the race for the General Assembly next year. The Democrats hold majorities in both houses, 25-16 in the House and 12-9 in the Senate. Only half of the Senate seats are up for election next year, for four year terms. All of the House seats are up for two year terms. The Republicans only need to net 2 seats in the Senate to win control, while they will need to win 5 seats in the House to win control.

The purpose of this chart inside is to show you which seats are competitive and which are not. The number besides each officeholder’s name is the percentage of the vote that that officeholder received in their last election. And based off that number, I rank the seats either Safe, Lean D/R, or Competitive. If the number is shaded in Dark Red or Dark Blue, the district is safe for the incumbent party. If the number is a lighter shade of blue or red, that district leans either Republican or Democratic, meaning the race could get competitive in the right conditions, but it is likely to go to the incumbent party. If the number and the whole district is shaded in yellow, then it is competitive.

My judgment on which district is competitive, at this stage, has a lot to do with how the incumbent performed in his or her prior election. I also factor into my consideration the nature of the district. For example, Trey Paradee’s and Andria Bennett’s districts will be competitive no matter how long they are in office, because of their district’s more conservative lean, and based on their percentage of the vote in the last election. I also include RD18 as competitive because it will be David Bentz’s first real general election, even though he will likely win a full two year term due to the district’s overwhelming Democratic registration edge in general elections. I include RD7, Bryon Short’s district, as competitive because it is an open seat with a history a decade ago of voting Republican. But that race will depend heavily on who will run to replace Short.

So what are you all hearing out there? Who is running? Who is retiring?

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Delaware Political Weekly: May 21-27, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on May 30, 2014 9 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: May 21-27, 2014

Here are some names of people who haven’t yet filed, and whose candidacies may be in doubt:

State Auditor Tom Wagner: Has any statewide official ever done less work while being paid by the taxpayers over a longer period of time than Wagner? Faced with an inspiring and hard-working challenger in Brenda Mayrack, does Wagner really want to go out on his shield? We already know he doesn’t want to have to work too hard to get reelected. And he’s gonna have to work hard to have any chance of fending off Mayrack.

State Rep. Rebecca Walker (D-RD 9): This one’s real interesting. As I’ve written, Walker has not been a powerhouse as a campaigner. She is facing a credible challenger in realtor Kevin Hensley.

State Rep. Andria Bennett (D-RD 32): Andria Bennett has shown tremendous growth as a representative, and is now one of a handful of the most consistently progressive legislators in Dover. All I’d heard was some scuttlebutt that it wasn’t a sure thing that she’d run again, although the sense was that she would. I hope she does.

Dave Tackett (for State Senate District 11): It was with great fanfare and not-so-great grammar that New Castle County Councilman Dave Tackett announced that he would primary State Senator Bryan Townsend this year. That was well over a month ago. Since then, no filing nor, as far as I can find, any type of campaign website. Could it be that Tackett’s realizing that going up against Townsend would be a fool’s errand? I dunno, but his campaign seems to be in limbo.

And there are others…

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The 62 Project: #’s 29 and 33

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2013 29 Comments
The 62 Project: #’s 29 and 33

Today’s installment asks the musical question: “Do I grade on a curve when it comes to Republicans?” Why, yes, yes I do. Except when I don’t. Another question: Does public comment influence me. Yes, but only to a certain extent. Puzzled? I’ll make everything as  clear as taupe (think stockings, as I often do). Starting now.

Today’s entries: Republican Mike Ramone and Democrat Andria Bennett

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