
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Sign the Petition, Send Them Back to the Rock They Should Be Hiding Under

Filed in National by on February 6, 2012 4 Comments

On Facebook, there is a page called “One Million Moms”. This is an effort by the American Family Association that exists to mobilize conservative women to push back on advertising and products that they think are too gay friendly — or as they put it “standing up for their children”. This Facebook page is a cesspool of hate speech, mostly focused on gay people, but if you are The Other, you are not spared here. This group recently has started campaigning against JC Penney, who is advertising on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

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Sunday Open Thread [2.5.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 5, 2012 22 Comments

It is Super Bowl Sunday and many of you are tending to the food and drinks (and fine tuning the color calibrations on your TVs) that you’ll serve at your parties this evening. In case you’ve a few lazy minutes today to catch up on some reading, the theme of this Open Thread is The Media.

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So Why Is DE State House Giving Official Tributes to Known Christian Dominionists?

Filed in National by on February 2, 2012 29 Comments

On January 19, 2012, one C. Peter Wagner was awarded an official tribute from the Delaware House of Representatives, sponsored by Representative Daniel Short and officially signed off by Speaker Gilligan. The House awards tons of these, but this one is spectacularly different.

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Impressions of the First Wilmington Mayoral Town Hall

Filed in Delaware by on January 31, 2012 31 Comments

Last night was the first Mayoral Town Hall or Debate sponsored by WDEL. This forum played to a standing room only crowd (they did indeed stop people from coming in after awhile). All of the known candidates were there except for Bovell and Bobby Marshall. I was there with some friends and here’s what I think of the field so far.

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Reminder! — First Wilmington Mayoral Town Hall Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on January 30, 2012 15 Comments

Just received notice from WDEL that they will be hosting the first Town Hall (titled the Future of Wilmington) featuring the current crop of Wilmington Mayoral candidates next Monday, 30 January 2012 at 6PM at the Wilmington campus of Delaware Technical & Community College.

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Bill Shahan Running for NCCo Executive

Filed in Delaware by on January 30, 2012 3 Comments

On Saturday, Bill Shahan announced he was running for NCCo Executive, creating a primary for the incumbent, Paul Clark. According to his website, Shahan currently works for the County Land Use Department.

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Sunday Open Thread [1.29.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 29, 2012 9 Comments

So what is going on today? Commenter TT reminded me of just how wonderful House of Cards is, and that I haven’t seen it for awhile. Time to fix that. TT notes that it is streaming on Netflix AND it is streaming on Amazon. So pick your preferred delivery method and go.

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Saturday Open Thread [1.28.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 28, 2012 15 Comments

It is a gorgeous day outside and hope that everyone is having some fun today. But if you are inside catching up on paperwork, reading or just looking through recipes for goodies to cook for Super Bowl Sunday (yawn), use this thread to talk about what interests you today or news we should be paying attention to.

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Governor Markell on Morning Joe

Filed in Delaware by on January 28, 2012 5 Comments

This video clip is from yesterday’s show, where Governor Markell appeared with both Governor O’Malley from Maryland and Governor Quinn from Illinois. A number of the questions are actually good ones, but better were the answers by these Governors. The focus on jobs and real issues in contrast to the circus that is the current GOP campaign for President is great and I’m hoping that there is somebody out there who will pay attention to getting more Democratic voices like this speaking everywhere over the next months.

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SOTU — Put Your Pundit Hat On

Filed in National by on January 24, 2012 23 Comments

This evening, President Obama goes to the House and delivers his State of the Union Address, and address that is widely advertised as either a bookend to the Osawatomie speech from last month, or an extension of it.

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Governor Markell’s State of the State Address (Updated with video)

Filed in National by on January 19, 2012 1 Comment

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Why Are President Obama’s Critics So Dumb?

Filed in National by on January 19, 2012 3 Comments
Why Are President Obama’s Critics So Dumb?

This cover line question teases Andrew Sullivan’s article in Newsweek titled How Obama’s Long Game Will Outsmart His Critics. It’s a longish read (so stick with it), but one of the fairer accounts of the Obama Presidency I’ve seen (and a better case for his Presidency that I think that even the Obama folks have made themselves). And this is written by a conservative ex-Republican (he claims to be an independent now), who has had more than his fair share of issues with Obama policy, politics and process throughout the last three years.

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The Day the Internet Went Black

Filed in National by on January 18, 2012 6 Comments

DD gave us a heads up yesterday that Wikipedia was going black today. If you’ve been spinning around the Internet today, it is pretty dazzling to see the sites that have joined them:

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