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Song of the Day 2/29: Lana Del Rey, “Blue Skies”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 29, 2024 1 Comment

Guest post by Nathan Arizona What? Lana Del Rey in the news again? Go figure. And not just because she got knocked down in Taylor Swift’s private box during a post-game Super Bowl celebration. Karma? For a time she was wearing a loser San Francisco 49ers shirt. The new news is about what made her […]

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Song of the Day 2/28: Randy Newman, “Little Criminals”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 28, 2024 7 Comments

Lauren Boebert, the Colorado Carpetbagger, had barely finished tweeting something about the Biden crime family when news broke that her 18-year-old son was arrested on 22 charges related to a string of vehicle break-ins and thefts. Kudos to the writers of the Republican Cinematic Universe for the comic relief. Randy Newman named his 1977 album […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on February 28, 2024 14 Comments

Rep. James Comer, dumbest man in Kentucky, isn’t going to let a little thing like a lying Russian stooge derail his impeachment of Hunter Biden. No sirree, he’s gonna keep fucking that chicken until its feathers fall off. Some Republicans are on the Russian payroll; others, like Comer, are just following along. Israel and Hamas […]

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Song of the Day 2/27: George Clinton, “Atomic Dog”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on February 27, 2024 3 Comments

Commander, the Bidens’ German shepherd, has been sent to live “with relatives” after more than two dozen biting incidends involving Secret Service agents. I hope the relatives have figured out what nobody in the White House apparently did – how to buy and use a muzzle, something lots of owners of Rotties and pitties have […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on February 27, 2024 10 Comments

The Federal Trade Commission sued to stop the grocery mega-merger between Albertson’s, parent company of Acme, and Kroger’s, on the grounds that it would be bad for workers and consumers. I don’t know when that became the standard, but I hope they keep applying it. Not that it will change the narrative – “Biden old” […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, Feb. 26, 2024

Filed in National by on February 26, 2024 8 Comments

The ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court holding that frozen embryos have full human rights has the GOP in a panic, because the public – even hardcore Christianists – overwhelmingly supports IVF, as this memo from the GOP’s Senate committee helpfully points out. Repugs say they have no plans to pass any laws against it, […]

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Song of the Day 2/25: Nelly, “Air Force Ones”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 25, 2024 0 Comments

Donald Trump wants you to know he’s now popular in the Black community because he’s been indicted and he just released a sold-out limited edition sneaker. Yep, it’s just that easy. If John Carney wants to get elected mayor of Wilmington, he better show off his own line of kicks. The more likely motivation behind […]

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Song of the Day 2/24: Neil Young, “Words”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 24, 2024 2 Comments

Donald Trump’s daily special, syllable salad, doesn’t get as much attention as Joe Biden’s spells of the vapors, but between the two of them we are not going to get the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Words between the lines of age indeed. The closing track of Young’s No. 1 “Harvest” album of 1972 features the Stray Gators, […]

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Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts

Filed in National by on February 24, 2024 11 Comments

You might remember the name Rachel Bitecofer. She’s the political scientist who got her 15 minutes in the spotlight when she nailed the blue wave House elections in 2018 – she predicted a 42-seat pickup for Democrats, double the consensus, and they flipped 41. She then called Trump’s loss a year out, before Biden was […]

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Poll Results: Democrats in Disarray

Filed in National by on February 22, 2024 1 Comment

Atrios over at Eschaton captured the folly of Democrats dwelling on Biden’s age with one sarcastic headline: “Let’s Spend Weeks Talking About The Fact That Our Candidate Is A Drooling Vegetable”. But talk about it we have, so let’s find out who the readership favors to carry the Democratic banner in Biden’s stead. Oh, dear. […]

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Song of the Day 2/22: Public Enemy, “Don’t Believe the Hype”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 22, 2024 0 Comments

Sorry, Lappy™, it turns out that the case against Hunter Biden was a Russian ratfucking operation going back almost 10 years now, and all the mainstream news organizations dutifully repeated it because Republicans were full partners in spreading it. Public Enemy knew all about getting a bad rap from the media. They responded with this […]

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Song of the Day 9/21: Barenaked Ladies, “Brian Wilson”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 21, 2024 1 Comment

Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys has dementia, according to documents filed last week in California seeking new conservators for him following the death of his wife, Melinda, two weeks ago. The 81-year-old was described as described as “unable to properly provide for his or her personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or shelter.” […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 21, 2024 3 Comments

The White House promises new sanctions against Russia in the wake of Alexei Navalny’s death. We’ll see if being put on Double Secret Probation does anything to slow down Putin’s murderous regime. Meanwhile, Trump reacted to Navalny’s death by…comparing himself to Navalny. I’m not even going to link to it, because every click just encourages […]

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